Getting Started With GatsbyJS, Elementor, and WPGraphQL | Static WordPress Generator

Getting Started With GatsbyJS, Elementor, and WPGraphQL | Static WordPress Generator


4 года назад

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@focky1982 - 13.03.2023 13:44

what about maintenance, isn't elementor data structure changing to often ?

@ZhuJo99 - 06.06.2022 09:54

Went easier way, just pulling the rendered elementor HTML content. As our website is VERY huge with many custom theme/js/css and custom plugins, it's quite impossible to rewrite every single Elementor widget we use to the Next.js (we went with it instead of Gatsby – more control). Simplified Elementor structure is nothing crazy and I just can move parts of PHP template and implement that into our SASS code in frontend part build on Next.js than to do this kind of crazyness.
I see some advantages here and there but personally, I hate CSS modules in next.js (therefor I turned it off in webpack) and use regular import to download just needed code instead

@itayhaephrati - 24.09.2021 15:13

great video!!! cant believe it's from 2019

@webtotheflow - 05.04.2021 14:13

Definitely very interesting

@nicolasgoosen5142 - 27.03.2021 22:36

I really don't see the point in doing this - it's so round-about to just get a bit of content on the page?

@stevanantic3019 - 20.01.2021 19:01

Hi, where I can find resources(code)?

@shaneblackwoodGodbless - 14.01.2021 04:21

Please do a video on custom post type and how to display it on page

@brady5790 - 31.12.2020 19:29

Awesome tutorial!!! Helped a lot! Just curious, do you know how to return the theme builder options? For example, return the header and footer that has been selected for the theme?

Thanks again

@pawelkieryk - 16.12.2020 02:03

Wow! I was not aware that Elementor + React + Headless WordPress will work together :) Cool!

@jeanpaulanoh4787 - 03.12.2020 20:36

Thank you for your tuto.
So, i try to implemente your code within the file function.pp
But I get the warring saying "undefined function register_graphql_field"

@tagfat - 24.08.2020 18:43

"so what we're going to be doing is I'm going to be creating a page with Elementor taking a look at its data structure and then
see how we might be able to get that 
into WP graph QL once we get that in WP graph qo we will then start parsing it and get it into a Gatsby site "

So why don't you say what the point is by doing that? OR what a gatsby site is in this context? Dont use the words "Getting Started" if you don't care about making yourself understood.

@daamas3809 - 13.08.2020 19:21

Crazy good job man! loved the video and explanation, concise and really well said, subscribed and liked

@ezswan6880 - 06.08.2020 04:18

elementor is so bloated. why not oxygen if you are going to use a theme builder?

@antarrbyrd - 29.07.2020 18:59

Do you have the source for this? I'm trying to implement this for pages as well but some of the widgetTypes are coming back as undefined

@RuslanGonzalez - 22.07.2020 22:27

When using his approach to serve from the WP Graphql API what do you recomend for Wordpress site? keep it hidden/shown to public, also what impact with the SEO do you think it is going to be as there will be duplicated content out there with WP Site and Gatsby

Ответить - 06.07.2020 02:35

Great video but not sure if this would work with divi sites?

@anhvuuc8693 - 29.06.2020 16:57

I will be back here soon as possible

@TheClubPlazma - 28.06.2020 00:05

Hi Can u please tell me what's the exact model Microphone u are using . Sound is really clear . By the way I love you man

@ilaws6647 - 13.05.2020 21:47

Heyo! Awesome stuff! I can get the images as you have here in the video but I'm having problems getting the other widgets and not sure how to quite do that. I'm looking to get the widgetType: "text-editor" and it's not doing it for me ...

@sk4nd704 - 05.05.2020 22:50

Great video!
but i'm wondering if it's possible to run Gatsby with Visual composer, Have u tried it ?

@Deprecated446 - 04.05.2020 10:00

This is great. thank you! I am currently working on a headless WP + Gatsby setup with GraphQL.

@AG21071995 - 03.05.2020 18:14

Nice tutorial. What theme and color scheme are you using in vscode?

@errorerror1337 - 21.03.2020 23:18

Fucking awesome. If for no other reason, I'm glad the COVID-19 pandemic is giving me an excuse to go through your vids that I missed. This is fucking outstanding.

@bvodola - 16.01.2020 01:01

That was a very nice tutorial. A Github repo would be awesome. Thanks!

@keviincosmos - 08.01.2020 17:16

I'm new to the headless thing. So the first data you got from elementor with all the html, why can't you use that?
I see that you can use elementor for creating stuff, but you have to redesign/recode all functions and styles if you want to use the benefits of elementor.
Am i missing something? :)

@gogawow - 23.12.2019 20:47

Great! Thank you for this!

@birdbrainsolutions6112 - 08.12.2019 22:20

I think I've seen you on reddit. Thank you for creating the tutorial!

@mauriciosotoa8130 - 03.12.2019 20:53

Very good content. Thanks. A lot of potential in Gatsby + Elementor¡¡¡¡

@justanotheryoutuber739 - 03.12.2019 01:19

this is actually some really, really good stuff! Highly appreciated!

@danielf535 - 26.11.2019 06:04

Great tutorial, but I would highly recommend that you either put the code either in a child theme or a PHP snippet plugin, because when you update the theme, the functions.php file will be overwritten, and you will lose the code changes.

@thealchemyofremembrancepod8025 - 17.11.2019 11:46

Hello! Thank you so much for this video. I would like to know how you created a page with elementor with other elements? In the example you only use images which works for me but as soon as i add other elements from elementor, gatsby throws an error

@GFisher112 - 20.10.2019 18:17

Thanks for this! Perfect 🙌

@matthewglaister - 11.10.2019 20:09

Weird Q - what about custom themes with Elementor such as oceanwp, will it work

@riencoert - 25.09.2019 18:46

nice video, do you know any other themes that can provide the post content as json like this? also, which iconset are you using in vs code? 😇

@irvinln - 25.09.2019 14:14

Great video!

Any idea how to extract out the relevant css classes from elementor.frontend.css? It's currently a huge file which slows down page speed.

@koko0808008 - 05.09.2019 03:00

can't wait for the next ! congrats again.
PS : too much light on your lovely face maybe :)

@TomHermans - 04.09.2019 23:55

Interesting. Experimenting myself with a similar setup, but mainly focused on Gutenberg. Not considered elementor (yet). Interested on your thoughts whether to use elementor vs gutenberg.

@tylerabbott957 - 04.09.2019 22:10

Now THIS is a good video. I am a clueless man who just wants to develop a little, and this makes things much easier.

@LilianChisca - 04.09.2019 19:22

thank you Alex for another great video! I only have 3 channels with the ring bell enabled, and wpcasts is one of them :-)

keep up the great work mate! really excited about the tutorials you're going to bring next!

@tomm1677 - 04.09.2019 19:21

Great video in an new area for WP. Do you think this would work for Beaver Builder?

@fatjay9402 - 04.09.2019 18:05

Sorry... but do behonest i have no idea what this video is about and whats the reason for it.... ( i mean to use Gatsby and WPgraphQL ) can you maybe explain in the next video a little bit more about the reasoning and the things you can do with it ?...
