the single most important Feng Shui rule about toilets - not even have it!

the single most important Feng Shui rule about toilets - not even have it!

Dear Modern

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@PsychoEkan - 03.06.2024 14:39

wouldn't it just be easier to hinge the door the other way?

@impopquiz - 05.06.2024 16:40

What if u can move the WC or the door? Just keep the toilet seat down will do? 😅

@WaitingxInxSilence - 27.06.2024 04:42

What if we can’t move the toilet because money or landlords?

@thandompanza7804 - 27.06.2024 23:47

For the second one, I would've just changed the way the door swings, that way the first thing you see is the sink and tub😂

@konan2206 - 12.07.2024 00:42

If you can't move all that around you could just flip the door, right?

@Crime_Arthur - 12.07.2024 02:57

I close the toilet for sanitary reasons but good to know it saves my soul from being sucked out while I sleep

@WildWaver - 12.07.2024 03:37

I've been waiting for this!!! I use your videos for redesigning Sims houses - Bathroom and Dining Room are my biggest problem areas. Yay!

@adelatejeda6114 - 12.07.2024 03:55

I respect these ideas that he has here but how is swapping the toilet and the sink a simple solution? You would need to rearrange the plumbing, that's alot of hard work and if your going to hire somebody to do that work it will cost you thousands of dollars.

@RoseHath - 12.07.2024 09:26

I wish my toilet closed this silently 😭

@Vitally_Trivial - 12.07.2024 14:46

I have a full length mirror on the wall opposite my toilet to force all my houseguests to feel the shame of watching themselves on the toilet.

@UmmerFarooq-wx4yo - 13.07.2024 01:00

Not facing towards the kaba

@stemwaffle - 13.07.2024 08:21

Thanks for reminding me to get off of it 😉

@RED2010Dragon - 13.07.2024 10:46

Toilets should always be in a water closet - ie in their own room.

@floraqueen156 - 13.07.2024 12:40

The thing is... Even just doing that will cost me over 100$. In my currency its equal to almost 30k

@danjal87nl - 13.07.2024 13:08

If that's how you think about toilets, I'd love to hear your feng shui view on congress. 😂

@furlizard - 13.07.2024 14:27

My mum has a small dog that crys and barks if you shut the toilet door, but sitting on the toilet you are visible to the hall and front door if you leave the toilet door open.

@yasedky - 13.07.2024 16:09

The pipes man, someone you can't move the soil stack to the other side of the room...

@hal4135 - 13.07.2024 21:26

Too many rooms in one toilet tho 😅

@martinlich - 13.07.2024 21:29

I started keeping my toilet lid closed after I got a cat who would accidentally launch himself into it if I didn’t and now I can’t imagine keeping it open regardless.
It’s crazy how off it makes a space feel with an open toilet and more so that I never even thought about it before then.

@mirkrty5981 - 14.07.2024 03:08

what a nice toliet!

@bland9876 - 14.07.2024 09:19

Whenever I'm in a hotel room in the bathroom is facing directly to the door it feels weird because I feel like someone can just see me for some reason even though the door is closed.

@lqboren47 - 14.07.2024 12:01

Well poop. I can't remodel.

@OsirusHandle - 14.07.2024 17:10

Not sure i agree with the soul sucking but its definately a private area. its more like a bed, somewhere vulnerable where you control what your body does.

@Liusila - 15.07.2024 04:07

That’s very negative energy, the toilet is a respectable necessity, and I keep the lid open for ease of use.

@danieleatesia12 - 15.07.2024 19:45

Could you give advice for wheelchair accessible toilets/bathrooms?

@clutterbot7279 - 16.07.2024 02:23

what do i do when i'm stuck with a tiny separate toilet room like a cubicle?! there's almost no space to stand, no window, the sink is tiny, the toilet is directly facing the door when you open it, and it's directly to the right of the entrance to my apartment.... help!

@celiascott4105 - 18.07.2024 23:26

My bathroom is like the first but I live in an apartment where I can’t change it. Any tips for diffusing the energy?

@greenhouse326 - 20.07.2024 17:34

Second example:
"switch the way the door opens" 🙅‍♀️
"Remodel the entire bathroom" 👌🏼

@robob3ar - 22.07.2024 08:21

“You scared the shit out of me”

@adam-xt8te - 22.07.2024 18:04

In my country doors are opening to inside the rooms but to outside the toilet

@The_Arisen - 22.07.2024 18:44

My favouite people are the ones who notice how you leave the toilet, and leave it the same way without a word.

@J4ap0on3es - 24.07.2024 01:30

How to do this if my bathrooms are kinda of corridors from the door that has, in the order: sink, toilet, shower with a 40cm between each.

@meribor - 24.07.2024 15:14

Going to such great lengths to hide the toilet is silly. Why do I have to go into a littler room inside the already little room when we all know it's there??

@ktbiwk - 24.07.2024 17:24

The slow motion closing of thw toilet =Sooooo😂 funnnyyy. Like suggesting... maybe this isn't so hard...😂

@Dianawales - 24.07.2024 19:04

Note to everyone who builds/designs bathrooms… women do not like TO ACTUALLY USE exposed bathtubs.

@marci.abraham - 25.07.2024 04:18

The dinky squished little bathroom in my apartment is also in the money corner! 😂 I definitely keep the lid closed. But I'm open to all suggestions! 🎉

@BjornMinou - 27.07.2024 16:25

The way you made the new toilet cubicle, with the door opening inwards, you can't enter and close the door. So, what's even the point of having the door there?

@lailas.3205 - 27.07.2024 20:02

If you can move your toilet, sink and tub around, baby you already got luxury 😂

@bdawg202787 - 28.07.2024 18:56

I'm a large man, my shoulders are a bit over two feet wide. Toilets in their own tiny closets are one of my worst nemeses. I've gotten stuck where I can't turn around to wipe before.

@vitolar8995 - 29.07.2024 13:01

Locking away the toilet is not just Feng Shui, it's actually basically necessary. It's insanely unsanitary to have the toilet in the same room you brush your teeth

@rohanharridge5579 - 01.08.2024 17:11

I keep it closed because I know aerosol transmission is a thing.
But I explain it to guests by using the cats drinking from it as an excuse (they wouldn't they're far too clean), because since the pandemic I learned an awful lot of people don't believe aerosol transmission is a thing.

@AndreaSimone57 - 02.08.2024 23:18

You hear that fellas?!

@arianekelly2633 - 05.08.2024 00:57

I accidentally feng shuied my toilet and didnt know. Awsome. 😅

@syystomu - 13.10.2024 10:59

I just realises that my bathroom would actually be improved by just switching the door opens

@silverthedgefan1019 - 13.10.2024 23:59

Thats fascinating, the toilet in my bathroom has a little walled off section behind the sink. And the door opens away from the toilet too.

@audi4444player - 16.10.2024 14:06

I agree with making the toilet not the focal point you should get it behind where the door opens but I completely disagree with putting it in a separate tiny room, not only do I find having a door handle between the toilet and sink disgusting and in some situations inconvenient, you don't spend an insignificant amount of your life using the toilet, personally I'd rather not spend that time in a claustrophobic coffin and rather see my beautiful bathroom.

@peonylarkspur645 - 03.11.2024 08:39

I would really love to hear this guy’s take on why the bathroom at the hotel I stayed at in Venice made me nervous

@DmitryMyadzelets - 29.11.2024 21:00

Where is bidet?

@ImGonnaBeAStarr11 - 17.12.2024 05:11

Hiding the toilet also hides the smell of the shit that someone else did 2 seconds ago
