Low Light Photography Made Easy! | REDUCE NOISE without Flash

Low Light Photography Made Easy! | REDUCE NOISE without Flash

Jason Vong

4 года назад

666,367 Просмотров

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John Titor
John Titor - 30.06.2023 06:45

You look and talk like Awkwafina and you are the best! Thanks for the tips brother! Helped a lot for beginners on phtgphy

Kdcruz - 29.06.2023 12:21

Where do u edit your photos

Help Fix Stupid
Help Fix Stupid - 26.06.2023 04:47

would a gimbal work - more expensive yes..

Lukas Pol
Lukas Pol - 13.06.2023 07:09

Subbed ❤

Dr. Gino Silvestre, DDS
Dr. Gino Silvestre, DDS - 21.05.2023 12:11

Was that One Ok Rock?!

Carlo Olabre
Carlo Olabre - 18.05.2023 10:54

what shutter speed and iso should i use for low light setting at sports games while the players are moving and running

J Bloodworth
J Bloodworth - 23.04.2023 18:54

Instant upvote button smash for Din Thai Fung joke. We love that place too

Anil Farhan
Anil Farhan - 11.02.2023 14:58

If i am shooting at F7,6 why it doesn’t make a difference if i have a f4 lens or 1.8? They have any differences??

harrald schmitt
harrald schmitt - 12.01.2023 10:19

regarding point 1: no. The answer to "how can i shoot quiet (see what i did there?) photos in an environment with little available light" cannot be "increase the amount of available light". That leads the entire endevor ad absurdum. At that point you might as well not even try. The point was to shoot LOW light pohotography, not night time photography in a well light environment.

MrGrunthunter's Adventures
MrGrunthunter's Adventures - 03.01.2023 04:00

Have you published a video on how to get accurate focus in low light situations or shooting night skys?

Deni Delffino
Deni Delffino - 28.12.2022 18:05

My Canon R working iso is about 32000, not in every case, depends on other factors - Shutter and Aperture

Deni Delffino
Deni Delffino - 28.12.2022 17:59

Mistake! ISO = Noise is MYTH!!! All 3 parameters have influence on NOISE
u can get much more noise with iso 400 than at iso 6400 for example! its physics!
check google or utube

loui.e 02
loui.e 02 - 26.12.2022 16:06

im very practicing in night photography this is really helpful

Rodney Aarup
Rodney Aarup - 26.12.2022 07:55

You may avoid grain shooting at 1,4 aperature but what about lens sharpness shooting at 1,4? Not very good…..

greg ware
greg ware - 22.12.2022 10:21

G'day Jason, as a former Associated Press news/war photographer, a 33 year veteran pro photographer, and never having had the choice but to shoot in anything other than manual with my Pentax k1000 which I got for my 12th birthday in 1978, I agree with everything you said. That was great advice, even when speaking about jpg. Because of your really grounded attitude I have just become a subscriber. Not that you will teach me anything, but I like the way you explain the fundamentals of photography. Keep up the good work mate and looking forward to viewing more of your videos👍

robd99 - 21.12.2022 23:43

Some cameras handle dynamic range and hence can reduce noise much better than others. I have a friend who moved from Nikon to Canon as it suited his Bird Photography better (lenses / prices etc), another moved from Canon to Sony for the perceived better autofocus which was most important to him. I moved from Canon to Nikon about 10 years ago as I regularly shoot in low light and Nikon just does it noticeably better (we are all semi pro full frame shooters). I also own some Sony gear and the Nikon system is always first choice for anywhere where light may be an issue.

Fabian - 20.12.2022 13:43

Tip No. 6: don't drag up the shadows in Post too much it will always increase the noise drastically, even for ISO100.
Tip No. 7 if it looks too noisy, just add grain for the vintage look. Show what you can't hide. (Or just add a slight faded look to the dark areas)

Emilio Garza
Emilio Garza - 16.12.2022 17:30

I was shook to see Jason holding a Nikon almost the whole video before he explained it lol😮

Jay Michaud
Jay Michaud - 07.12.2022 07:27

Tip #6 Topaz AI

Michelle Dorion
Michelle Dorion - 26.10.2022 19:36

What is a 2 second exposure in shutter speed?

