Kabbalah, Occultism, Freemasonry and Jordan Peterson - Stop Being Silly

Kabbalah, Occultism, Freemasonry and Jordan Peterson - Stop Being Silly

Jonathan Pageau

5 лет назад

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@JonathanPageau - 01.04.2019 22:47

There are a few mistakes in the editing, for some reason, a few images pop up in random places and there is some blackscreen at the end. Sorry about that.

@EOisONLYtrueCHURCH - 03.01.2024 02:16

As above so below. In heaven as on earth. Up and down ya know?

@dinowarrior9126 - 02.01.2024 00:48

Best to listen to lectures by Walter Veith, in particular Total Onslaught. Jonathan Pageau focuses on just symbolism and gets stuck.

@catastrophucked - 31.12.2023 20:09

Man, you're gonna have to explain to me why you think Aleister Crowley of all people is evil. Without context, that statement just comes off as borderline contradictory to the point of the whole video. "All these strange concepts aren't evil just because they're strange, but the man responsible for introducing all these concepts into the modern world IS"!? I hate to be that guy, but this is a random, unexplained curveball statement that I just can't let go.

@NYC2023-du8mg - 30.12.2023 11:45

Matthew 23:9

“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”
King James Version (KJV)

@stunnabready1653 - 30.12.2023 04:19

bro all Egyptian things aren’t paganism that was their god back then

@suejackson5023 - 28.12.2023 23:36

My ancient Benedictine priest friend always cautions that there is a kernel of truth in everything. Take the time to find out what that is.

@foxledbyheart7752 - 26.12.2023 22:37

You are all one controlled religion from the beginning😈
Stop finding excuses to purify yourself. Peterson is a puppet and he does his job very very well- look how many Idiots in the entire World fallow his agenda. Cannot you think for yourself anymore?- this is called a fu…. Communism!

@Mu-min786 - 25.12.2023 16:10

bro showing his cognitive dissonance, "uh uh uh its not a pagan practice"

@autumngrace8541 - 22.12.2023 23:41

Sacrament is like a "gateway drug" to cannibalism, and they count on it.

@const71 - 22.12.2023 19:19

The Sabbatean agenda perfectly describes the evil we see today and to understand the tenents of this wicked belief system, examine the philosophy of Nathan of Gaza, Sabbatei Zvi and especially Jacob Frank (self proclaimed reincarnation of the false messiah) who more than any other Kabbalist has influenced today's immoral society. Jordan Peterson's occultist writings aside, his support of Zionist Israel, more than anything else, is your tip off that he is a Sabbatean lifetime actor hellbent in corruping both Islam and Christianity. He speaks from both sides of his mouth because he is what is known as a gatekeeper of the right, much like Noam Chomsky is his Sabbatean counterpart on the left. As to the Christian idolatry and symbols conveniently trivialized by this narrator, understand that this is NOT trivial or inconsequential; the teachings of the historical Jesus were infiltrated and redefined long ago by pagans, kabbalists and today, by modern revisionists, and so the symbols found within Christian idolatry throughout history is, again, no accident. As a Jew, Jesus would have condemned the idolatry practiced by Christians, including the garbage espoused by this narrator. But don't listen to me ... please by all means ... just go buy one of his t-shirts... 😎

@mrstudent8 - 21.12.2023 20:40

yeah some people get carried away and make connections where there is non. You have to look at who is incorporating the symbol and what their agenda is.

@jakerobinhoodson4136 - 21.12.2023 20:01

I'll just drop this here.
"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism. A great veil shall fall from their eyes."
~ Manly P. Hall
[Manly P. Hall was a Lifelong researcher of Esoteric Philosophy and Occult science.
Also he was a 33rd degree Freemason.
He wrote many books and he attended many lecture conferences between the 1950's and 1990.
He is worth studying, Hall was a modern Rennasaince Man, a walking treasure Trove of History, Knowledge and Wisdom.

@PAP888 - 20.12.2023 20:08

Ngl was hoping I was going to hear things I didn’t know already, but i realized this is really a true introduction into the occult/higher consciousness. My advice to those new on their spiritual journey or path of enliGhtenment, don’t let those who don’t know tell you, you are demonic.

@KasierCamHam - 19.12.2023 07:39

Also, to add, Eliphas Levi just like every person claiming to have the Grand Secrets, was estranged from whichever organization you think they were in. The Templars were also restored to the sacraments and to the church, by the by.

@KasierCamHam - 19.12.2023 07:19

As if Christians don't also "subvert and destroy culture". The entirety of our species isn't going to submit to any one doctrine, so let's stop pretending like we are in a winnable war. Telling yourself that an upstanding person is evil because of their theological beliefs is just belligerent.

@pakoti96 - 18.12.2023 18:47

Watching this video brings me remarkable satisfaction.

Recently there has been a controversial discussion about the statue of St. Sofia in Sofia, Bulgaria. The public discourse was suddenly filled with wild claims that it's a masonic and satanic statue because the owl is a symbol of death and other such "arguments".

I've always said that the worst thing you can do for a thesis is defend it with unsound arguments.

@inspir93volution - 16.12.2023 00:07

Great video , glad to see someone who is well versed in orthodox Christianity addressing this silliness.

@TravisMcKnight-lk7gg - 10.12.2023 19:06

The one true living God, says in his word , Ask me , and I will give you the heathen for a inheritance ! All of it is a mystery religion that leads straight to the staircase down to an eternal Hell and you can lie to each other on your way ! Satanic cults lead nowhere and Satan is a liar and the father of them.

@johnbecht3158 - 09.12.2023 03:04

"Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an
abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting."
Isaiah 1:13 KJB
Game-over for Catholic mass.

