Germany after the War, 1945-49

Germany after the War, 1945-49

The History Room

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@timrobison5725 - 06.01.2024 22:46

The true Holocaust is what happened to the German people

@jannikbruckner7531 - 17.12.2023 19:52

The western allies secured their interests in Germany with in the constitution, they have so called „executive Powers“

@rosesprog1722 - 07.12.2023 05:23

Of course there were no Nazis, 95% had joined because it was the thing to do at the time, or because their neighbor did, or to get a job and had never committed a crime in their whole life, once it became known one could end up in jail just for being a card carrying member, everyone protected everyone, when facing such blatant injustice, that's what people do. And the food for sex thing, telling it with a smile... troubling, very, sometimes I find it hard to stay polite......................................

@user-ym7cc2xd5f - 30.11.2023 02:18

Women always the victims of war.

@user-ym7cc2xd5f - 30.11.2023 02:15

The German, Danish and British royal families stick together.

@user-ym7cc2xd5f - 30.11.2023 02:10

Fascinating. But Britten's sea symphony totally in appropriate for sound track. Somber German and Polish music or minimalist more appropriate.

@wmr9019 - 21.11.2023 00:36

At 56.52 the woman , after saying she was the only survivor from her family , quote and my mother bought a little chicken!, how does her mother buy a little chicken if she was the only survivor and all on her own ???

@wilderjai - 17.11.2023 16:58

Interesting place to introduce xenophobia. The documentary imparts the aftermath of a war caused by hate .
My BIL who is German tells stories his dad and grandpa told of Berlin where he and my sister live. It’s horrifying yet hopeful that a beautiful city emerges from those ruins.

@ronalddesiderio7625 - 15.11.2023 12:12


@tonyhoward1735 - 19.10.2023 14:46

whay an appalling message to give to people... It's no wonder that even today a lot of of people are still wary of making friends with Germams

@charlyhoermann5446 - 16.10.2023 00:59

Peter Grimes as background music ???

@jerryswallow - 08.10.2023 21:05

My Dad and a few of his men were fighting in a Bank or Museum somewhere in Holland, after the fight they loaded up on silver coins and flatware, by 1955 they were giving it back, seems some of the loot belonged to the Dutch Royal family, l remember the flatware very well, and my uncle had a short sword, the handle full of jewels, they came for that as well😅 and the packs of German (NO MORE GOOD) money, that as a kid would go to the store and spend it , the old polish man who owned the store took the money and give us chocolate

@stevenembree7669 - 08.10.2023 15:30

Canada after Trudeau

@user-so3rx5yt6p - 28.09.2023 13:59

Why should we feel bad for you?

@flashflame4952 - 21.09.2023 01:38

Not that I condone robbery of any kind, but the fact the these rich germans had their possessions stolen doesn't really lend itself to any sympathy on my part. All the robberies, the looting, the blatant killing of over 6 million innocent people IMHO the german military and all its leaders didn't get punished enough. Whenever historians claim that the german people didn't know what was going on, I call BS. The stores owned by Jewish people were destroyed and the people that owned them are gone never to be seen again. You can't just close your eyes to keep your conscious blind.

@ralphbernhard1757 - 11.09.2023 14:39

Oh look at the comments sections.
A good number of "collective punishment"-fanboys/fangirls, and their "THEY are all the same"-narratives".

That is indeed, a very NAZI standpoint...
The critics of collective punishment, become the perpetrators, and thereby become the little tools of the empires who steer them as puppets down the slippery slope of biased human opinions...

In the below, crude essay we can observe a typical mistake "finger pointers" often make: these "finger pointers" attribute to others (in this case "revenge for 6 million years", ROFL) what they do not attribute to themselves, thereby falsifying their own entire premise (aka "projection").
Yes, such simple "appeals to emotions" usually find quick and responsive knee-jerk-reaction-steered audiences of "own back patters" ("upvoters" in the modern world of social media), lol...
The dividers of Europeans in Washington DC found easy prey amongst such "rich, proud, hectoring, squibbling" European nations, and their "rich, proud, hectoring, squibbling" (quote Thomas Jefferson) leaderships.
Having millions of citizens being tutored into being "rich, proud, hectoring, squibbling", means to be easily divided, in the divide and rule/conquer strategy of an outside power, the Washington DC power players. Starting around 1900, they played European leaders "like fiddles", employing mainly "favoratism" (see footnote).

