Understanding Virtual Environments for Data Science / Data Analysis - P.4

Understanding Virtual Environments for Data Science / Data Analysis - P.4

Luke Barousse

3 года назад

42,613 Просмотров

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Yasir - 09.09.2023 04:25

hey Luke, I'm learning datascience but stuck with some sandbox online env in browser. Turicreate needs python 3.7, i created env with pip, conda, pipx but while installing turicreate it return with error "upgrade pip or problem with package.
Please make tutorial for that, much appreciated

Suparna Prasad
Suparna Prasad - 20.08.2023 16:01

Great video - super helpful! But I'm unable to see the version of python running, and info about which virtual envt I'm in, can anyone please help?

Reza Gh
Reza Gh - 16.08.2023 09:51

I wish I could like it multiple times!!!

abdo aboellil
abdo aboellil - 21.03.2023 23:16

Great work, thanks

Sandhya Avasthi
Sandhya Avasthi - 03.03.2023 08:40

well explained, i understand fully now, why we need virtual envrionment, great

D P - 20.02.2023 18:29

This is great. I was getting confuse between venv and conda. You helped me a lot. Thanks.

Vanderposh - 08.02.2023 18:22

Luuuuuuke ❤I am revisiting these videos after initially watching them a couple of years ago when they first came out, and it’s still one of the best tutorials! You have made everything so accessible and easy to grasp. Your videos are excellent supplementary side information I am using as a graduate student in data science program 🎉

Eli Bainbridge
Eli Bainbridge - 28.01.2023 10:58

I never understood what the -m option does in: 'python -m venv my_virtualbox'

Digitallight - 16.01.2023 12:19

i loved this video , thank you!

Alex1996 - 14.01.2023 21:50

Very great job!! Thanks a lot for your content, very useful and detailed explanation 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Vishal Khombare
Vishal Khombare - 08.12.2022 19:42

Can we not write ( say in the comments) in the beginning of the code itself the list of packages with their versions we used when created and ran the code successfully. This way if we transfer this our friend or say a teacher to 50 students, then can use this list in anytime in future to create the specific virtual env to run that code. Am I talking correct here? Or is there any other way to manage this?

Mosam Patel
Mosam Patel - 05.12.2022 02:50

Wow! Great explanation!

Ben Schoemann
Ben Schoemann - 02.11.2022 19:36

Hi Luke, when I try to run Python in the cmd I get the message: "This Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has
not been activated. Libraries may fail to load.". I'm not exactly sure what this means or how to fix this.

003 Kazi Mehrab Rashid
003 Kazi Mehrab Rashid - 30.09.2022 05:43

So the thing is as long as i am not updating any module in pip or conda, it should be working fine in global environment without creating any virtual environment. am i right?

003 Kazi Mehrab Rashid
003 Kazi Mehrab Rashid - 29.09.2022 22:36

The way you talk and your visualization is simply awesome. The only confusion that i got is do i need to create virtual environment for every code that i am gonna write? What if I didn't create any virtual environment and got into this issue , will it be fixable then ?

Anupam Chaudhauri
Anupam Chaudhauri - 11.09.2022 00:31

Can we conclude that Virtual enviroment is like writing latex file(tex) with all the package used called or listed in the top of the file. So for virtual enviorment we install all the particular package version require for that file?

MONARCH - 28.08.2022 09:45

guys ... i have a problenm i alr install the numpy module but when i run it says no module found but when i install it again it says the module has been downloaded ..what shoul i do?

Rubén Abraham Paredes Jiménez
Rubén Abraham Paredes Jiménez - 24.08.2022 22:47

Great video, thanks

Sucharitha Anumula
Sucharitha Anumula - 07.08.2022 14:38

Awesome explanation

Mike Waters
Mike Waters - 10.07.2022 16:19

Best 20 mins spent all day! Thanks Luke, you managed to make it crystall clear.

Bradley Frueh
Bradley Frueh - 08.07.2022 01:02

Thank you not nerding out too hard in the explanations. I just want to get started! I can learn the rest later. Bless you

Peace Azugo
Peace Azugo - 06.07.2022 23:50


DIGITAL COOKING - 03.07.2022 12:33

great series !!! 👍👍👍

Msizi Khanyile
Msizi Khanyile - 27.04.2022 20:07

Thanks Luke, this really helped me in installing statsmodels library into python and VS code env. Now I understand how to work efficiently in VS Code

Mind Hacker
Mind Hacker - 26.03.2022 15:17

Anaconda never works on my machine, exhausted all the troubleshooting. Would you please recommend an alternative? Thanks

Gabriel Gudiño
Gabriel Gudiño - 15.02.2022 21:19

That was a lot of help! Thanks a lot!!

