How To Fix WordPress Problems - Troubleshoot & Find The Problem & Repair

How To Fix WordPress Problems - Troubleshoot & Find The Problem & Repair

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@jimbobriones1137 - 21.08.2023 19:45

Hi Adam. I'm a newbie at using WordPress. Currently I use the "Enable Media Replace" plugin to replace the images of some pages.

Using my Chrome browser it works perfectly and follows the theme set. However, when using a different browser or Chrome browser in a different account. It's no longer displaying correctly.

I hope you can help me. Tried to delete cache on WP Rocket and purge Cache in Cloudway.

@AmronSilva - 04.08.2023 13:48

Thank you so much man, you save me and my clients relationship, From yesterday I’m finding was solution and was so stressed. Thank you once again ❤

@bdriversims8230 - 08.05.2023 08:57

Hello, Adam. I hope all is well with you. My problem wasn't addressed here. Can you please help me? First off, I am NOT "techie". Secondly, my problem is as follows: I try to view my Wordpress blog, and all I get is "Nothing Found". I've googled many "solutions", but quite frankly, I don't understand any of them. Can you please help? Thank you, in advance. P.S. You got a "like" from me even if my problems was not addressed. Thank you again.

@davidvillena8432 - 15.02.2023 03:04

Thank you so much Andan your video save me, many hugs from Peru

@sandsand5173 - 14.01.2023 12:23

It doesnt work, it asked me to log in, but the button for opening the account doesnt work at all, and I tried to delete it, and the two bloggers also do not want to be deleted either!

@h1ghpower - 03.01.2023 21:41

Nice video man, I just have a question - how can I change my PHP versions on my wordpress instalation easely? (without cPannel) Just curious how can this be done the most easely - I am asking since I want to alwasy run some tests using the newest PHP version VS the current stable PHP versions in different contexts of plugin testing and troubleshooting! Thank you!

@davidg5629 - 03.12.2022 22:29

You did it! I couldn't add new themes. Kept getting an error msg. I deactivated my plugins. Boom. Issue solved. Thanks, man.

@MrRODNEYTWO - 23.10.2022 00:26

This video is a problem in itself I don’t even know what he’s trying to fix

@age_of_reason - 30.08.2022 02:00

I activate a different theme but nothing changes. WP sucks.

@lamminlenmate3191 - 03.06.2022 10:34

why my old homepage design is still reflected after I have re design it. but my new homepage design is not shown? what is the solution

@stiffiron - 25.05.2022 20:53

What if you do the first step, and the problem is the theme?

@abcweb8334 - 15.05.2022 13:58

Thanks a lot for your great Videos, I am learning so much from you....I have a question, is it better to setup a cache Plugin before or after making a Worpress website ?...Bless you. Cheers.

@umashankaryoutube390 - 06.04.2022 10:19

Thanks for your valuable information !

@bytech99 - 03.04.2022 10:21

Thanks a loooooooooooooooot

@davidsparkigbanny7094 - 08.01.2022 18:33

Great video, do you have a link video to fix WordPress blog not showing on google?, I appreciate your response

@Z1TFRIT - 15.12.2021 08:14

It Will brake your site BE CAREFUL

@kylewmosier - 03.12.2021 14:38

I did a bunch of changes on my website and I started having issues with my lightboxes not appearing when images were clicked. I was beating myself over the head trying to figure it out and was already switching between themes and deactivating suspect plugins. But, Plugin Detective literally found the problem in less than 5 minutes. Thanks so much for this video!

@johnvillagracia - 03.12.2021 09:48

what if my problem is not going to check out even thou i click book now im creating a hotel site . thank you

@nicholateosinachi2084 - 13.11.2021 18:04

Thank you very much for the helpful tutorial. In my own case, I discovered the culprit was my Theme. But I don't want to change my Theme as it has the best functionalities I was looking for. I believe somehow there's a way to make my Theme and my page builder work together. Please do you have any fix ideas?

Thank you!

@victorhaag7284 - 12.11.2021 18:56

Thank you very much :)

@mercedeslife1454 - 01.11.2021 20:12

How is it possible that theme developer was able to install theme demo for me without error. However when I installed demo I got error and wasn't able to install demo

@thejones9908 - 02.10.2021 01:30

Changing the theme fixed the issue for me! Thank You!!