In case you wish to know more about the impact of divide and rule/conquer (§§Footnote) in the current and past geopolitics and grand strategy, please go to the "Kai--ser Wil.helm_II" video on the "Hi-sto.ry R__oom" educational channel (distorted because such messages are often autoblocked). I wrote a series of essays here, so please select the "latest comments first" by clicking on the three little bars at the top of the comments section.

Divide and rule is a defined term: "the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or opponents [incl. imperialist rivals], by encouraging dissent between them, thereby preventing them from uniting in opposition..." (or similar definitions)
One of the key techniques is the strategy of "chosen ones" (favoratism).
Note, to be clear: there was never any provable intention by Washington DC/London of direct rule over Europe.
But a definition is a definition.
It does not change depending on who makes the argument.
It does not matter what justifications or explanations one gives for the actions or events.
As long as the actions fit the definition of the term favoratism, any attempts at deflection, become "whataboutism."
It does not matter how one skirts the issue, by jumping from one criteria to the next: words have meanings and definitions.
US actions in regards to Europe "around 1900" fit the definition of favoratism/"divide and rule".
It does not matter how one justifies these actions.
The definition is indifferent to anybody's favorite empire.
The definition does not pay heed to anybody's biases, nor cares about any explanations or personal opinions, and it does not matter which authority proclaims these. Furthermore, nobody even has to know that they've become a tool of someone else's divide and rule (google the term "useful idiot/innocent", which are also defined). A definition does not care about whether it concerns a "good empire" or a "bad empire".
Look at the actions/events and then determine whether they fit the definition.
One of the chief methods in "divide and rule" is favoritism (favoritismˈfā-v(ə-)rə-ˌti-zəm NOUN 1: the showing of special favor or partiality 2: the state or fact of being a favorite).
Again. The word doesn't care about anybody's "feelings" or "opinions". It is a defined term

@henna696 - 23.07.2023 15:49

Jewish and Gipsy women were not only raped. They were also starved to death or murdered in the most horrible ways after medical experiments were done on them while wide awake and without even a pain killer. I still to this day, at the age of 86 feel nothing for Germans or Germany. I do not care what anybody thinks of me. I can never forget or forgive. 6 000 000 MUST BE ENOUGH REASONS TO REMEMBER 6 MILLION YEARS.

@susanv.d.heijden7343 - 20.07.2023 21:38

They where all victems. So or so a war has only victems

@PortlandsTransport - 18.07.2023 21:21

“Statism is the most dangerous religion” and this is proof. Millions dead due to “the state” and the psychopathic “leaders” who lead the ignorant masses into this sort of nightmare

@rosesprog1722 - 16.07.2023 12:43

Those who say the Germans deserved to be robbed, raped and killed suffer from a terrible syndrome: the "Believe everything they say on TV, don't do too much thinking and never ask any questions" syndrome. It is mostly found among the uneducated massas and it is very difficult to treat although I was told they are working on a vaccine now... Well, I have serious doubts.

@SuccessBessing-ze6td - 16.07.2023 01:27

I feel no remorse for Germany because they are still showing The Races up to this day okay when Africa was being killed. There was no documentary. Just like this and you want me to be remorse about very Nazis racist in Germany there are all two Wicked in Germany

@BlueBeeMCMLXI - 15.07.2023 04:40

This was "Total War" declared from one side - what do you lily-livers expect would be the response to nazism and it's ends. You don't get it - war is the end of morals, exactly why Hitler recruited SS from prisons to start with. Modern people think all things can be neutral and value-free. You need to live though a war to come face to face with all of human nature. Your own in particular. Stop pretending you are an angel.

@douglaz74 - 10.07.2023 07:36

As far as the royal families complaint about the jewels being seized I do not care about them. They bare direct responsibility for that regime and its crimes. As far as the average Germans particularly the issue of rape there is no excuse for that behavior either. Two wrongs do not make right! The red army in particular made excuse that they were seeking revenge for what was done in Russia. All that behavior did was reduce the Soviets to level of nazis. Yes rape occurred with US uk and French forces the same thing goes with them as well. If humanity did not learn anything from WW 2 then the next war we will all go extinct. Judging by current events we did not learn anything from that war. Pity the human animal

@purpleblastoise - 18.06.2023 23:36

German reunification was a mistake.

