The Best Way to Practice DRAWING

The Best Way to Practice DRAWING


3 года назад

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SamDoesArts - 27.04.2021 19:01

Hi frands 🌞

Premium potato
Premium potato - 20.09.2023 06:26

you think it was bad back then? i had to walk to school in a pandemic. crammed into a stuffy room with a whole bunch of sick kids with masks on. people back in the day

Mangojuice - 20.09.2023 02:51

im so fucking ass, I can't, I'm a disgrace to all mangaka, im trying to draw some of araki's works and get better progressively but its so hard to even start because of how bad I am rn, I look at what I did, then the reference, and cringe physically. im so bad but I will get better I swear

zh33p_vods - 20.09.2023 01:04

i draw digitally so much, sometimes i will grab a canvas from my closet and whatever paint i suck at the most just so i can struggle. i love the outcome even if i destroy the cavas lmao

Midnight Owl.
Midnight Owl. - 18.09.2023 12:12

You don’t use the loomis method? I can’t even imagine sketching without the loomis.

Beverly - 14.09.2023 03:50

I would love to create characters from my imagination on a paper, but I've been practicing and I'm struggling. Anyone have tips?

killer enemy
killer enemy - 13.09.2023 15:49

I miss the old polite samdoesart

nate B
nate B - 11.09.2023 18:09

bro i only use traditional

FinalfixMusic - 09.09.2023 16:41

u talk so softly it makes my skin crawl

GingerDumbass - 09.09.2023 13:29

im gen z but i didn't have anything digital until about 3 years ago, i grew up with sketchbooks and my mums ipad lmao

K. ART - 06.09.2023 21:26

cool, new friend here❤️😍👍

Nienke van Loon
Nienke van Loon - 05.09.2023 16:51

Man your voice is so relaxing I love watching your videos

KAWAII STAR - 04.09.2023 22:33

No one is going to see it?! Are you sure buddy?!💀
I fawking CAN'T DO it!! Cuz my family will look at all the things i fawking draw!!
It is a pain in the as*....
I want to draw a couple but i CAN'T, why?! Cuz my family are so STRICKED (I hope i spelled it right)

KAWAII STAR - 04.09.2023 22:30

Tbh traditional art is kinda can feel the art

Cole Papers
Cole Papers - 03.09.2023 23:22

There are two different people:
1.people who like to use sketchbook
2. Digital artist.
I like sketchbooks personally

Chanthorn Drawing
Chanthorn Drawing - 02.09.2023 07:00

love your teached!

Pyronis - 31.08.2023 23:42

Ngl I hate digital art. Not because it’s “not real art” it’s real art and I still respect people who use it. Just for me I like the physical feedback and not having an undo button makes the drawing more unique. I also think digital art makes the blank page problem so much worse.

Dtrkshadow - 30.08.2023 16:07

I use circles to help me draw hands. I saw this method on tiktok and its helped me sooo much to get the fingers right

Pegasus Zarafa
Pegasus Zarafa - 22.08.2023 16:28

Your rough sketches are really easy to understand. Any chance you can share them with me?

Rene Marrero
Rene Marrero - 18.08.2023 04:37


I_am_Dumpcz - 13.08.2023 21:38

now Im drawing 11 sketch book and I have 1 big sketch book done so I think Im good but thank you for some ideas and little help  ̄▽ ̄

Febu Official
Febu Official - 13.08.2023 10:39

What mechanical pencil are you using sir?

Lil-Pony - 11.08.2023 21:31

The only way I draw is with my sketchbook! ❤

is that beamlak
is that beamlak - 10.08.2023 12:09

he is so good

theopoax isuponus
theopoax isuponus - 08.08.2023 22:33

havent watched this yet, but I have done something subconsciously that I think accidentally improved my drawings. So, whenever I was bored in class, or a joke popped into my head, I’d draw it. It honestly made me rely on my imagination a lot, and try and actually draw what I’m thinking of. Sometimes, these drawings went well, but I’ve also realised something else. Erasing something when it didnt look good ans visualising it, made me actually use my imagination. When I erased a line, it could even have been a good line, I’d try an think of what I’m trying to draw. What position is my character in, what would it look like in that perspective. The more I erased, the more the blank white piece of paper made me see what I thinking of a lot more. And sometimes, something didn’t have to come from my head completely alone. Sometimes i’m remembering an amazing art piece I found and try and replicate it off memory. or find it and see what interested me about it. I’ve definitely become better at drawing from erasing, visualising, remembering and drawing.

