AMD Radeon 6800 XT/6800 vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080/3070 Review - Which Should You Buy?

AMD Radeon 6800 XT/6800 vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080/3070 Review - Which Should You Buy?

Digital Foundry

3 года назад

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@misterbrickest - 11.05.2024 02:23

Nvidia has been using ray tracing as another wedge, although I see it as extremely valuable. I'm sitting here in 2024 with a RX6800 in my PC, and 4060 in my laptop I just bought. And their RT performance is about the same, the RX6800 pulls ahead in everything else. So THREE GENERATIONS into RTX, 3 and a half years after this video is posted, and most people just don't care about RT because it is STILL INACCESSIBLE for many Nvidia RTX card owners, not to mention AMD. But the card can still do RT decently and there's be driver improvement. I thought the AMD cards would be 100% useless in RT, but that's not the case. I was gonna buy the 3070 during the pandemic pricing madness but it was literally $1300, I had waited too long and got the RX6800 for $600 within a day of it dropping almost $200 from previous listing. And HANDS DOWN the RX6800 aged better with 16GB of VRAM, FSR 2 and 3 are now available and fairly decent at 4K/1440p if you use the Quality setting and AMD also gave 6000 & 7000 series cards Fluid Motion Frames on ANY GAME run by DX11 or DX12.

To look back, of course 8GB wasn't enough. If Doom Eternal, Far Cry 6 and the Resident Evil Remakes were breaking 8GB right after the 3070 release, what did you guys expect? Developers to start using LESS VRAM?? DF has always had a mild blind spot for AMD cards and Nvidia does make the best high end cards, but damn was this a bad day one recommendation. I used to think AMD was the cheap/worse option, but after owning this RX6800, my mind has changed. The RX6800 still holds up mightily at 1440p and does great in slightly older titles in 4K.

@Kittykingboy - 17.11.2023 01:51

Now 2 years later cards with 8gb vram are low end and new games suffer from micro stuttering and missing textures even at lower resolutions and lowest Details 😢

@memoli801 - 17.08.2023 16:25

So, this was 2 years ago, cards are available now, AMD uses still less power, ROCm has been released, ML has become a thing, Adrenalin driver surpases still NVidias cheap appearence and only 10GB VRAM shows its planed obsolescence in todays Games allready.
This also shows the used marked, were everyone still owning a 3080 10GB tries to get rid of it, now for 400 and less.

What is the updated conclution?

@maxdamage4919 - 11.07.2023 21:06

Today a RX6800 perform better than 4070

@GameTechLead - 13.04.2023 10:10

I didn't expect that you could be so wrong about which card to get... That's completly terrible advice. 3070 and 6800 performance was fine untill now. I mean, on both cards you could play at similar quality. But now it's no longer possible to even match 3070 to 6800 because 3070 crashes when doing RT.

@reinpa8 - 11.04.2023 18:03

Well this aged like milk, the signs were already there 2 years ago that 8-10 gigs of VRAM will not suffice for long and here we are. But then again, nothing new with DF being biased.

@mambobro - 20.11.2022 04:01

Just got a 6800 XT new for $550, and it kills. I don't think this video is a proper representation anymore.

@inthedark334 - 03.11.2022 04:45

Yep I've already ordered one and I'm putting a water block on it for my brother 6800xt

@bryantallen703 - 12.09.2022 11:11

i just picked up another 3Ghz 6900XT TOXIC, though this time used and for $600. In 45 out of 60 games at 1440p and 4K it wins vs 3090FE. Though, a 3090ti can be bought new for thousand now. I still like 6900XT TOXIC. Only the 6800 TUF V2 and 3090ti TUF V2 Coolers come close to Sapphire's TOXIC coolers.

@wolniacha_tv - 07.09.2022 16:09

Showing Control and Metro:Exodus which are nvidia sposored as a comparison? DF biased as always towards Nvidia, nothing to see here

@bcal5962 - 31.08.2022 04:54

What a great analysis

@andredianacis45 - 03.07.2022 18:26

Digital Foundry which of these video cards would you choose for yourself?

@SABREX7 - 01.07.2022 05:25

As many people are still using 1060,1070,1080 & 1080ti cards. I would say you are somewhat wrong that the average person upgrades every 2-3 years.

