Adobe Captivate - Make An Audio Mute Button

Adobe Captivate - Make An Audio Mute Button

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saffron tequila
saffron tequila - 08.07.2021 13:03

Hi Paul, is there a way to just add a button to mute and unmute the background music without turning the playbar on?

anika ali
anika ali - 22.06.2021 13:26

Thank you Paul for sharing such amazing videos, I always look forward to your videos if I have any doubts or if I want to learn something new.

Frantic-One - 13.05.2021 12:24

Muchas gracias, pensé que tenía que meter código js

Fer Hoyos
Fer Hoyos - 20.08.2020 21:36

Great tip, as usual! :D

Valerie Cudnik
Valerie Cudnik - 04.03.2020 18:10

This was helpful, as most of your tutorials are.

In my project we aren't using a tool bar that stays up on all slides. We need to show the audio toggle on all slides. I figured, "no problem" and pasted my 'button' in the upper right corner of each slide, but my boss noticed that the toggle state doesn't stick because the 'button' is essentially 48 different objects (48 slide project).


Morgan Carter
Morgan Carter - 07.02.2020 01:37

Is there a way to ONLY mute the music, and not the whole project? I want the user to have the option to turn only the music on and off while still hearing the narration.

Miko Moto
Miko Moto - 04.07.2019 07:09

Are there any by a chance that the audio on a particular slide wont be muted when click on the mute toggle? like the only music that'll get muted is the bg music?

oncorpse - 03.03.2019 01:32

wow it worked. thank you very much.

Guillermo Santa Cruz
Guillermo Santa Cruz - 13.02.2019 21:54

Excellent video, Paul! Just a quick question, does anyone know of a way of doing this in a responsive project? I'm having trouble doing this because "the display until the rest of the project" option doesn't really work the same way in responsive projects, does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks!

Sebastian Borreani
Sebastian Borreani - 07.02.2019 04:07

Hola Paul, grettins from Argentina!, Bueno, antes que nada, comencé tratando de escribirte en ingles, pero abandoné rápidamente esa idea, porque aunque entiendo todo perfectamente, mi escritura estaría llena de faltas de ortografías, y me parece poco respetuoso. Segundo, gracias por la cantidad infinita de tutoriales que armaste sobre Captivate, me han ayudado mucho en mi trabajo desarrollando cursos online. Dicho todo esto, tengo una pregunta. Entiendo perfectamente lo del uso de variables en Captivate, y que se trata de ingeniarse un poco para pasar de una valor a otro generando cambios, pero, la pregunta es, ¿Qué tal si tengo un audio y quiero detener su flujo más allá de lo que ocurra en la diapositiva? Para ser más exactos. Tengo un curso con audios, y lo que quiero es poner una serie de botones de stop, pausa, y play. Lo logré, pero deteniendo el flujo de la linea de tiempo, a pesar de estar usando variables y acciones avanzadas. No queda mal, pero lo que busco es que la pausa del audio a través del botón de pausa no detenga el flujo de la diapositiva, y no le encuentro solución con ninguna de las variables de sistema. ¿No es posible? Saludos y gracias.

Cesar Arango
Cesar Arango - 13.04.2018 00:10

Paul, really need a step by step.

Ron Linder
Ron Linder - 05.04.2018 22:21

Is there a way to mute only the background audio and still hear all other sounds via user button?

Nadia’s Music 81
Nadia’s Music 81 - 30.01.2018 21:51

This is great! But was wondering, is there a way to mute the audio on imported videos? I have imported videos that have audio, but have separate recorded audio files for the voice over. I want to mute the audio of the videos and just have the audio file sound play. Is there a way to do this? I am hoping so as it would be quite a project to re-record all the videos (software simulation). Thanks!

Ayesha Mehboob
Ayesha Mehboob - 24.07.2017 11:09

can i do the same work on captivate 7..?

Michelle P
Michelle P - 17.04.2017 21:07

Hi Paul! I create a mute button as you described. It works fine on the page with background music on the intro slide, but doesn't work to mute the narration on the following slide. The only difference I can see are the audio file types. The background music is an mp4 and the audio was recorded in captivate and is a wav file.

Do you have any idea what's up?

Gabriel Leles
Gabriel Leles - 23.03.2017 05:44

Tks for sharing! It helped me a lot =)
