Shocking Medical Conditions On TikTok

Shocking Medical Conditions On TikTok

Doctor Mike

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@1DJRikkiBee - 09.02.2024 20:53

Oh my God, I've never seen anyone else do the talking with the mouth closed thing other than my sister and I! That's so cool

@WitchKitty79 - 09.02.2024 17:07

She had some sort of injections from a medical spa for fat reduction. I actually watched her reel a couple of hours ago lol

@o.m.g7277 - 09.02.2024 10:17

Her name is Beatriz Amma, and she got a shot of B12 mixed with “fast dissolving” deoxycholic acid, injected in each arm, her back and stomach.

She got inyected if i'm correct, like 60 times in a session. It has happened before when the doctors don't insert the needles in the correct skin layer or when the liquid has bacteria or the tools aren't properly cleaned. 🤒

@mummasmith7010 - 09.02.2024 03:54

Speaking of the plastics, I’ve been debating getting an air up to try and help me with my water consumption…. Do you have any thoughts on them?

@Mat-hx1bt - 09.02.2024 03:53

She most likely has leishmaniasis

@crystalsoulslayer - 09.02.2024 03:08

An MRI is an enormous superconducting electromagnet that turns the water molecules inside the body into RF transmitters, using the characteristics of those signals and math to digitally model and reconstruct our anatomy. Put another way: giant spinning mega-magnet turns your organs into radio stations calling in their coordinates to a computer so it can draw pictures. Absurd! Magnificent! Humans did that and I love that about us!

An MRI in normal use never shuts completely off, because restarting them afterward is very expensive and a big pain in the butt. (Superconductivity is an absolute diva.) Which is why you can't bring anything ferromagnetic into the room with one, even when it's not being used to scan someone. It's not as powerful a magnet when it's in standby, but it's still more than strong enough to be dangerous. You see how far away the objects in that video are when they get yoinked toward the machine and how hard it is to pull them away? Imagine one of those is, like, somebody's belt buckle. Big yikes.

Anyway MRIs are very cool and how they work would probably make a really good video. Physics, engineering, computer science, and medicine, working together to build big thumpy magnet bois and make X-ray vision without the X-rays. thump thump thump thump thump thump thu

@rubenwoods4722 - 09.02.2024 00:40

While homeopathy and naturopathy may be fluffy at best, being a frikken compassionate human being costs nothing. "Avoiding people that look sick?" Im sorry but your job as a physician isnt to immediately assume... ANYTHING about your patient. Like if you're in the medical field, and you're avoiding the visibly disabled or diseased, YOU'RE IN THE WRONG FIELD.

@5skpmmk6 - 08.02.2024 21:29

It took over 10 years, and numerous tests to find out why I kept having pain, and mobility issues. Well come to find out I have Elhor's Danlos vascular. Also I have spinocerebellar ataxia, and cmt2c. (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) a simple genetic test was all the the doctors had to do. Instead of years of gaslighting and being accused of drug seeking and being a hypochondriac. Doctors do more mental damage to their patients than they realize and rarely live up to their oath that they take.
Unfortunately the VEDS, tends to shorten the life expectancy.

@BullittAutomotive - 08.02.2024 21:17

If i cant do things for myself and need help from other people i dont want to live anymore. Whats the point of living if you’re bed ridden,need constant care, or hooked up to machines to live? I mean being elderly not someone who was born handicapped

@Ghoulbaby - 08.02.2024 19:30

the girl talking with her mouth closed, I can do that so...

@hannahroussel3345 - 08.02.2024 17:54

Thank you Dr Mike for calling out that other dr’s ableist opinions of wheelchairs!

@connorgraham3063 - 08.02.2024 12:13

Seeing all of the X-ray and mri equipment always interested me now I’m going to college to study radiologic tech

@michellecrosby3717 - 08.02.2024 06:54

You need to wear gloves during any exam.

@Invisiblenotbroken - 08.02.2024 06:06

Wheelchair person here I’m telling you so many doctors hate us.

@jennessabeckett3949 - 08.02.2024 04:03

I am aware that some flesh eating bacteria is found in water. Mainly lakes, rivers and beaches. It is extremely hard to get as most people whom have contracted it were immunocompromised. I grew up in Florida and was told about this by a nurse friend shortly after i was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

@shaydee1990 - 07.02.2024 23:37

I've got scleroderma on my left leg, it's so painful when the skin loses its ability to stretch >.<

@susanengel-ix8bl - 07.02.2024 23:27

This video is awesome 😎👍

@user-ts1xs9jn2k - 07.02.2024 21:42

a lot of these tiktoks are just really hyper mobile people

@carenxatu5962 - 07.02.2024 21:09

As a Canadian it pains me to see people unable to get the care they need, or have to pay for it during difficult times. Worst yet when someone passes they are then asked to pay.
Also: Dr. Mike? I think the Comedian may be talking about the other factors in life. Difficult finances, less time for self-care or enjoyment, having to watch as the world is slowly being torn down by humans. Crippling mental health. Thankfully I got the help I need so I don’t feel suicidal rn (psych.Ward, ECT, meds, just started therapy), but… I still don’t see the point in wanting to live.

@redbullraven - 07.02.2024 20:40

I had a nerve that was severely damaged in my spinal cord and it to this day gives me muscle spasms and numbness in my legs. It literally feels like there is a snake or something crawling under the skin gripping your muscles. The pain is so bad I cry. When I wake in the morning and stretch (like everybody does) to get out of bed I cannot try to stretch my legs or instant muscle cramp/spasms. It's a weird feeling

@tamaraszymanski8721 - 07.02.2024 19:30

NOT a universal ask.

