BEST 4-STAR IN A LONG TIME! Complete F2P Yaoyao Build Guide [Best Teams, Weapons, Artifacts] Genshin

BEST 4-STAR IN A LONG TIME! Complete F2P Yaoyao Build Guide [Best Teams, Weapons, Artifacts] Genshin


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Henri Blanche
Henri Blanche - 22.07.2023 23:51

Wishing for a 5 star accidentally earned me a C6 Yaoyao. She's now one of my favorite characters.

anonymous - 13.07.2023 12:23

I use yaoyao + Xingqiu+ Fischl+ sucrose
Use the skill and change characters , this makes it easy to have yaoyao on field cuz everyone can work off field

Youssef Benjerbania
Youssef Benjerbania - 10.07.2023 04:51

I am at AR 38 Playing C0 Heizou as main DPS, C5 XIangling , C0 Xingqiu and C3 YaoYao for healing is that good ?

Josh Akins
Josh Akins - 28.06.2023 17:18

Is yaoyao better vs Barbara? My current team is xiangling, Bennet, fichl, and Barbara but I was thinking about switching Barbara for yaoyao.

baslatz - 24.06.2023 02:00

Pulled for kazuha 100 pulls on the banner got yaoyao to c5 and now i have her skyward spear 😂

RoamingInTheWoods - 19.06.2023 13:21

Smol, I love her

mm g
mm g - 05.05.2023 16:17

What's your diluc build in this video?

InfiniteBeing - 19.04.2023 22:37

Xuěhuā Yaoyao běi fēng xiāoxiāo. Tiāndì yīpiàn cāngmáng ~

Gabz - 09.04.2023 20:40


Julie G
Julie G - 18.03.2023 02:40

I took this cutie for granted when I was pulling for Xiao and I kept getting her instead of my fave illuminated bird 🥲 and just recently I needed a strong healer AND maybe a dendro character for hyperbloom and decided to try her DUDE HOW WRONG I WAS TO NEGLECT HER she’s everything I needed and now I can say she’s one of my mains and faves ever

Nick Best
Nick Best - 12.03.2023 10:05

Shit take, like always. Can't expect anything else from western "i have no imagination, only play one percent of the game and waste money" infl*encer.

Workinprogress 89
Workinprogress 89 - 03.03.2023 19:05

I use Black Tassel with an ER sands. I use it in a hyperbloom team with Yelan and Kuki and it works great, with her getting her burst every rotation. That being said, Yelan uses Fav bow, so your point about ER still stands.

sexydadee - 28.02.2023 10:04

you gotta give me what you smoking.... when you explained why she's good, all i hear is she's got alot of shotcomings. i played her till friendship lvl 10 and she's the worst on openworld. the fact that you cant even target dendro puzzles with her skill/burst is already a huge disadvantage. i would say she's an ok 4 star, but not really that great

The UwU Tsar
The UwU Tsar - 23.02.2023 09:50

What about The Catch

Seiyuōkami Himura
Seiyuōkami Himura - 18.02.2023 05:32

Now we all know how how to yaoyao

Gio - 15.02.2023 14:45

can i put yelan instead of xingqiu in nilou bloom?

A volte dorme più lo sveglio del dormiente
A volte dorme più lo sveglio del dormiente - 10.02.2023 15:45

The title says Yao Yao but you have talked about Yaya the whole time

shy - 09.02.2023 17:34

im ar57 but i still appreciate you adding pre ar45 artifact recommendations. i wish i had those more when I was earlier in the game

RENOX - 09.02.2023 15:37

YAOYAO it's my new best medic in team

ᛒᛁᚲᛏᛟᚱᛁᚲ [Viktoryque]
ᛒᛁᚲᛏᛟᚱᛁᚲ [Viktoryque] - 08.02.2023 14:10

by the thumbnail i thought yao yao is mentally insane

Ravi teja
Ravi teja - 08.02.2023 08:05

bro i thought video would be on how yao can be op and all rounder with ez , but in end she just does healing job and not good in that too

Chris Whiton
Chris Whiton - 07.02.2023 02:28

You may have convinced me to try and build her. I've been waiting for a certain pharmacist to be my dendro healer but after getting some "leaks" that he's damage support, I'm starting to look into other things. Thanks for the video :)

Tartaglia - 06.02.2023 23:18

I'm running her with Exile and Engulfing Lightning until I get better pieces and actually build my Raiden, but honestly.. might just keep her like this because she's doing wonders for my Cyno. 😅

Zieg30 - 04.02.2023 03:45

And here i tought she sucked 😅 pulled her yesterday, but am a new player, had Barbara, but already replaced her for yaoyao, my main is alhatheim

Sakata Gintoki
Sakata Gintoki - 03.02.2023 14:48


Robert Chen
Robert Chen - 31.01.2023 07:57

To me she's broken too good

K909 OG
K909 OG - 30.01.2023 21:06

Make me want to play Genshin 😆

Kaitri - 30.01.2023 19:29

Whats self dendro damage? Or rather how does it work

Mauro De Simone
Mauro De Simone - 30.01.2023 18:00

But the ultimate gets cancelled when you switch her out. That sucks!

scaramouche - 30.01.2023 15:21

is yaoyao good for cyno hyperbloom comps?

fox fire
fox fire - 30.01.2023 07:09

Just team her with raiden, energy problem solve.

