Challenge: WIN a game with GIGABUFFED Lifeweaver in GM1 - Overwatch 2

Challenge: WIN a game with GIGABUFFED Lifeweaver in GM1 - Overwatch 2


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Otis Redding
Otis Redding - 28.07.2023 01:22

Lifeweaver rework?

Luigi - 09.07.2023 08:02

lw is probably like Moira, good in LRanks but hard in HRanks

DDD - 28.06.2023 14:00

Give him a over health heal or a flower like shield animation would be so cool

DDD - 28.06.2023 13:58

Give him a second ult like old sym? Valley or thrones or roses a slow and damage?

wwwaldo333 - 28.06.2023 03:02

His name is NotHealer but he's playing Lifeweaver 🤔

Brenda - 27.06.2023 00:29

He’s just so bad against dive, he has virtually no mobility or self defense.

thedarkcranberry - 25.06.2023 10:34

This is hard to watch ngl 😢

Ethan - 21.06.2023 10:01

long by the silo

Syn4TheWin - 20.06.2023 06:25

I find that LWs best pairings are with zen, mercy, and Bap in that order. I think zen is just a strong character overall and people are just now starting to figure it out. Weavers biggest issue is that his dmg isnt weak and its not strong enough to warrant using unless necessary. Zen primarily fixes this issue because discord suddenly makes not having fall off dmg means you can sit just outside the fight where you typically would want to play anyway and now all of a sudden your dmg really starts to add up when coupled with the buffs he just recieved to his dmg. Poison dmg on the thorns would be a good idea but might make him a little too good for the afformentioned zenyatta.

Welton Williams
Welton Williams - 20.06.2023 03:20

Honestly, the only thing they need to do to him right now is revert a nerf they did. They made it so his reload speed is 2.5s of not using the opposite weapon. It was originally 1.5s. If you revert this, you can actively switch between weapons and not be forced to shoot your entire dps clip to reload your healing.

Austin Marshall
Austin Marshall - 19.06.2023 20:32

One of the things that REALLY sucks about lifeweaver is that shooting his thorns feels like you’re wasting valuable charge time.

An easy fix for this: cause every thorn hit on an enemy to charge his healing blossom. If you hit say 50 thorns, when you swap back to blossom it starts at 50 charge.

Would make him flow SO much better.

Boopki - 19.06.2023 19:44

yeah no, this is painful to watch

Азамат Куанов
Азамат Куанов - 19.06.2023 18:57

I think both of his abilities should be reworked because platform is supposed to give you highground but the possible utility is so vast. If I needed highground I would just use bap and his boots, my teammates don't need it most of the time. I wish they made the construct bigger so I could block paths for the enemy team it is so awesome, and also so it wouldn't have a time limit once it is activated would be awesome as well. As for his life grip it would be insanely good if you could cancel it so it wouldn't pull teammates right next to me and instead I could cancel it and let them do their own thing while also giving them the life grip invincibility

Pip - 19.06.2023 18:27

All this “support not healer” shit is so annoying and cringy

mr_tonha - 19.06.2023 17:00

Hey guys, pls don't roast me but I still don't know why exactly LW is bad. I understand his kit doesn't help as much as other sups, but I think he's still viable all things considered. Is it because in metal ranks his team position management helps a lot, but in higher ranks he just doesn't bring that much to the table?

koda - 19.06.2023 16:58

so i feel like his healing is. great tree is great. but i feel like he needs something against the enemy team. what i think this change should be is hitting enemies with a certain amount of thorns will apply a stacking debuff and once u apply enough the enemies healing gets reduced by like 1% then can keep stacking to like 3 or 4% which can but to keep it balanced it will be on a timer that pops up next to your health bar or something but that will probably be too much and maybe when tree spawns sends out thorns that damage enemies applying said debuff

Russian Tortoise
Russian Tortoise - 19.06.2023 14:59

I heard that everyone who watches ml7 is a top 500 ( source trust me) so I have a question, my friend has gone 5-2 multiple times and is still bronze five, but I went 5-5 and ranked up, I don’t understand why can someone explain pls

Gabriel Ng
Gabriel Ng - 19.06.2023 13:32

What if LW petal platform gave damage boost?