@anmolagrawal5358 - 14.06.2022 03:51


@joshuamaher614 - 20.05.2022 09:32

shut up and just tell me what to buy! I know nothing John snow

@3r3cut - 12.11.2021 00:04

With the current prices in HW. A complete High End Gaming PC would cost me, the amount of what a small car cost. Insane.

@D4rkM4773r - 12.09.2021 03:19

AMD bringing the slap down nicely

@blazedyoda8608 - 28.08.2021 16:18

as a gamer who has a 2070super and a ps5 i have never used dlss in games and i didnt think the performance hit was worth it on spider man to see the ray tracing. i am probably alone in this but those features dont matter to me.

@blazedyoda8608 - 28.08.2021 16:08

at the time of writing this comment (28/08/2021), you can buy a 3070 for the same price as a 6800xt and you can buy a 3080 for the same price as a 6900xt. i think with the current gpu market AMD wins.

@zipzeolocke2 - 14.08.2021 09:10

I wonder how much optimization has been done since November 2020. I wonder how vastly different the performance numbers would be if this content was revisited to find out how much AMD has improved the 6800 and the 6800XT

@F1neW1ne - 07.07.2021 18:24

I really hope devs add FSR soon to all these titles. Aparently it is very easy to do so far as I have read vs DLSS integration in games. I guess we wait another year for a clearer picture. In the meantime... I hug my ASUS TUF RX 6800 and thank my lucky stars I even found one. It came in last week and was only $800 USD (Still too high). By the time I told friends it was sold out. Got mine by the skin of my teeth.

@-GameHacKeR- - 14.03.2021 06:03

surprised you still haven't compared Vega7\2 and the RX6800 Direct Comparison GCN vs RDNA2 both are 60CU 16GB VRAM TSMC 7nm

@Fluff_BatmanBear - 10.03.2021 17:02

Why you didn't used the latest Amd cpu to test the 6000 series?

@crazyahhkmed - 28.02.2021 02:27

It sucks because right now you can't even choose. You have to take what you can get if you want a card in the near term. I was lucky enough to get a 3070 as part of a new egg combo, would've preferred a 3080, but a 3070 still way better than my 1080. Now after taking a second look at the performance comparisons between all the cards, I'm half tempted to not open the 3070 for a bit in the hopes of getting a 3080 6800xt or 6800 instead.

@Kostromaful - 04.02.2021 13:36

6800 in win !

@Llink4n - 03.02.2021 20:44

Yeah but the price man.. you can't disagree. And it's obvious you've been paid by nvidia to promote their product ^^

@Kevinb1821 - 26.01.2021 10:38

I have a 6800 and it’s more than enough power for a 1440p monitor. It’s a great card.

@kaisersolo76 - 23.01.2021 14:49

Just watched this again. This guy so up Nvidia ass it's unbelievable. Dodgy Foundry

@DMW2000 - 23.01.2021 03:26

When are these dudes going to learn how to timestamp?

@Zarkil - 22.01.2021 18:54

In the here and now raytracing doesn't really matter because almost none of the games out today utilize it. In the here and now 16 gigs of vram doesn't matter because, to the best of my knowledge, no game needs out today needs it. But even when you can buy these cards at msrp I'm not spending that much money for the here and now, it's for the games coming out next year and the year after that. I believe those games will use 10 to 12 gigs of vram on high quality but I don't know how mandatory raytracing will be. So even though this gen has amazing gains over last gen it seems like it would be better to ride my 5700xt until next gen especially since we probably won't get these at msrp for at least a few more months. Just my thoughts when looking at upgrading, I could be completely wrong.

@eaglemotorsofwestchester7187 - 18.01.2021 19:58

As someone who went from a 1080ti to a 3070 dlss is not my cup of tea, you can tell its not native resolution wich i notice more than anything, i would rather have the native resolution and slightly lower fps without RT personally.

@gurugamer8632 - 13.01.2021 00:05

Which GPU is best AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT or Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 ?

@user-pd2eq9hx4r - 12.01.2021 19:33

Help! tell me, how much do you currently have a geforce 3070 in a retail store?and indicate which country you are from! Thanks!

