Watch the whole video here:
Testing & Hot Takes
Featuring Collin Slattery & welcoming back Barry Hott
Collin Slattery:
Digital ads pro & founder @taikundigital, part-time nomad, and Chicago sports fan. Tweets about digital marketing, bike politics & sports.
Barry Hott:
Social ads since '08, over $600 million managed. Ad guy for @RanchWater (acq'd by Diageo). Helping brands grow. Warning: All my takes are HottTakes
If you to be Confident in your efforts to TEST & SCALE Facebook Ads…
my World Renowned Facebook Ads MBA Program is perfect for you
The Facebook Ads MBA Program™️: The world's BEST LIVE program for advertisers who want to reach the elite level of profiting from $2k to $200k (or more) AD SPEND A DAY!
This 12-week, high-touch accelerator program will teach you how to TEST, SCALE, and MANAGE your ad account in a way that will SAVE YOU HOURS a week and help you put MORE MONEY in your pocket!
Watch this short video for more information about the Facebook Ads MBA Program:
I also have an application form here if you like what you see. Fill it out and book the call from there:
Remember, there's no obligation to sign up by booking this call. The program is by invitation only, and we first need to discover whether or not the program is the right course of action for you. Sound good?
Subscribe & Watch check out the entire DTC Coffee Shop Playlist here:
Previous Episodes of DTC Coffee Shop -
DTC Coffee Shop Episode 4: BLACK FRIDAY
DTC Coffee Shop Episode 3: Hiring a Good Team & BFCM/Q5 Prep:
DTC Coffee Shop Episode 2: Attribution
DTC Coffee Shop Episode 1: ABO & Interest Groups