How Do I Improve My Weaker Breathing Side In Freestyle?

How Do I Improve My Weaker Breathing Side In Freestyle?


3 года назад

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@bozhidarmadzharov7066 - 26.11.2020 07:46

Coach Mandy, do you recommend abbwheel exercises as core boost for swimmers?

@robohippy - 26.11.2020 10:44

I can't go more than about 100 yards breathing every third arm stroke. Most of the time I am breathing every other stroke. So, I swim one length of the pool breathing on one side, and after the flip turn, I breathe on the other side. You have to practice both sides.

@mg4361 - 26.11.2020 10:52

Coach Mandy, you read my mind! I've been trying to improve my breathing on the left side. Not so much to be able to breathe every three strokes but to improve symmetry. I've noticed that my head is lower in the water when facing left, so i have to lift my head if i want to breathe on that side. When facing right, the head is half-submerged, so i can breathe without having to lift my head.

@lucagian9801 - 26.11.2020 11:34

great tips coach M!

@MsAngelPixie - 26.11.2020 17:36

This is so true about having more bad habits on your good side that you have to overcome!
Also, i have noticed that my neck is more flexible on my good side meaning i can turn my head way farther backwords than my bad side. You can check and assess that by standing with your back towards a mirror, turning your head back only rotating your neck and see how much of your back you can see on both sides. You will be surprised. Which means if you are not getting enough air you might want to work on flexibility of the neck on your bad side.
Goodluck all and happy Thanksgiving!

@mariohdezch - 24.11.2022 12:44