@warren5100 - 07.12.2023 15:45


@warren5100 - 07.12.2023 15:45


@AustinOrgans - 07.12.2023 11:35

Absolute aboriginal bullshit. These black/dark clowns are frauds.

@livingwellness-meditations - 07.12.2023 00:12

Fantastic! Everything you said needed to be said

@ibelieve3111 - 06.12.2023 21:01


@theveganmedium-theveganmed9330 - 06.12.2023 01:23

Loved this! Thank you 😊

@julzee111 - 05.12.2023 01:05

Nearly all of the symbols that represent freemasons are taken from stonemasons. Those that built with brick and mortar. They’ve done this because they are laying the foundation for the New World order. That should tell you about all you need to know.

@justamason6869 - 04.12.2023 05:02

I would say masonry has been part of destroying Christian culture.
That's normally what non masons say about masonry , then misquote or miscontext some quote.
But interesting though

@jasonbourne5142 - 02.12.2023 12:54

Your bishops in Eastern orthodox are pagan

@jasonbourne5142 - 02.12.2023 12:48

You have a bunch of weird things in the background, what the heck are you into ?

@jasonbourne5142 - 02.12.2023 12:38

Roman Catholic is also satanic, hopefully you repent of that, you idolize Mary.

@pryzmcat - 01.12.2023 15:18

You are very intelligent and have an analytical mind. Have you ever studied the formation of the King James bible, and how that bible was influenced by the Danish/Viking culture that had a tremendous influence the British Isle and Europe? Indeed upon the far reaches of the globe? Please, just do one thing: look up the etymology and philology of the word "god". Just that word, itself. Then get back to me.

@ranksofangels2748 - 28.11.2023 09:02

You cant begin to equate the snakes on the Bishops staff with a non Christian depiction of Chinese cosmology freemasonry is also carried into China....China was another version of Babylon....that was dispersed prior to the destruction....Babylon was a system of slavery/hierarchy set forth by nephilim who used humans as slaves and elevated humans that would control others much like we have today....God spoke everything into existence...it was the word made flesh who became relatable as the image of God....for which all other things were created....its fairly safe to say that anything related to the world system of mamman is not accidentally looking like a baphomet what once was hidden has been revealed we can now know all the secrets from those ancient secret societies as we are living in the time of revelation/apocalypse....the hidden things are being revealed.....there are Nepjilim bloodlines throughout the earth....they literally created thousands of children from their bloodlines and sent them to The new world America which was named after pagan gods by the way....not an Italian explorers first name you must operate from a deep understanding to comment on these things....if someone is not Orthodox Christian the chances of them being deeply influenced by demonology from cannanite religion which is the root of all paganism is very very likely almost certain. The Bible is the truth even if there are similar stories in texts that predate it....they mingled partial truths into their demonically inspired religions...and they burned libraries once people started comming into deeper understanding....the centers of enlightenment were always used to spread a demonic philosophy but God does not allow the truth to remain hidden from his people....once people start understanding true worship and the power they've been given and start walking in it they will shut the internet down too....once they feel the force of the power of God comming from the people. Lets not assume that freemason imagery is not demonic how could it not be...God did not draw a circle he spoke....its man's concept I think David likened creation to the drawing of the earth when we know that God said....and it was done.

@paulmaginn7324 - 25.11.2023 05:48

the square and compass have deeper meanings than presented here.

@themisterg. - 23.11.2023 22:42

Jordan Peterson has used Tarot cards in his practice. Now he didn’t use it for divination but rather identifying archetypes his patients relate to. Does this make Jordan Peterson a warlock?

@stephenwastaken - 17.11.2023 08:55

TLDR: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

@michaelbentley-iq1yr - 16.11.2023 03:36

Catholics aren't evil but they are misled. The Catholic church has changed the 10 commandments, the Lord's prayer, the Sabbath ect I urge you brothers and sisters to return to God's infallible word and turn from the doctrines of meb

@celticanimism7768 - 15.11.2023 13:01

I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s really important that the “Occult” encompasses a huge category made of extremely diverse beliefs and practices ranging from explicit Satanism to esoteric (if unorthodox) Christianity.

@mjmercado61 - 13.11.2023 01:54

Right hand up, left right down ! To me means ,as above so below ! To me there is no God or Satan ,we are in a simulation ,in a dream full of fear and conditioning! There is no judgement ,but just experiencing this script ,that we choose to experience! Get out of your body at nights and see the truth ! Religions are such Bullshit 😂

@chrisparker2118 - 09.11.2023 01:57

Randall Carlson does the best job of explaining occult and Freemasonry symbolism.

@Daniel24445 - 08.11.2023 14:44

You know nothing about Protestant initiations. Just another lost soul trying to take other souls to hell with them and make a name for themselves. Try educating yourself the Greek word was “Musterion” and there was two spirits Truth and Error. Protestants don’t view the sacrament like Catholics do.

@RandyStIves - 06.11.2023 20:28

Bohemian Grove, dude. That tells the world the elite use the occult for their riches. They made deals, when you do, the entity takes over you during select times.

@dabidibup - 05.11.2023 23:30

“Conspiracy theory” is the new “occult”
Easy to dismiss someone by calling them weird

@rigavitch - 05.11.2023 21:25

I used to support and defend JBP but after a few years and research - I have changed my opinion.
I do now believe he is involved in the occult and possibly even secret societies albeit adjacent and/or privately.
Having been a member of one I do have some idea of what I speak...

@LoneStarRocker - 04.11.2023 05:37

Duality dictates that good and evil are equal. That’s a very humanist view of nature and humanism is strictly surface and strictly flesh that never reaches to the divine. Most people worship nature.

@zeexxx8733 - 03.11.2023 02:10

You are speaking but I'm not hearing you I don't think you are discerning in the spirit we living in a spiritual world
