Andy's Paradox

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@bathhatingcat8626 - 26.05.2024 03:08

I was extremely pissed they killed this game and wrote a negative review. If they announce they will return to building the game I will change my review.

@grafneun - 30.04.2024 13:17

Let’s bring it back

@brayden9091 - 25.04.2024 23:39

It just got updates today

@russpit34 - 23.04.2024 04:05

Coincidentally picked up Imperator Rome a week ago

@kcried1081 - 11.04.2024 05:52

ive revisited the game and have been playing it for the last month and a half and pleasantly happy with it. The only thing that needs to happen is the marriage mechanic is still a bit woke.

@LuizHenrique-zw5su - 07.04.2024 23:38

can someone send this video to paradox

@hajsu5875 - 02.04.2024 16:01

I love the game I started playing it while the peak players was 50 at a time and I never understood why paradox abandoned it

@labrynianrebel - 28.03.2024 18:02

Two words: Imperator Rome

@michagajdzica878 - 27.03.2024 08:41

My good man in first 2 months game was not mixed. It has been absolute dog shit. No optimization, 90% nothing to do because no mana, and if you had mana there were no meaningful mechanics to use it on. Everything was bare bone. In this massive ancient world sim you had 4 buildings. Cmon.
Made me swear off pre-orders for life 😂 But it always had and still has the potential of being Paradox Magnum Opus so if that gets picked up it will be glorious.

@cherub3624 - 27.03.2024 00:39

This was thr big game I was waiting on for a long time and when I saw the reveiws it just pissed me off to the extent that i said to hell with it. Then they did the few big patches and it sounded like it was good now, but then Paradox threw their hands up and abandonded it. I was jaded about that so I never played.

@EmperorCaligula_EC - 26.03.2024 22:28

I found the very premise boring from the start. In CK2 or EU4 you KNOW most nations or countries. They feel alive because we know their history somewhat. But 40 gallic tribes... who even knows their name? Who even has a distinct history people feel something for? And it leaves us with just a few countries which are interesting. Most people don't even have any tangible feeling to, say, Etruscans. What are they? What did they stand for? It is the Stellaris issue. I know these games have their fans, but both games have the same issues: most "nations" say nothing to most people, whereas most nations in CK2 and EU4 era are known to us and have individual narratives we somewhat know.

I am a big Rome fan. But going into that era with 100s nameless tribal areas I never was behind making that a Paradox game. I'd wish they make a game that starts on Earth in, say 1990 and then goes into 2400 into the future.

@RM-cv4tl - 25.03.2024 13:15

I’m just sick of the massive and overwhelming UI in Paradox games that is largely self taught. It’s like putting me in the cockpit of an airliner with post-its over each button saying what they do. Really looking for an easier to learn system that Total War has.

@benstewart7970 - 25.03.2024 09:11

Hell yeah, I still contend that this is the last release to actually feel like a paradox game, at least in my opinion. Still praying for that that barbarian rework🤞

@omsmada - 23.03.2024 22:50

think they messed up by not having more of a character focus like ck3, since you're generally playing at such a small scale, it only makes sense. it's still an ok game but idk still feels like a missed opportunity to me.

@eskehl2251 - 22.03.2024 17:55

If its being revived, lets face the facts - there is A LOT that can be brought over from mainly Vicky3 but also in some part from CK3. What Imperator is still struggling with is a form of identity crisis of what it wants to be. Does it want to be EU4-styled? Or CK2? Or have its own take on Vic2? I think that CK2 styled character interactions are wrong for this sort of title. I think the classical period is perhaps one of the most interconnected in history up until pre-modern era. I think that it is a title if revived should not completely abandon character interactions. It could look at certain things CK3 has, for example. It should however look way more to Vicky3. A Vicky styled game set in the roman period - that would in fact be awesome.

And lets face it. CK3, Vicky3, HOI4 has opened some doors that even even PDX Tinto will have to take into account if EU5 is on the way. The way paradox games worked up until EU4 is fairly obsolete by now. And I think Imperator is the definite proof of that, even if I really enjoyed the game.

@nickxplore4265 - 22.03.2024 07:08

It's SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH a great game, if you can get through learning it. It really does have the biggggest return for doing so. Infinite hours of infinite satisfaction.

@awegjlappenaeofgihn - 21.03.2024 15:41

I really hope they come back to it to some extent. TTW Rome 2 is my absolut Favourite Total War Game, not Only cuz of the Timeline tho. I wanted a Ck3 like Game but in the Roman Timeperiod and i startet getting used to Imperator Rome over a span of like 2 years? Because first i didnt know how to do anything at the Game but it was like Ck, you have to spend some Hours til you get used to how to play the Game. But than it makes great Fun! Thanks for the Video and giving it more attention :)

P.s.: After seeing this i set the Goal to Play IR 2-3 Times a Week when i have time to higher that Number :D

@ForeverTributesNL - 21.03.2024 10:53

It's 70% off now on Steam. A bargain if the game is OK now.

@emregungor7 - 20.03.2024 17:48

Thanks for reminding me this game. I always thought this is not a good enough game after its first release. But your video makes me give another chance now.

@Zivudemo - 19.03.2024 17:39

ended my first campaign in Imperator with Carthago at 300+ pops

@jamiemgr - 19.03.2024 12:13

I played this game at release for a bit but haven't touched it since. Has it changed a lot since then?