Darian Starfrog
Darian Starfrog - 30.01.2023 06:40

Oh joy! Favonious Lance was my only real option left! And I had three copies! Boom!

Lemonade - 30.01.2023 06:17

I love both yaoyao and Sayu as they are both dual function with the team (dendro applicator/elemental res shred with swirl)

Marcus Bullock
Marcus Bullock - 29.01.2023 20:45

I have her C4 I’m trying to go for C6

Eddie M
Eddie M - 29.01.2023 15:16

i pulled yaoyao 3 days b4 pulling tighnari (my first 5 star) and fighting enemies feels a lot easier with them

xMORHUHNx - 29.01.2023 14:27

>Idealy she is not on field anyways
Wait for Brax discover Yaoyao carry in Nilou team

Nathan Miles
Nathan Miles - 29.01.2023 09:01

3 minutes in and I realize you're using Diluc, Yao, XQ, and Nahida. F*ckin mad lad

Frazer Dougal
Frazer Dougal - 29.01.2023 05:59

I find these videos helpful but to be honest its a bit of a joke really. How can anyone take you seriously when you spend thousands of dollars unlocking every constellation. Ive done the math on this and unless I am missing some free shit your getting from the company and or something else your putting crazy cash into buying a max character plus every weapon to max em all out. Im sorry but this isnt playing the game like a normal gamer, the rest of us are lucky to even get the 5 star characters. Sorry but I have no respect for people that are in the PAY to WIN category. Anyone can make a build on a character when you have everything maxed and can experiment.

Yori Senpai
Yori Senpai - 29.01.2023 04:38

We need an electro buffer/debuffer to EM teams, Pyro catalyst healer/support. About Liyue, they had boosting Liyue characters since the first Zhongli release (he was terrible on his release, OP after buffs, nd decent now if we compare to Raiden/Nahida kit or details like animations.The most broken thing about Liyue was the forbbiden trinity Hutao/Xiao/Ganyu, they still have INSANE stats even if we compare w/ recent characters like Nilou/Nahida.

MoroFullmetal - 29.01.2023 01:35

Thanks for the video! Yao Yao is my new fave character!

Kat - 29.01.2023 00:28

So far I have her in a team with Sayu, Klee and Qiqi army, lol. But I haven't tested how well it works yet. I'm hoping a hyrdo kiddo comes out soon and I know Iansan is supposed to be Pyro or Geo so if she is pyro, I might replace Klee with her. I did see leaked characters from the new region...not sure how accurate they will be but it looked like there might be a hydro kiddo from there. If there is, I'll replace Sayu with her since I know Pyro, Cyro, Dendro and Hydro will make good elemental reactions to help with fighting. :o I'm still trying to figure team stuff out O...O

theonebutcher - 28.01.2023 11:49

Okay, but no. No! I build her full EM, no ER and my Nilou team is immortal. Nilou and Yelan have enough HP that they can wait for the Burst to fill slowly and it heals so much, they'll be full even if you don't build hp or healing bonus on Yao. Even the healing on the E is enough usually, when I don't use the burst because it reduces Nilou uptime. And if the radishes target you, they are controllable.

AngerSponge - 28.01.2023 03:52

Seems like she is kind of a Liyue Klee, but more focused on healing others

Cornhub - 28.01.2023 00:26

I put her with raiden

Lullaby Alaura
Lullaby Alaura - 27.01.2023 22:41

I love yaoyao

Singing Flowers
Singing Flowers - 27.01.2023 17:16

i feel so weird having her bc noelle has always been my healer!
but i really didnt expect to get her and i really love her :D ty for this

Nin-chan - 27.01.2023 04:55

It's impossible to use her in a loli team 😭
I already maxed diona so I can't put another healer

Orellia Orellia
Orellia Orellia - 27.01.2023 02:19

I love her so much! I didn't wanted to get Kokomi out of my main team to make my second functional but I really don't like Barbara's play style. I now play with Collei, Nilou, Xinquiu and Yao Yao and I love it. It's a really fun team. I hope I will be able to add Nahida to the mix sometimes but for now, it's good and hyper satisfying!

prasanna balaji
prasanna balaji - 26.01.2023 22:20

i got lucky, was just building pity on this banner and pulled 70 times for C3 yao yao
