Jenkins is the Way to build, test, and deploy

Jenkins is the Way to build, test, and deploy


3 года назад

261,651 Просмотров

Before developer code goes out into the world to do great things, it needs to build, test, and deploy. You'd love to automate that effort so you can launch that code and dazzle users.

If your automation tools doesn't fit your existing tools, you still have manual effort. If you need help figuring it out, you could find yourself shouting into empty space. Even if it is quick to get started, automation can't drive innovation if it is not powerful and flexible.

Jenkins is the most popular, flexible, open source automation server and CI/CD system in the world. It can free your developers to drive better innovation for companies of all sizes. Jenkins integrates with your existing tools with unmatched extensibility, helping create true automation that will free developers from mundane processes.


#jenkins #ci #cd #automation #deployment #deploy #innovation
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@snapman218 - 10.08.2023 19:25

Glad to see the diversity effort. That's how you know it's a real company.

@JobinJacobKavalam - 04.06.2023 11:06

The video is certainly a piece of art. Kudos to that. (Regarding those complaining about lack of substance, i think they ought to be heard and catered to; perhaps with another video ?)

@mixskillter4785 - 15.02.2023 14:55

I really like this commercial especially compared to others, the voice acting, the animation, the ideas behind it, they all fit together and look professional. Although as another person commented, the video doesn't provide much useful information, its very general and tells only the basic concept behind the service.

@abdulazizali8623 - 19.09.2021 14:37

It doesn't explain or demonstrate the system capabilities, pointless video.

@Usq7213 - 18.08.2021 20:49

what is the name of the company that made the marketing video, I really love the perfect animation and the perfect voice actor, would really appreciate if you can tell me the name?:)

@EnjoyDisfruta - 02.08.2021 18:04

I'm already up and running the system, I wanna go further

@CaioVinicius-nc3cy - 06.01.2021 21:21


@nablachi819 - 28.12.2020 05:04

black people
