Choosing a Pathfinder Adventure Path

Choosing a Pathfinder Adventure Path


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@Nekron999 - 19.10.2023 20:15

I have watched this video several times now, you do a great job giving a sense of globalism and interconnectivity between these modules and that makes Golarion feel like a living breathing world. I would love a deeper look into any of your favorite adventure paths or modules!

@Arbiter55555 - 11.10.2023 10:09

Awesome breakdown. Very helpful for me as a long time player (close to 15 years at this point) but still rather novice GM to get an idea of what's out there and what to sort of expect from the officially released, not "my own original adventure" sort of stuff in the inner sea.
ONLY critique is I wish you would have overviewed the level parameters, like "This takes you from 1-20" or "this takes you from 5-15" or something, as my table is well tired of level 1 games starting and ending before we reach the mid game.
Otherwise very informative without giving too much away.

Thanks for the time it took to make this!

@GaiasRebirth - 10.10.2023 16:58

thats a lot of books... thats a lot of money to spend...

@MacDac - 26.09.2023 23:48

Are this paths from pathfinder first edition?

@LarvalGhoul - 20.09.2023 08:40

This was incredible and informative! Thank you so much for making Pathfinder 1E content!

@Zierohour1 - 11.09.2023 16:56

I loved this. As someone who has spent most of their life in faerun, a breakdown like this is super helpful.

@shadowmasterhdx2447 - 30.08.2023 21:19

can you translate them into 2e?

@cameronlapp9306 - 27.08.2023 02:46

It would be interesting to see video(s) like this that also point to some of the PFS encounters and other side material that thread particularly well onto different APs.

Running S&S right now, Plunder & Peril is basically a secret 7th book / replacement for book 2 if you dislike the naval rules. Likewise a lot of people sub in 1st book of Serpent's Skull for the shipwreck start rather than pressgang.

@michael3105 - 13.08.2023 13:05

When you publish such a video in 2022, you really should mention in the title that this only covers 1e.

Other than that, I think the video is a valuable and well structured resource for anyone still playing 1e

@wolfkniteX - 11.08.2023 03:23

It should be noted that Jade Regent could have potential Cameo opportunities from PCs of any Rise of the Runelords games given that it starts in Sandpoint and Ameiko and Shalelu, characters that were present in Rise of the Runelords, are major characters in Jade Regent.

@MyParedrus - 28.07.2023 23:14

Such an amazing video, from a great channel! Keep up the good work! (I have already watched this 4 times :) )

@Eruidraith - 18.07.2023 19:38

It’s so weird cause Varisia is where i played first, but it was Brevoy and Mendev and Numeria and the River kingdoms that really captured my imagination. The crusades! The sword lords! Whatever the hell the Conan guys are doing to the space ship junk today! Golarion rules

@kidrissa - 15.07.2023 17:22

Add one more vote for a 2e version!

@Cyd_Goblin - 16.06.2023 03:56

can you do one for 2nd edition?

@generalreevis1734 - 15.06.2023 23:36

Love you stuff!

@haydongonzalez-dyer2727 - 07.06.2023 00:42

Very helpful

@SkywalkerOne1977 - 29.05.2023 05:40

This was great! Thanks!

@boris_bulletdodger9109 - 07.05.2023 22:44

Positive comment

@ProjectBarcodeError - 05.05.2023 08:32

To add a bit of detail of ruins of azlant, a big chunk of the adventure goes underwater at some point, including a big atlantis-like city full of merfolk and other variants. water breathing and freedom of movement are most valuable for that campaign. so a bunch of varied rp with aquatic themed races there.

@oliverklar813 - 18.04.2023 10:09

Thank you for this wonderful and detailed overview! Really helped me select a path to run with my group

@camiloguadalupetorres2442 - 15.04.2023 19:25

This video is excellent!!! Thanks a lot!!