@Rolatii - 19.03.2024 03:52

I kinda don't want Paradox to pick up the game back up, but to instead become/remain a stark reminder to the publisher on the dangers of pushing out a game when its still half-baked with the intention of patching and forcing players to pay to improve the game.

@Xenphobic - 18.03.2024 20:53

Fall of Rome or crisis of the third century as an expansion would be awesome

@PDXKatten - 18.03.2024 19:14

There was once a dream that was Rome...

@napoleonofdorset - 18.03.2024 15:17

The map is good but the rest of the GUI needs improvement

There are too many beige and grey windows and they could do with jazzing that up a bit to make it more user friendly

@thejesterofwoe7778 - 18.03.2024 12:47

I'm hoping for dlc, otherwise it's kinda dead.

@MeninoMendigo - 18.03.2024 00:09

I would love to see the game being updated. The biggest problem with IR is that the game has little flavour and, thus, replayablity. For the first few gameplays, I had a true blast. A little later, the thrill just burned out. I think that we should show them our support for the game, and our desire for it to continue, but we can't lie to say that it was released on par with other paradox titles. If the player base and the developers "work together", we can and will make this one of the best strategy games of all time, but for that, they have to work with us, and show their desire to make it happen, not simply abandoning it. It was a big blow to my confidence on Paradox Interactive when this game was released, not because of the game itself, but because of how quickly they dropped the game and how they valued my money. Until that point, I had bought ALL GAMES AND ALL DLCS they had in steam (apart from Stellaris), damn, I even bought Magika and other smaller titles. But after Imperator Rome, my confidence went away. Before, I believed that even if my money didn't pay out at first, they would eventually make it worthwhile. But after Imperator Rome, I lost my faith on them. Now I always think a lot before actually paying them. I still like Paradox, but trust is another thing entirely.

@pcgamingforevah - 17.03.2024 21:46

OMG SHUT UP!!! I Love Imperator Rome for the reason IT IS NOT BEING "updated" constantly like every other grand strategy game from Paradox!!! I AM TIRED OF RELEARNING SAME GAME EVERY YEAR OR SO!!!!!

@MotivateHouse - 17.03.2024 19:18

I just think the UI looks like it was made in the early 2000s

@WarLasso - 17.03.2024 15:49

The Imperator cultists selling snake oil.

@hia5235 - 17.03.2024 12:48

Been playing this game since launch and havent stopped

@ninodino444 - 17.03.2024 11:07

The only thing that I don´t like is that it takes decades to subdue a province through religion and culture, so that in the later game you can set the clock for rebelions....

@CALIMA2000 - 17.03.2024 10:55

I hate that Paradox abandoned this title

@CitingAnt - 17.03.2024 09:49

I hope EU5 takes lessons from I:R. I’d love to see the pop system, trade, modular army system and graphics, among others, on a massive EU4-like scale

@edmundcowan9131 - 17.03.2024 06:09

It should as it is better than eu4 and in some ways better than HOI series. Better than most of their games with Great graphics and super legion play. Economy and politics needs some work but there are fixies. And change war score system

@andreweaston1779 - 17.03.2024 06:08

Can we get a let's play tutorial for 2024? 1 that is for new players? I'd love to start playing, but it's pretty dense and the learning curve is super steep

@rcmunro22 - 17.03.2024 04:43

Thanks for putting this out. I dodged the game in 2019 despite being very close to picking it up. I love Paradox Games, especially CK and I love Antiquity Content so I was really interested.. but the Reviews were terrible and it looked rough when I looked into the game. Game looks like it has come a long way, and it's on Sale right now, think I'm gonna pick it up and try it out the next time I wanna mix things up.

@linkluver_izn - 17.03.2024 04:08

Our max numbers were actually 2.7k 😊

@bayatekmekjohn7445 - 17.03.2024 03:33

i just bought the game on steam discount. i don't really care if they return to developing it because the game is still amazing as is, and with the dlc sized mods. but yeah, i'm not a big fan of so many paid dlcs paradox makes. i don't reallt want to have to buy them all.

@saladbruh2625 - 17.03.2024 03:03

ignores HOI4 with 60k players every day lmao

@timerunhistory2604 - 17.03.2024 01:44

5k would definitely make it worth a small team developing or 3k consistent for a few weeks/months

@nikolaskraven2323 - 17.03.2024 01:25

Imperator has the best map ever made by Paradox, and serves my fetish well, which has always been a huge number of provinces in a strategy game. The problem for me was always how underwhelming the Diadochi Wars seemed, because you have these huge, wealthy, populous states, that have neither money, nor manpower in-game. I remember how futile it was to play as the Antigonids, fighting against everybody with an army less than 10k strong, and running a deficit, whereas the Antigonids controlled several royal treasuries from Alexander's time, and had armies in excess of 100k men. The initial years of the game should have been occupied by massive wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops, and money, at least in the Diadochi areas, running abundant.

@TheBusbyBabes - 17.03.2024 01:14

Tbh its so much better than eu4

@TheBusbyBabes - 17.03.2024 01:12

We need imperator 2 or new support for the existing one. Make it happen paradox

@RobertStalbans - 16.03.2024 22:45


@napoleonbonaparte7692 - 16.03.2024 22:42

There is the crusader kings 3/1212ad cross over mod, would this be possible with imperator and Rome 2?

@HalIOfFamer - 16.03.2024 21:54

Bro nah, I am not rewarding this company for how they make their games. Ill pirate it tho.

@crackshack2 - 16.03.2024 19:20

Hope they bring this game back!