Mohamed Awnallah
Mohamed Awnallah - 20.01.2022 17:14

Fantastic! Keep pumping out more content!

Yev Bondar
Yev Bondar - 24.10.2021 07:23


Eddie Brito
Eddie Brito - 21.09.2021 22:42

Hello Luke, I am new to programing and want to expand my knowledge. I have followed your previous vids and installed everything correctly. Until this vid. My terminal looks different as you are using a mac. In the previous vids you showed how to do both platforms. Can you please explain how to do it for win 10. I would try to install "conda instal numpy==/1.17" with no luck in the python terminal. the terminal I am using doesn't generate the "$" symbol for me or have the different colors. Thanks for the help.

Pablo Dini
Pablo Dini - 02.09.2021 07:50

Hi everybody, i have already installed numpy but keep me saying " ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' " , if I go to "Run" then "Run without debugging" work just fine .I don't know why

Jens Toft Knudsen
Jens Toft Knudsen - 23.08.2021 15:10

Hey Luke, great videos

My Terminal looks different than yours (did the same as you regarding installation etc.) but you terminal says 2:python, whereas i can only choose powershell og cmd, how do i get the same option as you, for instance my terminal doesn't show which virtual environment i am in if i use Powershell or if it is cmd it shows which virtual environment but i can't use clear for example.

Is there anyway i can make it like yours?

Kind regards

Jia Wang
Jia Wang - 17.08.2021 03:18

thank you best video I've seen so far to explain why and how to set up virtual environment

Peter Lauge
Peter Lauge - 03.08.2021 11:20

The blue popup information you create is very distracting. Otherwise a great video!

Andres Cifuentes
Andres Cifuentes - 17.07.2021 02:12

Hi Luke. I'm a beginner in this world of programming languages and Data World and your videos are helping me a lot! but i'm having a huge troubles with the virtual environments . I did every single step you did in your videos of installing python, anaconda and VS code. everything seems to be perfect. I write the code to create the new environment and it runs well but... when I try to activate it does nothing. literally nothing. Don't put error, does not activate it and I don't know what to do now

Bagaskoro Arif Prabowo
Bagaskoro Arif Prabowo - 21.06.2021 17:28

Systematically amazing video.. I've been watching and practicing every single step (from installing anaconda). I will continue watch this video tomorrow. I am new to python. So I will savour my moment of learning it. Once again, thank you!!

Fabrizzio Rutigliano
Fabrizzio Rutigliano - 20.06.2021 04:36

Very neat explanation, subscribed!

bhargav ram
bhargav ram - 02.06.2021 19:51

Hey Luke please give me a solution for this, I am using Windows 10
from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import (
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Anthony - 10.05.2021 08:32

This video series was a great help, very much appreciated!

Bhavik Pandya
Bhavik Pandya - 18.04.2021 14:34

luke i am stuck here i can all i am seeing here is this conda.io.activation can u help

Thanart Tangtanakoon
Thanart Tangtanakoon - 12.04.2021 11:29

Wow. The explanation is very clear !! Thanks.

比特彭 Crypo Peng
比特彭 Crypo Peng - 22.03.2021 16:06

clearly in the topics will have, also, this is what I want! Thanks.

Mac Hyman
Mac Hyman - 18.02.2021 06:56

Luke, this series is so awesome. Been trying to figure out how best to setup anaconda and virtual environments and this is by far the clearest and best guide. I just had two quick Qs: 1) in your terminal and the .py files stuff pops up so you can autocomplete what you are typing; how do I set that up? 2) My terminal is the power shell whereas yours has the environment in parentheses and the dollar sign at the end; how do I get that setup? Thanks again for these amazing videos!

Pratham Sethi
Pratham Sethi - 11.02.2021 18:30

Great Job Luke. I've been following this playlist and so far its going great. Just one ques though, math code works fine. But, numpy is not working for me. when I tried installing it the output came 'already installed'

Zakeya Alsada
Zakeya Alsada - 02.02.2021 17:03

Hi, I asked a question on another post, but then I came here. So, I downloaded anaconda on my Mac, but do I need to add a conda extension to my VS code?

Alexandre Jacinto
Alexandre Jacinto - 30.01.2021 18:16

Amazing work Luke. All you videos have excellent explanation with perfect visualization. Keep on going (y)

Danilo Anderson de Moura Chagas
Danilo Anderson de Moura Chagas - 29.01.2021 20:48

Great explanation, man! I've been watching some of your videos and they're great! Very informative and with a simple approach. Congratulations for your good work!