@israelelliott2212 - 15.04.2023 13:42

the map used for the majority of this video is fantastic but I can only find the spanish version

@Shad0wchasers1 - 07.04.2023 04:36

As someone discovering Golarion thru the Savage Worlds Pathfinder books, I'm looking at potentially adapting one of the Adventure Paths from first edition that PEGI hasn't tackled yet, for when I'm finished with the Rise of the Runelords campaign. (I have my eye on the Skull and Shackles campaign)

That said, I would like to hear your thoughts on the tone of the different adventures. Which ones feel more optimistic, which are oppressive, which ones feel more like horror and which ones feel more like an adventure. You dropped some descriptions like that in your overall rundown, but I'd like to see how the adventures compare to each other along those lines.

Thanks again for this video, it's a huge help for me in adding context to the adventure paths I have access to at the moment. :)

@agsilverradio2225 - 22.03.2023 21:34

What if you combined Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengance, to make a team PvP campain?

@sertaki - 14.03.2023 19:39

Extremely good rundown!

@aceflashheart - 07.03.2023 01:45

Please do 2e, and maybe a PF1e adventure path tierlist?

@ShikoTAG - 03.03.2023 20:01

Here’s hoping Wrath of the Righteous gets the Kingmaker treatment

@nubrandgamingvenue - 02.03.2023 03:11

I love this video. Excellent. Exactly what I was looking for.

@darkdragonsoul99 - 01.03.2023 00:13

ooo planar travel sign me up

@aaronsalinas3854 - 27.02.2023 00:38

Jade is fun if you make it anime troupes lol

@aaronsalinas3854 - 27.02.2023 00:38

Ruins of azlant is good.

@aaronsalinas3854 - 27.02.2023 00:35

Bro, it's def horror. Giant crawling hands with burning villages and werewolves attacking, skum and husk babies, ancient cthulu beings, vampires, all that is horror my guy lol

@lkriticos7619 - 26.02.2023 15:48

If you like political adventures and enjoy horror you might like Vampire the Masquerade as well.

This was a very useful summary. I'd love to see something similar with the 2e adventure paths. I don't usually get along well with modules but some of the pathfinder ones genuinely sound fun and I've heard they're generally better written then a lot of other modules are. I might give it a go some time.

......Or do what I usually do and default to throwing something together myself. Because I do love homebrew.

@holgerleydecker111 - 21.02.2023 20:38

What are the "Isle of Dread Adventures" you mention? Ist there a connection between the PF APs and X1/Savage Tide?

@kevindaniel1337 - 19.02.2023 06:57

Just recently found your channel, subscribed and I'll be making my way through your back catalogue.

@rduke325 - 19.02.2023 05:14

I have run hells vengeance, and giant slayer as well as played the iron fang invasion. They are all great

@GrumpyGrobbyGamer - 13.02.2023 19:56

Loved the run down, and definitely want to see the same review for PF2e

@albertcapley6894 - 11.02.2023 07:50

I love PF 1e, I'm about to run a Ravenloft game using this system and starting it off with "In search of Sanity" from Strange Aeons and using Thrushmoor more R less as written in the 2nd adventure but by this point the Mists will have already taken Thrushmoor and the surrounding region in the Domains of Dread and the PCs (and a few of their allies) will be scattered throughout the Core and they likely won't realize it but their enemy Count Lowls will be somewhere in the Mists himself. It's awesome to see content from someone whonhas a passion for PF like I do, great video! I always wanted to to link Reign of Winter and Kingmaker by way of moving Kingmaker to Iobaria as an attempt to revive the Ulfen kingdoms whose remnants remain in that region.

@soupforsale6356 - 10.02.2023 22:42

Really great video. Would love something similar that breakdown your favorite APs and why. (And why your favorite is, ofc Hell's Rebels, as I'm running it rn myself)

@meekotreeko - 10.02.2023 22:06

Excellent stuff. I would love for yo9u to do 2e adventures.

@pavelowjohn9167 - 10.02.2023 06:19

Excellent video, I still have a large chunk of APs to play or GM after we finish Tyrant's Grasp and I will send a link to this video to my home game group so that they can get a good idea of what they want to play next....