Pixels & Ink
Pixels & Ink - 20.10.2022 17:04

"You can't go wrong with Jason Wong!". Cool Icebreaker.

Steve King
Steve King - 19.10.2022 19:39

Brilliant Video. New subscriber.

Nordland2 - 29.09.2022 06:01

I want to learn how to take UFO pictures at nite.

A Singh
A Singh - 29.07.2022 15:28

Love it

Sim Racer
Sim Racer - 07.07.2022 23:51

I tell you mate, you're fartin sparks!

Truth Keeper Films
Truth Keeper Films - 29.06.2022 04:34

This title makes no sense.

Ronin Mantis
Ronin Mantis - 01.04.2022 01:37

I do like that you included the differences between ful sensor and cropped sensor.

Swierku - 31.01.2022 12:28

Hah, to be sure, built in flash is not for make you photos bright. Built-in flash is for remote control flash.

driamia - 25.01.2022 05:28

I liked and subscribed immediately. This guy is engaging and fun to watch. Glad to have found your channel.

Khan Studio'z
Khan Studio'z - 12.01.2022 11:57

Love the intro LOOOL I took my first pics and thought I spent 1.8k on a a7iii and 1.5k on a lens why is it still noisy! Great video!

Tess Mohundro
Tess Mohundro - 02.01.2022 21:40

This video changed my life, literally. This is a turning point in my amateur photography brain!! Thank you SO MUCH!!

EAST WIND - 27.12.2021 17:14

Thank you very much

Dilapearlz - 18.12.2021 23:25

hey great recommendations on the camera lens are the Sony a6400 full-frame or crop?

Mum O
Mum O - 18.12.2021 23:02

Love Canon, you can shoot in RAW & JPEG at the same time!

Mum O
Mum O - 18.12.2021 23:00

You need a fast low f stop 1.4 or 2.8 ( between) for moving objects! Works for me! Handheld!

Mum O
Mum O - 18.12.2021 22:56

Okay for landscapes, or still projects, but not for moving people/ objects. Not possible for gig photography in low light!

Gino Padolina
Gino Padolina - 12.12.2021 13:32

Best tutorial so far. Kudos to your sarcastic tutorial! I hear a terrible joke, I press like.

JEARWIN KYLE CLEMENTE - 07.12.2021 01:16

This really helped 😍

?????? - 10.11.2021 05:22

Rather have more grain than a blurry image from a long exposure

John A
John A - 06.11.2021 23:20

Jason, BH no longer has the ball pod. Do you have any other resources for them

Rahul Negi
Rahul Negi - 28.10.2021 14:21

I love your content and as a owner of sony a6400 and nikon z6ii I would love if you would consider shooting with multi brand of camera and lenses. And I admire your work 👍

STRANGER'Z PRODUCTIONS - 25.10.2021 10:54

As always, great content. Been having a hard time with low light shots so this is great! Thank you.

Daniel Husain
Daniel Husain - 28.09.2021 03:12

NO Jason, no low light photos with the compact point and shoot. We bought A7III(s) already!

Seigoulen Singsit
Seigoulen Singsit - 05.09.2021 22:14

For me, cloudy days are the most challenging to shoot photos. I fucking hate it lol.

Jodi Blackmore
Jodi Blackmore - 01.09.2021 19:59

Great video. Any recommendations for lens for Northern light photography ? So many lens too choose from I’m overwhelmed. I’m using a Sony a7 iii and am learning as I go, but there are so many products. I’m in an area where we see Aurora frequently and I’d love too catch some beautiful images. Thanks in advance.

shrican.anything - 14.08.2021 08:32


Ivan Hernandez
Ivan Hernandez - 26.07.2021 23:05

Me personally I don't like the click sound the built in flash makes when it pops up I naturally flinch to that sound 😥