@misknowledgecenter - 27.09.2021 12:04

Helo Sir,
Hoping you are well.
I am facing an issue, that when i go find some product in search bar and that is blinking, can you guide me what to do to fix this bug.?

@Shamzstud - 18.09.2021 22:24

What if I need to use that plugin, because the plugin caused all the problems, this means I can never use it again?

@unclegusy2k - 18.09.2021 14:45

Hey there great video,

wondering if you can help, i have a website that looks like it was hacked and have got it back up and running but everytime i click on add new pluggin or add new theme i get a back page (not white page)?? any sugestions

@dineboro - 06.09.2021 22:11

Hey tanking for the video, my problem is that only my desk computer I used to build my website can see my website, others people can not see in their devices. How can I fix it.

@linusmoses2098 - 06.09.2021 06:08


@Obalit - 04.09.2021 12:38

it's very helpful. Thanks so much

@noelleharris7293 - 25.08.2021 20:59

How do I fix when a 404 page shows up on my cell but it looks fine on mobile view on my laptop? I cleared cache and shut off plugins and turned back on. Neither worked.

@soniacena9277 - 29.07.2021 22:43

There's no one better at fixing disabled Account than 69DATAGEEK on instagram, his really the best.

@soniacena9277 - 29.07.2021 22:43

There's no one better at fixing disabled Account than 69DATAGEEK on instagram, his really the best.

@shabeeribnmk927 - 27.07.2021 21:32

Plugin might be causing due to reasons issues like: PHP version, PHP limits, WP memory, .htaccess/.ini files, Core files and so on.

Disabling plugin or theme is not the right solution. We should check why all of sudden plugins started throwing errors.

@gcoffeecompany7228 - 12.07.2021 21:59

Very helpful, thanks!

@IamTasharea - 22.06.2021 07:30

You saved me $50 thx for the information

@tanusreebanik2453 - 16.06.2021 19:58

Hi, For me one specific page is not loading which i have just designed in elementor, can you help me out with this?

@fexteleleads4245 - 10.06.2021 23:24

hello, I just had a website working and downloaded Flatsome and it erased my website. I deleted all of the pages and now my main page won't load. It's loading an empty blog page. Any tips?

@anushkagunarathna - 10.06.2021 20:28

Content no found error appearing only when edit shop page by Elementor. What should i do?

@attachfitness2888 - 02.06.2021 10:32

Thank you so much🙏🏼

@OjasviVats - 27.05.2021 20:42

thank you so much sir it helped me a lot

@thesmartcouponlady3176 - 09.05.2021 16:19

You saved me!!!!! I did this step by step and my site is back up and running!!

@sebalizarraga1051 - 15.04.2021 21:17

Hi Adam, I have changed the site url from the Wordpress dashboard and now my jet engine custom post types throw the “page not found” error whenever I want to see them published, how can I solve thisv

@gigasoftgaming - 07.04.2021 05:02

When I click Troubleshoot I get a Log In Page that won’t do anything when I try to log in, I am already logged into WordPress, then I get this page and when I put in my username / password then click Log In it just sits there no loading bar or anything

@abhijeetnogia9100 - 30.03.2021 19:02

Nice video.. It helped me in resolving my website issue.

@robhogg5698 - 23.03.2021 03:03

Great video. Fixed my broken website in a breeze. Thanks

@nizamshaikh1 - 16.03.2021 15:31

How to remove parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in

@Monik8 - 24.02.2021 22:57

Hello Adam,
I have problem with canape theme, the food menus is not working and the logo on the left is not showing either when I change the domain
Can you help me, please?

@amalfimike - 17.02.2021 00:55

Can you do timestamps? I can't sit through 12 mins to see if my particular issue comes up

@lucasavarese458 - 02.02.2021 22:25

I was going crazy, I would have never guessed it was woolentor. I spent several hours on the code. Thanks man.

@sandy001987 - 25.01.2021 19:55

Thank you boss. U saved me. THANKS A TON