@SashikuChan - 07.02.2024 11:36

I can talk with my mouth closed too. A TINY pinhole of air goes out on one side of my mouth, you can't even tell because it's so small.

@user-no2mz9hl4f - 07.02.2024 11:00

The microbe man was basically saying to avoid sitting in XL wheelchairs, because they’re used by obese patients (i.e. bad microbes), but to be a towel boy for tennis players because they’re used by athletes (i.e. good microbes). The entire premise is misguided because health is so much more complex than BMI/how fat or lean a person is. Also, I wouldn’t presume a wheelchair would have a whole lot of microbes, compared to a sweaty towel…If I’m in a position to require a wheelchair, the last thing on my mind is going to be, “Oh, make sure you don’t give me an XL chair because I might catch some obesigenic microbes!”

@AnApothecarysCorollary - 07.02.2024 10:32

He said he tells his kids not to sit in the wheelchairs because of germs.

@ellicooper2323 - 07.02.2024 10:14

On the bit about not wearing gloves with healthy patients, what about Your microbes? Maybe they don’t want you treating them and smearing all your unhealthy microbes over them.

@Kinglouiesplace - 07.02.2024 08:16

The avoid plastic guy has a stethoscope that has plastic parts in it.

@gladitsnotme - 07.02.2024 06:15

It's not fear mongering, even newborn babies have plasticizers in their bloodstream. Human poop has microplastics in it. We eat, drink, and live in plastic. Even the floors in our houses are "lvp", plastic.

@brittlemons1 - 07.02.2024 05:51

As someone who has nerve damage from the knee down and would, not anymore thank god, experience severe spasms I can confirm how absolutely painful it is. My leg would look just like that first clip and just constantly spasm. Worst pain I have ever personally experienced.

And I was wheelchair bound for a year and a half… so like, what is that doctor saying? That I should have just walked without being able to walk…. 😂😂😂

@adelinebrown1213 - 07.02.2024 05:29

So do tee mike I jumped off a platform five feet in the air above my trampoline and landed with my right foot and it popped out then back in i havnt got it checked out yet but do u know what it might be?

@KatieDrennan - 07.02.2024 05:20

Yes, please do follow up on that story! I’d love to hear her story and your thoughts and reactions to everything. Better yet, invite her on as a guest!! 🙏 I love your content

@bristol111888 - 07.02.2024 05:11

Beewoop 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Itzzz_graceee - 07.02.2024 04:22

the mouth thing is true i can do it

@animationfurry_studio.s - 07.02.2024 03:28

That girl is so gorgeous and if I saw her with those open sores, I'd ask her how she got those sick scars because there has to be a strong story and a strong woman behind them

@ACMommy26 - 07.02.2024 03:17

I wonder if that girl with the flesh eating bacteria was a skin picker? That is one way I could see it being able to spread like that...

@Shadare - 07.02.2024 03:15

I don't think water bottles are the real threat to my 100 year heart. It's probably the dominos deep dish and cherry coke I have in front of me rn

@ACMommy26 - 07.02.2024 02:46

I showed horses when I was growing up and had (actually still have lol) super strong calf muscles...I had the WORST muscle cramps, usually when mounting as you use your calf muscles to boost yourself up! The worst was in winter, if I didn't warm up and stretch before riding I was usually hit with cramps like that one above, so hard to deal with when wearing riding boots too! I feel for that poor guy!

@jrnandreassen3338 - 06.02.2024 23:36

The leg that goes haywire at the doctors was first done by KLM from Norway, they were (more or less) our Monty Python and won several awards, among them the golden rose from Montreaux.

@raspipi5291 - 06.02.2024 23:34

The spinning thing is a CT, the detector and the X-ray source are spinning to capture different angles. The mri is not spinning like this, it generates themagnetic fields using gradients coils that vibrate causing the noise

@superhamsniper4487 - 06.02.2024 23:27

Well you can likley bring metal near an mri machine, if the magnets are permanent magnets and dont really move when you bring the metal close to it, as long as the metal is not ferromagnetic or something like that, like copper isnt affected by magnets unless its moving through the magnetic field, but im not mri expert so idk i could be horribly wrong.

@Chiller-pc1dv - 06.02.2024 20:44

Isn't one of the reasons for wearing gloves as a medical professional, to prevent yourself from spreading anything to the patients as well?

@Scottmillernj - 06.02.2024 20:40

Anyone know that standup comedians name?

@brittanywickliffe6063 - 06.02.2024 20:15

Hey!! I just found out I have Ehlers-Danlo. I'd LOVE to see anything informational from you in general about this. The specialist literally told me to Google it when I asked questions. 🫠 I plan to ask my family doctor (the BEST!) and the geneticist more questions, but I can't even find good studies or information about EDS anyway! Won't even tell you my type so you won't have any qualms about providing medical advice over here. Maybe there are other weird videos about hyper-mobility to react to while you talk about it? Love your content!

@MelissaThompson432 - 06.02.2024 18:44

Vibrio vulnificus is bacteria you can get from warm salt water.
I was thinking of the ameba disease that you get from still water like ponds, but that's a fatal brain disease.
The flesh eating bacterium is Vibrio.
It's a warm water disease, so it's creeping north as the climate changes....

@MelissaThompson432 - 06.02.2024 18:28

Dr. Microbiome is saying, you pick up germs from other people's stuff. Apparently he's also saying handicapped germs and athlete germs exist, which, I mean, kinda, but, no. Handicapped people vs. athletes probably have more sickness-producing germs because they're less healthy, but if your immune system is in working order, you're not going to get sick.
Healthy people have those germs, too. They're just not out of control, ie, they're not getting sick.