Margot M.
Margot M. - 19.06.2023 13:15

Lifeweaver just needs more offensive utility or at least he should have another utility beside being defensive all the time, he could help with detection for example.

A cool mecanic the community suggested is the poison. If LW lands enough shots on someone, a poison debuff could apply and it would do damages over time while the target is visible through walls.

Or at least the tree should do that effect, a poison debuff would be applied to everyone in range and ennemies near it would be visible through walls.

Also, his little dash could poison people around him. The poison mechanic seems to be the most interesting offensive ability LW could be given

I still love this hero

Margot M.
Margot M. - 19.06.2023 13:03

the tree just need to do one shot everyone (i am bronze)

Garret Cross
Garret Cross - 19.06.2023 11:38

I think the biggest flaw with life weaver is his charging mecanic on his heal. he spends alot of "down time" charging his heal. I think simply nerfing the heal and making it a fixed amount with no charge time or making it so he can damage at the same time he charges his heal is the right fix. I straight up think its just a matter of other support just get to do more "actions" (weave damage) than him because of the significant amount of time you spend charging heals. only being able to dash and platform while charging heals really just isnt enough.

Threes Gaming
Threes Gaming - 19.06.2023 10:52

I love this hero so much, he’s really fun to play and to watch. Unfortunately, in a ranked setting, he’s just straight up bad. Watch that first point on Havana again. ML7 is positioning really smartly, using his abilities to save his teammates or to put them in better spots, and putting out good healing numbers. But it’s all irrelevant because the character just fundamentally isn’t a “winning” hero. The best support heroes have playmaking ability. Ana has nade, Bap has Wall, Lucio has speed ramp, zen has discord orb. Offensive abilities that allow you to shift the fight. Lifeweaver is just a losing character because all he can do is plug leaks. There’s so many times where you just live forever and keep healing and pulling people and it’s all pointless. So many cool plays by Lifeweaver are just irrelevant because if you had been Ana in this spot or Bap in that spot, you would have anti naded their tank or won a 1v1 with a hitscan or whatever. My suggestions: make his platform a shield so teammates can shoot through it. Give something to his thorn volley that adds some offensive utility to it. Maybe a ramping healing debuff, or a damage taken increase based on how many thorns are sticking in the target. This character is so cool and he definitely can work in specific scenarios but for general play, he is just straight up bad, I think.

MoichiCen - 19.06.2023 08:31

You know how good the hero is when winning is already a challenge.

J ST - 19.06.2023 08:12

They should make the tree able to hold and capture objectives like Bob. This would obviously not fix any of his issues but would be funny as hell.

Donnjaburn - 19.06.2023 07:43

New LW passive idea: if life weaver is within 15 meters of an enemy the healing flower in his hand will start from a 25-35hp to boost his charge rate when deep in the fight. This will help his quick snappy heal ability AND act as a new “surveillance“ type support. Allow him play in the back and be able to have like natural instinct type thing to feel for a sneaky sombra or any flanker around. Plus he’d have a little more active healing if he’s having to play deeper in the fight. I think it only working with the flower would be like a cool little Navi helping you stay safe.

Qwert - 19.06.2023 07:05

56 mins is pretty telling yikes

Dylan Weimer
Dylan Weimer - 19.06.2023 06:52

The constant pinging is driving me crazy.

Leming - 19.06.2023 06:47

Instead of healing when he dashes he should be able to drop thorns that deal dot if you walk on them. Simple fix lmao

Bulldawg - 19.06.2023 06:46

It's suggestion central here but my chip is petal should be see-through and not block LW or ally projectiles like a standard barrier. That would already make it an actual offensive tool over just using it to flee or reposition, and encourage teammates to fight on it more.