@pavelowjohn9167 - 10.02.2023 06:08

While prepping for Tyrant's Grasp, I discovered an interesting link between that AP and the Strange Aeons AP (I did play Strange Aeons as a player instead of my usual GM duties), which then led me to the last book of the Carrion Crown AP (which I only played for a short while before the campaign was dropped by the GM).

minor spoilers Below, if you haven't played those APs....


According to the "Continuing the Campaign" part of Book 6 of Carrion Crown, the necromancer Geir discovered the Necronomicon in the Dreamlands, transported it to Golarion, and began to translate it into the Necril language during his quest to become a lich and impress his master. Aware that the Whispering Way forbade passing secrets via anything other than whispers, and paranoid that he would be found out, Geir enhanced the translation with powerful abjuration magic that prevented it from being divined or teleported. He hoped that Tar-Baphon would be impressed enough by the gift of the book to pardon him for this violation. His efforts rewarded him with transformation into a lich in 3751 AR.

In 3754 AR, Geir finished the translation just as the Shining Crusade began. He set out to deliver the book by hand to Tar-Baphon, but was ambushed by paladins on the way. The Necronomicon was taken by the paladins, and never reached Tar-Baphon's hands. (h/t to the "Geir" section in the Pathfinder Wiki).

Since Tar-Baphon's second defeat and imprisonment within Gallowspire, Geir has served as curator of Ghasterhall, becoming a demi-lich at an unspecified time. Meanwhile, the Necronomicon became the focus of Count Lowles in the Strange Aeons AP and is covered extensively in those books. In Book 1 of Tyrant's Grasp, Paizo has a tantalizing illustration of Geir as a demi-lich on page 78 of the "To Exceed Their Grasp" overview, but oddly enough, neither Geir nor the Necronomicon actually make an appearance in Tyrant's Grasp.


Since there is a demilich in Book 6 of Tyrant's Grasp, I am thinking of replacing that demi-lich (named Klrau Adleon) with Geir and have the players discover Geir in the middle of creating another Necronomicon to give to Tar-Baphon, now that he has broken out of his prison. This will provide a nice link between Strange Aeons (which everyone finished about two years ago and really enjoyed) and Tyrant's Grasp. I may make this "new" Necronomicon a threat to be dealt with or maybe a tempting prize with some hidden pitfalls. Haven't made up my mind, but I have a few books to go before I have to decide.....

@VampireGamer1 - 09.02.2023 08:07

I must recommend The Price of Immortality, which is made up of 3 modules, Crypt of the Everflame (Dungeon Crawl), Masks of the Living God (Spycraft) and The City of Golden Death (Exploration+Dungeon).
The first 2 take place in Nirmathas, with the final adventure taking you to the Isle of Terror. These adventures take the party from level 1 to 7 and are very open ended after completing them, which encourages the GM to build their own adventures to keep the story going.
The main focus is Razmir, the Living God and when I ran these adventures to get the party started, we ended up going all the way to level 20 to finally defeat Razmir.

These are some of the greatest adventures I have ever run and I would suggest them for any GM, new or experienced.

@JeffWilder - 09.02.2023 01:45

I GMed Jade Regent several years back, and it was fantastic. (Fair warning: most of the APs we run and complete take two to three years, playing about 24 sessions a year. Jade Regent was on the long side of that, clocking in at about 37 months.)

@parlongs - 09.02.2023 01:07

The group I run is getting towards the end of Curse of the Crimson Throne. They have been in Scarwall for a couple days and I'm very excited for them to see what's happened in Korvosa when they eventually return.

@israelmorales4249 - 08.02.2023 00:16

Awesome Work!

@ConradDunkerson - 07.02.2023 15:38

One connection which you did not note is that both 'Rise of the Runelords' and 'Jade Regent' begin in the town of Sandpoint. The minor NPC Ameiko Kaijitsu from RotR plays a major part in JR.

@zctrelstad - 06.02.2023 20:26

I enjoy your content, I would love to see similar coverage for 2e!

@theophrastusbombastus1359 - 05.02.2023 11:52

Also, sorry to be a pest, but have you played much Starfinder? And if so, would you consider making some videos on the game?

These lore deep-dives and adventure path breakdowns are really useful and would help making a decision on what to buy a lot easier