@mirquellasantos2716 - 15.06.2023 03:17

Not a single tear for Germany as it started WW1 and WW2. Germans knew what was happening just didn't care. And I heard that from other Germans, surviving Jews and surviving Poles. Germans didn't like the Jews anyway and supported Hitler to solve their Jewish problem. They also wanted revenge on France, Poland and the UK. They were happy when Hitler was bombing other countries and only cared when they found out they were losing the war and the bombs were right in their doorsteps.

@johntucker9912 - 01.06.2023 18:28

“They were always very friendly and.. just wonderful.”

@kpaxchocho3327 - 27.05.2023 00:52

I still feel like Germany didn't get enough panishment for causing so much suffering and death

@reshmawatson1373 - 26.05.2023 23:46

Well, I married the son of one of these "suspicious" Germans and had the twenty year marriage and the happiness of a lifetime. I even liked my mother-in-law the German - oooooo. To be honest, I feel Germany has done a much better job of addressing it's government sponsored atrocities that the United States. I am an American, I love my country, I just hope we can learn to admit our mistakes so we don't repeat them like we have been.

@SlowD713 - 22.05.2023 23:13

Germany was and 'till this day is enemy of my country!

@Number-rz3jc - 23.04.2023 14:34

The Rheinwiesenlager are not mentioned here, of course. So much for impartiality.

@a.nelprober-rl5cf - 30.03.2023 06:16

Cry baby

@williamanthony9090 - 10.03.2023 23:25

After the war the allies NEUTERED Germany, and it shows to this day!

@alex73217 - 07.03.2023 23:56

How can you talk about Nuremberg like that. I actually did think in the past that the ones that got death sentences got executed and the lengthy prison sentences were actually served. They weren't. Too many powerful people objected. Both in Germany and the states. A bunch of death sentences got turned into life imprisonment and most were released in less than 10years. The ones who got medium sentences also got them shortened significantly. And a lot of the other trials ended similarly. Best case they got a sentence that got overturned a little bit later. Kinda disappointing learning the truth. As a kid I thought they were actually punished. But a lot were just given positions of power again

@alex73217 - 07.03.2023 23:36

The Americans also used Nazis to do some of the bureaucracy and to keep things working. They gave them power instead of prosecuting them. That probably helped them only need 5k people rather than the British 25

@alex73217 - 07.03.2023 23:26

I did teach some little kids in America once that Germans were rainbow unicorns and lived off of sunshine and happiness. (they had asked me if Germany had a moon and if Germans ate food, I couldn't resist. Watching them be completely awed and running off to tell their friends was so much fun xD) that was a few years ago and I think it was an innocent enough lie that will very obviously be false once they get older :)

@alex73217 - 07.03.2023 23:18

Murder, assault and theft can have forgivable reasons. It usually does have reasons, even if it's only anger/greed. Rape is the worst. Rape is never necessary.

@alex73217 - 07.03.2023 23:09

My family doesn't talk about it. I suppose my great grandparent would've been adults, but my grandparents were kids. Only story I remember is them refusing to send my grandpas brother to one of Hitlers special boarding schools when some nazis wanted him to (he was apparently the perfect Aryan, blond, tall, blue eyes, athletic, and to finish it, same bday as Hitler.) going to those schools was only barely voluntary, so they're lucky they didn't get punished for refusing. So I suppose my fathers side wasn't all bad. I have no clue about my mom's side of the story, but even my grandparents on that side should've been young enough to not have been adults during the war. Never met my grandpa or any great grandparents on that side.

Even in the US many don't talk about the war. In Germany that was also accompanied by a lot of shame. So even less people want to talk about it. My grandparents weren't adults, so worst case my great (&great great) grandparents could've been nazis. Truthfully I don't care. Their actions don't define me. I have learned about history extensively in school. It is my responsibility to make sure it won't happen again. But I am not responsible what my ancestors did. By that logic everyone would've been a criminal. Everyone has some horrible people somewhere in their family tree. I will judge people based on their own actions, not their families. It doesn't matter what my family specifically did during the war. What matters is that I won't repeat history. And to that holocaust/ww2 education in school saw. I know what "my country" did.

