Skyrim ٠ Dawnguard Reaction to Infection with Vampirism

Skyrim ٠ Dawnguard Reaction to Infection with Vampirism


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@neoharmoniagropius1426 - 06.01.2024 04:31

Fun Fact: Paarthurnax & 4 Greybeard is the only Person who doesn't care what you turn into nor either Vampires or Werewolf

@thewildcolonialboy8034 - 24.09.2023 05:24

You don't get it, Isran. I'm just fighting fire with fire.

@fr0stw0lf97 - 15.09.2023 11:09

It is said that Arkai cried when Lamae became a vampire as he knew that what Molag Bal did could not be undone. Yet Falion managed to find a way. Can we show some appreciation to the guy who bested an Aedra?

@ashlynbulsara4238 - 05.07.2023 08:20

you don't have to go morthal to get cured for vampirism .

@nickcampbell3812 - 25.06.2023 14:25

I find it funny how coming to them as a vampire, everyone is just concerned for you, where coming to the vampires as mortal, while they are concerned, seem more threatening on average for you to get your vampirism back.

@rafarafa3604 - 22.06.2023 03:12

That ending 😂

@chiefkeef74 - 08.06.2023 06:42

And yet if you're a werewolf they don't care 😂

@ENCHANTMEN_ - 07.06.2023 22:26

I kinda wish the game still let you work for the dawnguard. It makes sense that they'd be distrustful, but surely you could convince them you want to fight other vampires

@JustAGroundhog - 07.06.2023 22:03

They never noticed my character was a vampire, though presumably, I have to stick around a while?

@walterthemighty7549 - 21.05.2023 11:24

Everyone: Super kind and understanding, assumes it was an accident

Isran: Calls you a slur

@floppydisksareop - 17.05.2023 01:33

Isran is the only reason I reaaaally want to wipe out the Dawnguard at every opportunity

Ответить - 14.05.2023 03:20

Ok y'all, I'll be back in a bit. Gota go see Dr. Falion. Apparently I got the big "V", again.

@acethesly9806 - 28.04.2023 06:30

I was wondering why couldn't progress to Vampirism with the disease in Fort Dawnguard (by waiting) , I guess because of the device that checks.

@CainTheMain - 23.04.2023 18:23

Situations like this make me wonder why they seem to have a disdain for all vampires yet speak of a cure so offhandedly. If you knew there was a cure this entire time, why are we slaughtering every vampire that moves? Harkon and his court are one thing, but our enemy is ALL bloodsuckers. 🤔

@mllrd - 13.04.2023 05:39

Gunmar is a real one. Only flaw is he says "by the eight"

@Communist.Heathenry - 07.04.2023 08:09

Being in the Dawnguard as a secret werewolf like 👀🐺

@Pbkid1313 - 06.04.2023 02:42

I was half hoping to hear one of them say “you have become the very thing you swore to destroy”

@EmirineI - 24.03.2023 16:37

When I got my first playthrough, I somehow chose to become a vampire. I hoped that I would still be an ally of the cool - looking Dawnguards, but when they attacked me, I got quite sad, even after talking to Falion they were my enemies. So, on my next playthrough, I surely will aid them in this conflict

@jamsam2100 - 19.03.2023 21:43

"You're dead to me"

I mean technically yea

@patatafritta6329 - 25.02.2023 20:33

What’s the mod you’re using?

@camronkean4206 - 21.02.2023 18:54

Hey to fix the vampersiom and still do the quest with them become a wearwolf

@fragile4408 - 19.02.2023 06:28

Everyone: No, my friend! Hurry and cure yourself before you lose yourself !

Isran: your dead to me.

@ryankim9203 - 17.02.2023 07:49

Always stocked to see the polar opposite

@timothygz - 02.02.2023 08:10

this ngga (Isran) has no chill

@lucarossi8442 - 26.01.2023 12:47

Dude stop messing around...go the Morthal and speek to this damned Fallion!

@ICUEverywhere - 21.01.2023 06:50

You get two choices when going into Soulcarn with Serena to track the elder scroll down. 1. Have her absorb your soul into a soul gem which you will be weaker but can work itself out on the other side as you fight your way through or 2. Have Serena turn you into a vampire.

