Valkyrae talks about finally getting Married and having Kids

Valkyrae talks about finally getting Married and having Kids

Jeru TV

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@AT-hs9po - 16.10.2023 21:40

Shes so cute bro, she can easily find a future husband.

@zang_4242 - 06.10.2023 20:41

friend leave house <<<< NO T YES-----> vallkyae wife and husband house

@christiehamilton5785 - 24.07.2023 18:57

Rae and Hasan would have the most amazingly beautiful family. I wonder how serious they actually are.

@Stalingrad1943-dt5bk - 18.07.2023 03:12

Nobody needs kids anymore in 2023

@409Henry - 12.06.2023 09:32

Ayo Jesus love’s Everyone and You, and died for your sin’s, and Everyone’s sin’s. repent, God Bless

@AbsoluteZero-lv8js - 04.06.2023 05:42

I don't think anybody in otv crap really know what except happened in ww2

@vicyclopsrho8450 - 18.05.2023 07:25

She gets way too much internet attention to have a decent guy want to compete against internet strangers for her affection. Guys who would get with her aren't good enough for her, the guys she wants, won't put up with the hassle of trying to have a relationship with someone who has so many parasocial relationships.

@madman3891 - 14.05.2023 23:20

She has plenty of time to still have kids. Shouldnt stress about it.

@oz5150 - 14.05.2023 00:04

Fumbled the bag with Soni, just because egos and overworking herself as a streamer to be e-famous. While others like Nicmercs and Timthetatman have kids and families while also having tons of money. These people can have it both ways.. but again theyre too deep into the stream ans lifestyle of a streamer to even try to make shit work.

@ucevrim - 13.05.2023 00:23

I wont see my 30s but definitely no need to feel immature about still liking things you grew up with

@jakobs3202 - 11.05.2023 21:44

Women are slowly waking up to the lies that they have been fed their entire lives.

@GaryTurbo - 05.05.2023 06:15

She will never raise them

@pi20p - 04.05.2023 05:45

pre white man

@Hi98765 - 04.05.2023 05:43

for me (a 27 year old female with no kids) i dont feel immature lol i feel like i love all the cool stuff i grew up with and its awesome still! im so happy to have a streamer to watch who is my relative age <3 love VALKY<<<333

@OriginalPerception - 03.05.2023 07:57

Mid-Life Crisis for a Women in 30-35 between Career & Family. You can't have both. She problably only can settle for the 1-2% of Men just based on her Career Wealth & Reputation in Social Media then Height(not hard to beat), Personality well based of that 1-2% of men totally not her type of Men. Dating Streamer? Problably. Conclusion for that Level Career, No husband, maybe adopted child with Cat & Dog. That's Life for you "You reap what you sow"

@AbsoluteZero-lv8js - 03.05.2023 07:15

Unfortunately I already know that human is absolutely useless to me. I felt the happiest when I'm alone. Music is my girlfriend. I don't need anyone else

@KnightmareTX - 03.05.2023 05:35

I'm 36 and like Pokemon/Digimon Power Rangers growing up as a kid haha. I still like them today but don't have as much time. I have a wife with 2 kids which are 6 and 3

@Manwhocares4u - 02.05.2023 19:16

She’s a modern day woman. She had high and unrealistic standards due to dating apps. Therefore she never built a meaningful relationship. I mean for her it was super super easy to get married and have kids. The problem is she is stuck up. Which I don’t blame her when you have so many options how do you just pick one guy 😂😂😂

@donnyp1324 - 01.05.2023 05:17

It is a different age and generation. I don't find anything wrong with gaming and having a liking for things such as Pokemon, however you have to have your priorities in order. If you cannot work a regular job and devote too much time on leisurely activities and cannot function by working and earning a living, then yes you need to drop those types of bad habits. Another thing to factor in is demographics. The gaming community if expansive and you can find people from all age groups but you wouldn't want to be that 30 something person going to a Pokemon tourney for kids, unless you were taking your child to a tournament. There are better things you could be doing with other like minded adults but I get the nostalgia that certain franchises present. For streamers its a given that they are gamers by default. No one is defined by the status quo anymore and freedom is open for all which is a benefit for most and you have to consider the prospects of adulthood were much different in previous generations. If it feels like you still feel like a child it might not have to do with the responsibility aspect but the lack of opportunities previously offered i.e. home ownership, raising a family, being debt free, etc. There is a time and place for everything as long as it is not hurting anyone else or come off as unpleasant then have at it.

@dxrebel - 01.05.2023 02:17

"I don't know" is not quite an answer I expect when the question is "Are you getting married" lol. Usually it's a pretty firm yes or no.

@dxrebel - 01.05.2023 02:15

You're never too old for whatever you like. Life is way too short for that bullsh*t. Just enjoy yourself.

@ardege7270 - 01.05.2023 00:38

she can cry in her millions of dollars

@HoustonWadeCompton - 30.04.2023 20:54

Some of my friends are doing that and I promise yall are having WAY more fun lmaoooo

@nicki322 - 30.04.2023 18:26

These comments are heavy cope and delusion if you a woman over 30 and you still want kids /marriage its not impossible by increasing difficult the older you get. For woman that is its unfair but it's the truth.

