Rune Divination Methods: The Three Norns Method

Rune Divination Methods: The Three Norns Method

Arith Härger

3 года назад

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@FoucaultShanez - 20.01.2024 14:18

Could you add Ukrainian subtitles, please 🇺🇦

@wolfmauler - 13.01.2024 00:06

I think it might not be good to have the tiles be a non symmetrical shape, like these plectrum shaped ones here. If you do go in for inverted or reversed meanings. It's rather like a "marked card" or loaded dice, you will know the top from bottom and have an influence on whether the rune fell inverted or not. IMO

@Witchy1976 - 28.11.2023 22:51

Please get to the point of how to read the runes. You do a lot of talking and have already spent the first half of the video talking.

@tianmere - 18.11.2023 21:23

So, where can I get a set like those? They are beautifully made.

@defashionmonstar - 09.11.2023 11:21

I do agree with you, every reader ( that do such divination) has their own spiritual journey, and the way "how they read runes", it depend on how they want to to ( what style and method, and also the way how they interpret the symbols. And in my opinion it is important to appreciate all the reader. Method in runes has many ways ( formation), and at the end of the day, the reader choose what they consider, the best way for them. ✨✨ just like tarot reader. There are many ways to read tarot ( method and formation of the cards, whether they're : 3 cards, 5 cards, 6 cards, 9 cards and so on... Then the reader will use ( choose the way of themselves), and if it is necessary, the will make adding cards to complete the divination ( to answer the question if needed). As well as runes. It can be 3 , 5, 6, 9, or ten.

By the way thanks for your knowledge. Well said...and u explain is amazing 👍👍✨

@AzuraTarot - 15.08.2023 17:03

it is a bit disappointing to think that rune divination is rather modern and basically a different take on tarot cards. But as with all divination, it is merely a method for the seer to understand what lies beneath.

@Chap17 - 07.08.2023 08:44

The phoneix Rose from the Ashes ...sometimes situations have an even better transformation

@demetrioxray - 04.06.2023 22:46

Hi... very nice video. Ty for the explanation.

Hum... I still have a doubt about the inverted rune. How did the rune come to be inverted? I mean, did you picked it out of the bag like that or did you throw it in the air and it landed inverted?


@TarotulAlchimistului - 21.05.2023 22:30

Do u have girlfriend?

@statisticool - 18.05.2023 14:47

I like to use Excel for this, I made a video about it. Cheers,

@indranikeiki1392 - 19.04.2023 15:55

Which one is the rune that apperas 7 out ot 10 times?? I have one that keeps appearing

@indranikeiki1392 - 19.04.2023 15:32

Science is a process to try to understand the truth not to claim the truth, loved the video, I share the same perspective, thank you!!!

@redwolf7929 - 26.03.2023 13:23

Thank you Arith.Being a farmer here in new south Wales Australia I tend to whittle things back to that which is absolutely necessary.Runes to me require a short communication of respect to the spirits, and a simple grounding of myself. I thing just pull them out one at a time in the method you have shown.Didnt know that was its name. I have found them to be very informative.Thanks again.

@ramuriel - 16.03.2023 09:20

The information was short and not to the point. You spent more than 10min. Giving your point of view and explaining everything was exhausting. This was more like a class that could've lasted less time. It took forever for you to get to the point. You explained the 3 runes, past,present and future in three different ways??? And at the end you gave another??!!! I don't get it??? This is my first time looking at your video. You spent more time explaining everything but the runes..!?
It sounds like you have a lot of information but you really didn't explain anything besides the obvious. How the past relates to the present and how it affects the future.... So you just take three runes out the bag and put in order??? There's obviously A LOT MORE TO IT.....I get your opinion about the fancy stuff but how did you decide to pick an inverted rune?? If you have the ability to get deep into the science, philosophical, ect. I'm pretty sure you can do a better job with this intention is not to offend or be rude. Just expressing myself and sharing my perspective. I have a feeling you can do an extremely better job explaining the runes....if you have any questions, please feel free and get in touch with me.

@leich1m - 16.02.2023 15:15

Pretty solid info. Could have fit in a 5 minute video though.
I see a tendency to repeat irrelevant things like "things you're not going to do" or "in another video" or "this is my opinion" etc. etc.

@indigenascuscatlecos - 13.02.2023 09:34

I am very intuitive and feel this plays a big role in interpreting what is not science. Therefore I want to learn how to read the tunes and your input resonates for me.

@raphaeldagaz417 - 27.01.2023 04:02

I’ve prefered not to read inverted position based on a simple concept: we don’t read our alphabets inverted hahaha Like, the letter A isn’t different from A inverted. My way to understand if a rune shows a good or bad thing is connecting it’s meaning with the other runes around it, for instance, if Gibu was close to a Naudr, so it can be not a good alliance… do you know what I mean?

But of course, if someone else is reading runes to me, I follow what the reader say, if he/she reads inverted position, I will follow his/her advices.

@farukabu2482 - 22.12.2022 13:32

It's been great to journey with you throughout the world of runes. I'm an enthusiast and am learning a lot from your videos. Thanks a lot.

