After Effects Tutorial: Distort: CC Bend It & CC Bender

After Effects Tutorial: Distort: CC Bend It & CC Bender


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@user-ot8no6uv4n - 12.08.2023 00:20

Thank you so much

@hannabnanna - 29.03.2022 01:20

not sure if this will make sense but it there a way to make the image bend forward like? I want it to bend and come into the comp full view starting at the bottom.

@1WillyDAVID - 03.12.2021 04:51

awesome tut, thanks man!

@Guty90210 - 09.09.2021 07:23

and the example????? couldn't do that....

@chillu420 - 25.02.2021 08:34

BTW this channel have a lot of tuts about different effects in AE, I also sometime searches for all effects in AE explained in one video, So may be you can make a compilation and may be it will be 🤯. And may attract people's as well.

@chillu420 - 25.02.2021 08:32

The moment I checked the channel I subscribed.

@sheep4572 - 03.01.2021 04:45

hello i am a sheep from just a little farm with very dumb questions! I wonder if I face a situation where I have already animated a shape with positions, rotations, scale and path animations then I decide "let me add cc bend it!" How would you approach connecting the movement from the start and end points to the shape layers movement. Unfortunately parenting didn't work. I used to keyframe it in hold keyframes, which took me AAAAGES! I've found that typing "toComp(value)" worked kind of, but it sent my anchor points to absolute outer space! So I had to readjust them. This last method is the fastest, works fine, but I'm wondering if there's a cleaner and better way?

Thank you for your video and time! Baa!

@wolfreicherter748 - 11.12.2020 20:13

man, you short to the point, albeit slightly manic, has helped me a ton. Thank you!!!

@linabesedina8934 - 24.04.2020 04:08

Thank you so much for taking your time to make this brilliant explanation, I’ve spent the past fews days trying to figure out how to animate a willow tree, and CC Bend It was the solution :D Thanks again!

@rahuldeshpande9997 - 11.02.2020 09:54

Hey! Can you give us access to the project file? Would like to follow along! Thank you! 😀😀😀😀😀😀

@rahuldeshpande9997 - 08.02.2020 14:15


@jamskof - 12.12.2019 11:41

bending is driving me crazy, i have such a simple thing i need to do but i cant find a method. imagine a thick horizontal line, i just need a relatively sharp bend in the middle withthe rest of the bar being straight

@blacknovember1835 - 13.10.2019 09:10

you need more subscribers! your tutorials and videos are awesome!!

@galefraney - 16.03.2019 18:58

P.S. Love the name of your channel !! It is the best !!

@jonmiller9612 - 11.03.2019 02:24

Best tutorial I've found on this! How you only have 118 subs is beyond me. Looking forward to future tutorials!