@bittersweetjesus - 30.04.2023 17:10

Hasan and rae still have time

@tanisdeboon9577 - 29.04.2023 20:30

For reallll. I’m 30 and I feel stunted. I’m 17 on the inside 😭

@thatguyv7132 - 29.04.2023 19:21

Damn sounds like she’s about to hit the wall sadge 😢

@secondeye1574 - 29.04.2023 12:01

On the one hand I get it and I have thought it's kind of weird that we have these adult-babies these days, like people obsessing over games, even those Disney adults, all these people trying to rekindle their childhood. But on the other hand I feel like when you think about the olden days, Rae is right that it's people getting divorced and remarried, a lot of them not really caring for their kids, and it's like even if you are happily married and you love your family and you spend time with your kids, it seems like a lot of people that age are going through the motions and have to find stuff to do that enriches their life. So in my opinion there's nothing wrong with people these days having an extra 10 years of adulthood where they just enjoy their hobbies

@8thGenn - 29.04.2023 11:04

I mean if I could be rich and play games all the time I'd never get married too 😂

@jorbur3604 - 29.04.2023 03:13

Same, I'm 31 & I mostly just work, watch anime (as well as other stuff), play some games (would probably play more, but I just hardly ever feel like it. Gotta be a game I really have been looking forward to for me to want to sit down and play it), and hang out with friends.

My friends are all the same age as me, and none of us are really act like what you'd consider "adults", not that we're immature we just don't have kids and are super boring. 1 of my friends and his wife can't have kids, but neither one of them acts "adult" (for lack of a better word, at least that I can think of), but my friend is kind of the "dad of the group" despite being the youngest because we kind of just let him take charge in social situations. 1 of my friends is 10 years older than everyone else in the group, is divorced and has kids, but still acts like the rest of us. Everyone else is unmarried and just living their life, drinking too much alcohol, and just doing whatever but not really living an "adult" life.

We used to have another friend though that was in the Marines, but unfortunately we lost him a few years back....He married some psycho bitch (even my other friend's wife says she's a nutcase), had a few kids with her and she pretty much made him cut us out of his life. I got cut out first because my meme game was too dank for her I guess, even though the guy that she married was the second most degenerate guy in our group! A few of us were sitting together at a table together doing homework/studying for school and I just hear moaning noises from his computer and I ask "Are you watching porn right now?" and he goes "I'm not watching porn, I'm listening to porn", fair enough I guess. The most degenerate guy in our group however has to be the one that was watching porn in the school library, & when another one of my friends, who once barehanded a live pigeon off the ground outside a 7/11 as we were leaving and threw it inside the store, goes "dude, what the fuck are you doing?" he goes "I'm trying not to care as much about what people think of me."

@enellive - 28.04.2023 23:27

as a fellow thirty year old, i learned a while ago that idc what anyone thinks i like what i like, and thats gaming and anime haha

@hamilcross - 28.04.2023 23:00

i'm 25 and definitely thought i'd be married now with a kid on the way, both ideas scare the fuck out of me now lol i'm content with neither happening and just riding life out

@blackstar7271 - 28.04.2023 10:42

Went from never to idk hmmmm. 🤔

@gokuuchiha3643 - 28.04.2023 04:48

What's her body count

@syedahmedhasan2592 - 27.04.2023 23:34

Previous generation that are older than 40, thought sex was important and kids would raise themselves and didn't care about financial responsibility of raising children. Our Generation is a bit more careful, but still stupid at times

@jeskoumm - 27.04.2023 06:42

Rachel is a great poster for, “....just because you are successful and well-off does not in anyway suggest you have found the right person(s) or are in the right time to settle and make your own future of bright and well-to-do children....”. Skepticism aside, Cheers to Rachel's futures and ventures into the nursery!

@Cardenal_ - 27.04.2023 01:04

I just taught about it, and I dont know any 29 to 33 year olds with kids

@josephkingsford8480 - 26.04.2023 22:58

She doesn't need to reproduce. Go out and work a grownup job in a grownup's world for a few years first.

@nbassasin8092 - 26.04.2023 19:42

31 is not late, those things can happen in a matter of 2-3 years, still gives plenty of time to acomplish them. If that is what someone wants atleast

@drizzlebizzlexl5605 - 26.04.2023 07:13

no hobbies dont change just cause you get older... you get more funds to indulge in them.

@kirkpatrikballares3291 - 25.04.2023 15:10

I wouldnt be surprised if she got married within the next five years because shes financially well off, she can literally afford to start a family, the person she could marry might also have a well paying job.
The question is, would she retire/pause her work as a streamer if she had a baby?(I think its very likely)

@jrod908 - 25.04.2023 14:55

Valkyrae would make a great mom and im sure deep down she wants to be one

@yankaizergaming7842 - 25.04.2023 11:29

Googoo gaagaa bish! Hahaha

@Skylermaxwell13 - 25.04.2023 02:30

I basically have five children at 9 because every day I had to take care of my sister's kids even though she's 30 my brother and my neighbors younger sister?😅 I got a lot for a nine-year-old and I cook for all them I actually know how to cook surprisingly and my sister's kids are babies😮 don't worry I get paid

@Skylermaxwell13 - 25.04.2023 02:27

I am the opposite and I'm only nine I love that outside and I don't really like games online you think at this age I would love Minecraft Roblox and all that but I actually do not I hate them😂

@alexbonds4207 - 24.04.2023 22:37

What she was saying in the end was “unless I came along”😂

@Papi_Sky_Gaming - 24.04.2023 19:50

It’s okay Rae I’m 30 still have no kids or married

@Peter-du5zf - 24.04.2023 15:11

Valkyrae is 31?!?!?!?! She looks and sounds like she's 20, damn!