@Airgunman1369 - 08.12.2022 01:14

I would very much like to learn how to cast and read a throw of all runes at once. Is this something you could possibly explain? Thanks!

@candyontherag8248 - 06.12.2022 12:08

Very good fight the evil

@candyontherag8248 - 06.12.2022 12:04

That's such a funny argument science and religion I don't think that you should have ever been separated but you know that's my own opinion

@candyontherag8248 - 06.12.2022 12:02

I'm sure that they used to do that just to be able to channel their energies through the runes hey to each their own whatever makes you in touch with your inner Powers right

@alexconnor8961 - 02.12.2022 01:46

How do I use runes on a compass

@jamieloom22 - 19.11.2022 18:45

I truly appreciate your philosophy on divination with runes and am grateful for all the knowledge you share.

@FridaAvosetta - 01.08.2022 01:19

I have been researching the runes for awhile now, feeling more and more drawn to them. I clicked on this video as it appeared by chance on my recommended page and the example reading ended up being exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for this video, I’m excited to learn more!

@aeremitahelen - 27.07.2022 10:01

O maior que temos

@urbaradhikari1539 - 22.07.2022 21:57


@toadiefrogvideo9579 - 08.07.2022 06:30

Dude you are awsome man

@milest6111 - 05.07.2022 17:39

Much Gratitude

@rosmerijosefinahidalgojime7364 - 19.05.2022 20:04

Totalmente agradecida

@rosmerijosefinahidalgojime7364 - 19.05.2022 20:03

Hola desde Venezuela

@rosmerijosefinahidalgojime7364 - 19.05.2022 20:03

Que música puedo poner para hacer las lecturas de las runas

@palmskrymme - 17.05.2022 18:11

Science doesn't perceive Magick. You won't find the playwright on the stage. It's a beautiful thing

@Faitheist1652 - 15.05.2022 02:29

Definitely the most frustrating part about learning runecasting for me has been the sheer amount of different runecasting techniques. Even with the three norns method mentioned here, I have seen different popular videos and books describe it differently, be it that the "past" rune is on the right and the "future" on the left, or that the middle rune is the "advice" rune between past and present. Ultimately I think the idea is to spend time practicing and see what technique speaks to you, but the lack of structure in runescasting is frustrating to me.

@johnnymeringues987 - 16.04.2022 15:32

What I really want to know is where you got that overshirt

@badcooper235 - 13.04.2022 00:20

Thanks for this. This will be my first Runic Divination

@martinlammey - 30.03.2022 19:32

Hail! Arith Harger!

@bethmyers7485 - 26.03.2022 21:23

Thanku so much for this knowledge .. this video is who I am and what I participate in .. this info on the norms is exactly what I’ve been learning about.. I’m so thankful for your knowledge u speak sacred truth and are part of my tribe

@iankenney6602 - 18.03.2022 22:27

I found where the truth of my heart and blood came from! Many thanks, sir!

@cressasweeney - 05.03.2022 19:46

Thank you for your content

@devilgopheripsissimustaeil6650 - 03.02.2022 05:41

Although I prefer the no-rune third-eye technique for seiðr magic, it's a great way to practice your ESP when choosing runes.

@micheleperelli1452 - 16.01.2022 23:01

Hallo Arith.... Maybe do You post any pdf about Runes? Have ypu got your website?
Thank ypu!

@micheleperelli1452 - 16.01.2022 22:59

Thank you for your work you're a very good teacher in this materia... Please go on with these lessons!!..... Bye from Italy

@PureJoyTarot - 11.01.2022 18:32

sorry didnt watch much of you was watching your cat hahaha. I always think knights just do as the king orders so doesn't have much scope in thinking for themselves to do 'good ' selfless acts. They to me very much like the pawns but not as much sacrificial aspects. Also loved how you said about foundations and rewards, as reminded me of the tower in tarot it has to be knocked down to build stronger foundations... AS I have not watched this series in sequence I did feel short changed by first so glad of the remakes...

@Tim_Nelmes - 19.11.2021 08:27

Skål My Friend. Love your Channel.

@LINZpassionzandtravelz - 02.11.2021 08:47

Thank you - very useful presentation - I too am not enamoured by what I call theatrics some employ around divination. But then as you say each to his own and some clients seem to desire this kind of reading.

@phillipstroll7385 - 01.11.2021 17:59

Well done. I enjoyed that a great deal. Thank you

@gremlin2550 - 01.11.2021 03:47

I always felt that with only three that I was missing something important and so I more commonly use six and read them in a way that it tells a story. I often tell people that just because you have a question doesn't mean you'll get an answer, the runes will tell you what you need to know not what you want to know. I use the blank stone and don't use inverted, I feel that full context of negative or positive can be read in the context of the runes before and after. I often go blank or zone out when reading the runes, it's a very weird and unsettling feeling so I don't do it often.

@derekturner2278 - 23.10.2021 07:06

Many thanks, been waiting for these explorations even though we all know how hesitant you are to make forays into the realm of that which is not strictly historically substantiated. Looking forward to other methods!

@creativewithjia - 17.10.2021 22:42

Feel like I've found the right channel for sure. I really wish to learn using runes.