Make his dash more mobile so he can do more aggressive pulls, make tree's healing global in range but blockable by LOS to give it a niche of placeable long-range heals since it uses healing *light*

ミgrandheroking - 19.06.2023 06:35

"why pick lw over other supports-" because i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dustin Banks
Dustin Banks - 19.06.2023 05:56

He sucks, but he’s so fun to play :(

Duolc 313
Duolc 313 - 19.06.2023 04:29

the title looks so impossible that i came to see

kazama kiryu looking at camera very closely
kazama kiryu looking at camera very closely - 19.06.2023 04:06

Ima be real honest petal platform should never be used to help teamates mid fight because nobody cares about taking it and if you do lift them up there most likely to fall off which is sad

ICEE1025 - 19.06.2023 03:45

Why does it feel like LW has good healing but it's always 1 second too late?

ICEE1025 - 19.06.2023 03:07

LW does alot to affect his own team, but barely anything to affect the enemy.

Kai alsh
Kai alsh - 19.06.2023 03:06

Last 2 games with the ball and echo hard focusing on you made me rage. Glad i don't play this game anymore 😅

Rawb - 19.06.2023 02:58

What if instead of his alt fire being a tickle gun what if it sprayed toxic spikes onto the ground that poison enemies who walk on them. Then he could threaten damage in an area while he’s healing

Jackobat Gaming
Jackobat Gaming - 19.06.2023 02:39

Lifeweaver's healing is really good. It's so good you can lose really really slowly.

Gay Plastic
Gay Plastic - 19.06.2023 02:28

I feel like Lifeweaver's not that bad outside of high ranks. His performance in diamond+ reveals fatal flaws in his design. He's too defensive. He doesn't have enough offensive parts to his kit. I feel like more often than not, petal is used for escape. The coordination required to use it for more than one person is too much even for gm. And his thorn volley still needs a projectile speed increase. It's damage is great now, but because of the speed it just doesn't feel worth shooting at anything other than the enemy tank. That being said, I have been having an amazing time playing him in gold. His healing is strong now in metal ranks because it's consistent/hard to miss (and does adequate numbers now). Like how mercy can get big heal number if she healbots. I don't die a lot thanks to petal, dash and my positioning. His thorn volley is easier to land in gold because people's movement is worse, so you can kinda just shoot at people walking in straight lines. I just really think either petal or tree needs some sort of offensive utility/damage.

Bagel Shake
Bagel Shake - 19.06.2023 02:23

After playing Lifeweaver after his buffs in both qp and comp, all I really have to say is.. he's fine. I like playing him cause in the right setting it feels really good to save teammates from dangerous situations (even if they put themselves into those).
But every other support just offers more, so there's no real reason to pick him outside of wanting to play him. It's not like he can't be good, but he's mediocre at best rn.

pav - 19.06.2023 02:20

Problem with weaver is hes lacking offense. Hes way more better on defense. He calls himself nothealer but on lw thats what hes does the most lol.

Patrick Lindberg
Patrick Lindberg - 19.06.2023 00:59

Winning and losing with the new life weaver, I wonder what the best support pairings are with him

Khaki - 19.06.2023 00:39

lifeweaver is so fun i just want him to be viable. at least I can quickplay with him

Sl4ts_ - 18.06.2023 23:24

My father and i (both support players) had a thought for LW primary fire- perhaps it could apply a weak healing debuff to opponents, making them take less incoming healing which scales up with how many thorns hit.

Weightsss - 18.06.2023 23:18

It’s just his damage that’s killing him. I get hella saves, get hella heels, and his tree is like a healing skinny Mei wall. It’s just his DAMAGE.

Coffee Bean
Coffee Bean - 18.06.2023 23:10

i can feel my cortisol levels rising while watching this

StayHydrated - 18.06.2023 23:00

I’m so glad i found ML7’s channel because without it I wouldn’t be good as Ana and now I’m in masters as support! Much love ML7 ❤