The past couple years this new right wing party has been rapidly gaining votes. They're third largest now. Like 20%. In some states they're even largest. They're practically soft core Nazis. Against immigration mainly instead of communists/jews, but they're not liked either. But their speeches and ideas could be Hitlers speeches if you switched jews to immigrants. Sad to see how many vote for that. That's how it started with the nazis too. I actually only knew(know?) one person that voted for them openly. Six years ago we were bench mates in chemistry class. Friendly I suppose. I had some discussions with her about it. I kinda didn't do anything outside class with her afterwards. Never managed to change her mind. I tried, but there was no getting through to her, just parroting hate propaganda....

@booonaaa - 04.03.2023 00:57

At least they were not marched to concentration camps to be slaughtered. So they were blessed

@davidabney7700 - 10.02.2023 20:14

The treatment of the German civilians in war zones, mainly by Russian soldiers and a few French and American service men, was unbelievable. It was a terrible slant against the noble cause our troops, British, Australians, and French troops was there for. The violent assault and rape of German women, from older women to young girls, went unaccounted for. There were cases of murder also that went unchecked. No one, not one single one of these Allied animals was prosecuted for their horrific crimes against the German women. Now we held trials for German acts of misconduct, especially those dogs associated with the Concentration Camp's. Trials was also held for the Japanese misconduct, there were unbelievable cases of brutality towards our soldiers and marines in captivity. Italian Communist partisans held a "kangaroo court" on Mussolini and murdered him and his girlfriend right beside the roadway. After murdering the couple they hung them up by their heels and defaced the bodies. That's Communist idea of a fair trial. We, as victors in WW II, have literally beat the German misconduct day & night 24/7 for the past 70+years, but NOT SO MUCH as a pip about the acts of barbarism committed by Russians and a handful of other allied soldiers. None of the Communist thugs tracked down and arrested like we did the Germans and Japanese.

@Cami-kd4zl - 08.02.2023 07:50

Damn Gerry had it coming

@jatin4110 - 05.02.2023 06:53

The mark on NAzi flag is not Swastika. The symbol took from christian church ( imight be wrong with this information but it was not swastika). Swastika is a symbol in Hinduism which represents peace and harmony used for asupicious occasion and in pray. I have fully sumpathy with the people suffered in any way by nazi activities. Just wanted to share and right information about that symbol which is very auspicious for all hindus and nothing to do with hate with any person on earth of any cast or religions. We hindu believe and respect earch person belief and religion.

@meinkorper2631 - 16.01.2023 16:50

In Germany General William Draper, of Dillon Read Investment Bankers was the dictator of Germany after ww2 until 1946. He oversaw the "Morgenthau Plan" (starvation plan for Germany) named after it's inventor Henry Morgenthau Jr. Secretary of the Treasury. He unveiled the new decree from his office in the I.G. Farben building. Henceforth, I.G. Farben would exist no more, instead three companies would emerge - Bayer, of Leverkusen; BASF at Ludwigs Haven, and Hoechst near Frankurt am Main.
Each of the three spawns is now larger than the old I.G. Farben.
BASF is represented in the USA by Shearman and Sterling, The Rockefeller law firm of which William Rockefeller is a Partner.
Draper was ordered to Japan where he supervised the starvation of the Japanese as the economic dictator of that country. He was General MacArthur's superior.
The World Conquerors by Louise Marshalko.///The Beasts Of The Apocalypse by Olivia O'Grady.///The Octopus by Elizabeth Dilling.///

@randomname2598 - 15.01.2023 23:45

The fact that there are people today who deny this horror is disgusting.

@mmk003nabeel - 13.01.2023 22:41

Everyone was wrong not just germans… 😅 equally

@mmk003nabeel - 13.01.2023 22:39

I searched for this type of content!!! Loss of genes eventually. 😢 A gen lost.. one bad ideology f**ks a generation for time! 😢

@nationalsocialist6590 - 08.01.2023 16:14

Humans killing humans nothing new here.