Be warned, this will effect the outcome of the Dawnguard quest chain in multiple ways. If you choose vampire you will not be able to continue Dawnguard quests with Eserin until you complete a side quest to be cleansed of Vampirism cure. Note if you were a Werewolf before and have completed the Companions main Quest you can ask Aela to turn you back and you will be allowed to turn in the quest after locating the elder scroll. If you weren't a Werewolf or finished the Companions quests then you will have to do a small tedious quest to cure yourself. Depending how you talked to Serena throughout her quests will reflect on dialog where she will willingly seek the cure. Basically you become her security blanket and another thing, she retains her Vampirism spells as well as her dialog about hating the sun or caves. Now it's been a long while since I've done the different outcomes and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Eserin behind the Dragonborns back force Serena to turn him into a vampire? I know you will have to put him down because he loses it and you end up becoming the Dawnguard leader I think. I believe he tries to get you to kill Serena if she remains a vampire. I'm atm playing through with a cured Serena. There is an old cavern where you can only collect the superior Dawnguard armor but only if you completed an outcome if I believe in this order didn't become a vampire and chose the soul gem, not a Werewolf, killed her father, mother and killed Serena in the end to unlock the armor. Again I could be wrong. I honestly don't know if I'm bugged because I've been repeatedly doing the side quests as a Werewolf occasionally taking Serena. I'm not going to go back to an old save but I'll continue doing the side quests until it triggers the Dawnguards main quest which wasn't to destroy Serenas castle. You'll see if you haven't ever completed the Dawnguard dlc.

@nathanfrick1962 - 14.01.2023 18:54

The best thing to do is to turn yourself into a where wolf. Id argue its easier then getting a black gem stone and the dawn guard has no issues with the where wolves. Plus being a where wolf makes you immune to becoming a vampire again

@flaviofr4v0 - 11.01.2023 20:52

What are you still doing here in the comments section? Go to Morthal to cure yourself!

@kianaone2610 - 09.01.2023 02:46

Well they always seemed to attack me even though I was apart of the dawn guard. At least in my dragonborn account.
Than randomly I lost being a vampire without ever doing the quest to no longer be a vampire. I just no longer am pale or have issues with the sun. Haven't been attacker by them yet but the "no vamp glitch" happened only yesterday.

@theguardlorenzo5898 - 03.01.2023 17:22

I dont understand how them of all people have no remedy at hand

@agentscott96 - 01.01.2023 07:54

Irony is that if you’re a werewolf you’re more likely to hurt them than if you’re a vampire

@MiKE-dh4hj - 31.12.2022 20:15

The vampires tell you to go fuck your self, but the dawngaurd is like “oh no! Poor thing! We can help you get cured!”

@door-to-doorhentaisalesman2978 - 26.12.2022 21:34

"Are you infected? Go to Morthal and get vaccinated."

@Paparoach493 - 26.12.2022 21:15

sounds like people talking about c0vid or the unnv@xxed lmao.

@Silentguy_ - 21.12.2022 12:33

The Dawnguard’s logic was always stupid to me. For starters being a vampire doesn’t just automatically make you evil, because their argument is that you’re potentially dangerous (coming from the people that use trolls like attack dogs) and the only solution is for you to go take part in a ritual that requires a human soul to complete

@mranderson9813 - 16.12.2022 23:12

Surprisingly tolerant lol wish there was a turn the dawn guard into vampires quest

@riskybisky4797 - 16.12.2022 09:04

I like how they say "you're a threat to us otherwise' as if that without being a vampire they could easily take the dragonborn

@BahamutEx - 15.12.2022 12:56

I don't like the dawnguard anyway, they think they are better than anyone else(atlest that's the vibe I'm getting from Isran)...

@DFireWind008 - 02.12.2022 21:39

Everyone else in Dawnguard: shows they're really worried about you and your wealth
Isran: you have 5 seconds to get the f*** out of here to look for the cure or I'll show you how merciful Stendarr is

@Toxin___InterHalfer - 01.12.2022 00:47

It's funny how Isran pre-dates 2018 Kratos by 7 years

@dragonzord_reptar7478 - 30.11.2022 02:44

"You sent me to fight vampires and I caught vampirism doing it." - Dragonborn
"how dare you step foot in here" -Isran

Maybe I will just jump ship and gut you all if this is how you're going to treat me when something unfortunate happens to me on a mission YOU SENT ME ON!!!!

@birisuandrei1551 - 16.11.2022 01:02

Tbh would've liked if being a vampire or werewolf had more realistic the vampire requiring to drink blood and if you don't drink any blood you'll lose control of your character briefly as it rushes to drink the blood of whoever it can find, and afterwards you risk being found by dawnguard hunters coming to murder you.
And werewolf should make you wake up randomly in the middle of the night in your werewolf form with your character unable to stand still as it sprints in a random direction looking for humans to devour, this should have a way to prevent as well though, like maybe having "chains" in your inventory will ensure you use them to keep yourself stuck in bed, unable to go out and cause chaos.

@angusking1593 - 12.11.2022 03:43

So Isran doesn't know Aela. She can also cure vampirism.

@midnightshadow1105 - 10.11.2022 23:34

I got those same reactions once before. Yet they let Serena enter the Dawnguard Fort.

@krzysztofklis - 08.11.2022 22:15

Reminds me of my family reaction when they learned I had covid.

@jordanalexander615 - 30.10.2022 17:45

"Only a threat if I feel like killing you all" should be a response

@MiH-Kitsune-MC - 23.10.2022 23:01

Falion must be like "This is the 1,000th time, stop fighting vampires!"