@danielcowen2311 - 11.01.2021 22:13

You still can't buy either of them so...

@tmkongen - 11.01.2021 18:45

I'd love to get an 6800 XT but the eye candy of RT guides me towards the 3080 or the 3080Ti or whatever they'll call it that's being launched tomorrow...

@bikeguy3034 - 08.01.2021 11:07

You forgot to mention the HUGE ace the AMD cards have up their sleeve.....they aren't nVidia.

@ArcanePath360 - 05.01.2021 02:33

You guys legit know your shit

@topouzidd - 01.01.2021 10:52

Will they work on my PCI-Express 2.0 16x? (Asrock Fatality P67)

@demistr7435 - 30.12.2020 19:15

I mean DLSS is nice but i doubt it will become mainstream thing, same situation as with GSYNC vs. FREESYNC. Added FPS are nice but how many games support it?

@bengaming3649 - 29.12.2020 09:17

About DLSS. Me personally I can generally see the loss of fidelity when DLSS even DLSS 2.0 is enabled. It is just very noticeable to me to the point that I would ONLY use it if there was absolutely no other way to get a decent frame rate out of the game I was playing. This is a benefit for sure, especially when your talking futureproofing because I could always fall back on DLSS to get a bit more longevity out of the card. However, you also have to consider DLSS isn't an industry standard and most games don't even have DLSS available as an option so what benefit are you really getting with current gen games if your not playing the half dozen or so games with DLSS.

In this case you would have to bank on DLSS becoming something EVERY game starts using DLSS. However since DLSS is proprietary to Nvidia and none of the consoles are using Nvidia graphics does DLSS actually have a future? It seems that AMD's upcoming "Open Source" DLSS alternative when it comes out is more likely to be adopted as an industry standard than DLSS.

Honestly right now, I kind of think Nvidia is just slightly the better bet right now, especially since AMD cards aren't significantly cheaper. But I don't really feel DLSS is something people ought to be using as the deciding feature. There just isn't enough games that take advantage of DLSS 2.0 currently out and it is very likely AMD will get their alternative released in the next 6-9 months this minimizing if not outright removing Nvidia's advantage here. Then when you consider DLSS might end up being a dead technology due to being proprietary vs an open source solution for developers to use, DLSS just doesn't seem all that important.

@narasimhaperumal2887 - 29.12.2020 06:38

In terms of raw power amd is absolutely powerful. If the red guy develops something to equate with Nvidea's Rt and DLSS feature the green guy is absolutely out of water.

@2LoLGaming - 28.12.2020 12:47

making graphics card work like a playstation that what dlss actually is, better lets go play google stadia with high bandwidth internet. jokes aside. i have not seen with my eyes the actual quality of dlss2 so i don't know. seems impressive and it's sad that amd cards don't have it. That means a card like a 3050 can play 4k any game at 60fps using it. basically the 3050 will be the "console" card.

@silverwatchdog - 27.12.2020 20:21

They do exist I have a Gigabyte gaming OC RTX 3080, but I had to wait till the 19th of December and I live in a country that has less demand and local sellers actually have stock of the RTX 3080! I feel sorry for those in the US which have to fight scalpers

@jibberjabber6919 - 27.12.2020 11:07

DLSS / ray tracing should be ignored until it's actually commonplace with most games.

@cian.horgan - 18.12.2020 20:41

Slightly disagree in that I think the extra VRAM in the 6800 XT will probably give it a longer life that I'd personally really appreciate if I was spending that much on a GPU. I know the compute power isn't going to have a good time at 4K but being able to maintain 1440p with future texture bloat is nice

@smg4gaming-poppyfromdreamw136 - 16.12.2020 07:19

I almost forgot about Valhalla, Hitman 3, RDR2, Unity, Black Ops: Cold War, BFV and Legion.

@JS-be8ll - 15.12.2020 03:44

Lol wait, after your bullshit review of Nvidia's 3000 launch you still make videos? What a joke.

@reviewforthetube6485 - 13.12.2020 19:53

I would still choose amd I can't help it I just like amd and I especially like amd color in comparison for me the performance is plenty and I just enjoy the image more people can argue all they want to but hey man we all have preferences lol

@BuffShamans - 11.12.2020 13:48

amazing video !