kit. ♡
kit. ♡ - 07.08.2023 04:40

im the one who's better at traditional art and sketching than painting and digital art 💀

Twin Studio Productions
Twin Studio Productions - 07.08.2023 04:10

I’ve always preferred paper drawing than digital

GoopyBonez - 04.08.2023 21:30

Another thing that helps with sketchbooks is if you bring it out with you to even just do errands, parked in a parking lot or sitting on a train, draw whatever you see! Someone's got a cool hairstyle? Sketch a quick portrait. Found a cool older car? Work on sketching "the mundane." There's a lot out there.

Nguyen Hoa
Nguyen Hoa - 04.08.2023 08:59

Can someone summarize this video for me please? im lost..

Arts by Nafas
Arts by Nafas - 04.08.2023 07:19


HER ONLY - 02.08.2023 19:47

He’s so handsome

fav0rite - 02.08.2023 05:43

sam putting my love for traditional art into words

Estrella Carretero
Estrella Carretero - 30.07.2023 03:58

Otro video sam

TAFT Paper
TAFT Paper - 29.07.2023 14:27

I miss the old polite sam

Mya Jade
Mya Jade - 28.07.2023 03:49

alright maybe I’ll start on paper instead of digital 😂

Fateme Ebadi
Fateme Ebadi - 27.07.2023 21:54

hello . Excuse me I have a question. when I am drawing on my ipadpro m2chips I found it has low pixel. what can I do to solve this problem ? thank you

Enigma - 26.07.2023 09:24

I only draw traditional. I used to want to so badly draw digital, and when I finally did I just found it more frustrating. Now it's all pencil and paper dor me and I love it.

Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors - 25.07.2023 22:57

sam kinda look like that one guy from jimmy neutron

Donald Duck
Donald Duck - 25.07.2023 12:18

Intro: casually showing better rap skills then my grandmother

L.E. Brentwood
L.E. Brentwood - 24.07.2023 22:59

Omg! The intro though 😂😂😂. This made my day. I have been learning digital and I love it, however I forget that I cannot redo, erase, or enlarge on physical paper. So this was timely
Glad this video showed up👍😊

Mariana Velazquez
Mariana Velazquez - 24.07.2023 10:07

Tbh paper is more fun than digital at time cuz I'm in the olden times 🥺🩷also why not 😌🩷

Leiliany Nany
Leiliany Nany - 23.07.2023 06:01

I still go to Wal-Mart to get sketch book every week

GodKiller97 - 21.07.2023 01:53

Art is a lot of knowing tips and tricks from experience. Even simple things like “proportionally I know what this looks like” when a beginner puts it down to paper and realizes that it’s way to large or small or short or long.

There’s also simple line work that gives us visual orientation of direction (rotational, depth, etc) that you don’t know without experimentation or seeing someone else do it. Certain angles are really difficult to draw. I really did an isometric angle oh someone bending over to put their hands into a pond. Most difficult thing was finding distinguishing landmarks on the body to orient the character since much of the leg and torso detail was lost from the angle.

So yeah, learning art is a long process of just drawing. Learning how to break things down into simple shapes and it’s not just about drawing from life or looking at a photograph but how it looks in your minds’ eye too.

Isabella Queiroz
Isabella Queiroz - 18.07.2023 20:50

Me in the endless (and merciless) loop of undoing every single little mistake. Yeah i got to go back to my good old friends pencil and paper. Thanks for the tips! I’m currently trying to get better at drawing anatomy. Do you have a video for that?

mentally_ill_crow - 17.07.2023 16:40

for me is drawing online a way of practising because i always draw on paper but i learn the best with drawing over a other photo/drawing. and i dont show my drawings on the internet so im oke with drawing over other people drawings :D

Naila Abdullayeva
Naila Abdullayeva - 16.07.2023 20:10

"I'm not sponsored by sketchbooks" lmaooo

Alexis Keke
Alexis Keke - 16.07.2023 19:13

The page does not have to be perfect....
Proceeds to sbow countless pages of aesthetic perfection throughout the video
