Voyager Academy Video 08 - The BREAD Builder

Voyager Academy Video 08 - The BREAD Builder


7 лет назад

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@ibernohoffmann5427 - 01.10.2017 03:39

Hello... thanks for share... You will make something talking about a front-end, using VOYAGER?

@RiazUddinMasum - 20.10.2017 13:39

hay is there a way to create a hidden field with current user name or id.

@AriqIslam - 16.12.2017 23:21

Hello, thank you very much for the videos. I have ran into a problem with image upload using voyager BREAD System. If I delete or update an image using BREAD the old image not replaced or deleted. It is still in the storage directory. I was using latest version of voyager with laravel 5.5. Is there any solution to this problem? Thank you in advance.

@Paltibenlaish - 22.06.2018 16:20

Hi, I like veru much your work!
It's possible to migrate and seed the database with my current db???or I need to kick start all again?

@ThePassportJourneys - 12.07.2018 16:52

when i am creating new BREAD and open it it shows this error stack

"Missing required parameters for [Route: voyager.user-roles.edit] [URI: admin/user-roles/{user_role}/edit]. (View: /opt/lampp/htdocs/voyager/vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/bread/partials/actions.blade.php) (View: /opt/lampp/htdocs/voyager/vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/bread/partials/actions.blade.php)"

what is this and how to solve this

@makjunior4558 - 07.09.2018 15:29

I am getting this error over and over again after creating a new table... could successfully make the table , also could successfully added bread but when click that menu item I get this error :

Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException (42S02)
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'bus.busnames' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `busnames` order by `created_at` desc)

@levenileon7423 - 07.10.2018 15:23

Hi! After I added validation unique to product name like this: validation: { .rule: ["max:12", "unique:products,name"] }. And after save and back to create product I always receive javascript error in Voyager app.js that says "Cannot read property 'top' of undefined". Need help!!

@rizkiheryandi5759 - 21.10.2018 13:57

Hmm, so i should make new menu for each role ? it's not effective right ?

Why we are not make a menu then set which role can access that menu ?

I think i should make a pull request to this project :D

@stantoju6256 - 22.10.2018 08:17

Hi bro, you're doing an awesome job. So.. I was able to get my voyager system running, but I keep getting this error whenever I wanna add content to my bread..... Trying to get property 'width' of non-object (View:......
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

@muradhossain1473 - 15.05.2019 13:29

i can't upload image. when i upload a image it's show nothing. plz help.

@muradhossain1473 - 16.05.2019 16:48

At Rich Text Box toolbar "video uploag and gif " option not showing.

@sherwalichd - 16.01.2020 23:18

we could have enabled model in our previous video. while creating table.

@i7Solutions - 31.01.2020 03:28

getting this error Illuminate\Database\QueryException
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'voyager.recharges' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `recharges` order by `created_at` desc)

@marianivanov6431 - 09.04.2020 00:46

dont create database from my mysql

@jirmurentertainer130 - 02.10.2020 23:19

How show video player for some url data.. How to show using voyager.. how to add active and inactive link in bread and there actions..

@JigneshThummar - 12.11.2020 01:56

As everything except model creation can be done from admin, is it possible to create model as well right from admin without running artisan command?

@dasturchiukkikundaligi2810 - 26.06.2021 11:00

What's up everybody. I have been using voyager more than a year, great thanks for your doings making life easier) But I have question about default bread pages. how can I add my own default bread pages whenever I type voyager:install command. Thanks for your attention

@АртемАртеменконезабывайвыходит - 29.06.2022 19:39

Hello, pictures not showing what to do?

@eldesarrollador6624 - 21.08.2022 21:28

I am using larvel 9 with php 8; I am following the tutorial; but I am encountering this error: Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException
Target class [App\Product] does not exist.

How solve it?

@oussamamanino2712 - 29.09.2024 01:07

how to add a dropdown list
