Soundwave INFERIOR?? | Transformers Studio Series Bumblebee Soundwave Review & Analysis

Soundwave INFERIOR?? | Transformers Studio Series Bumblebee Soundwave Review & Analysis


2 года назад

19,363 Просмотров

Alternatively: A Little Slice of Soundcake

Show Notes:
I know I kept saying that I was making a Christmas episode, but then I found Soundwave and I worried about being too overindulgent with a figure that people are raring to see. I figured it would be better for the channel to get this out there and we'll see if it pays off

This review was a mad rush job. I hammered it out in about 2 and a half days, which is really fast for me. I'll have to look at this like the rough template for reviews in the future because writing is the hardest part for me when doing these videos

As such it's generally less funny than I typically try to be. Writing jokes is usually a process that happens naturally over time, and since I wrote this so quickly that process didn't happen as much. Luckily I write jokes ahead of time even if I don't use them and at least one of those is in here

I even had to cut some. There was a joke in this originally about how it was still December, but I didn't wanna come off like I was rubbing it in everyone's faces. Full disclosure: I've found like 10 of these guys. I dunno how or why they're out now when they're supposed to come out next April

I forgot to mention some stuff. I forgor to talk about how fiddly his shoulder panels are, and I definitely feel like thats a failure on my part. But if you hold the shoulders when you move them you can avoid messing them up

The transformation really only gets a passing mention because it's basically nothing. You can pretty clearly see how it works by looking at him, and I honestly couldn't find more to say. I had to much too talk about with the vehicle concept itself that that took over the second half of the video

Merry Christmas by the way! I'll see everyone next year. I'm gonna be working on new videos but you probably wont see anything until after the holidays




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