Amelia Booking Plugin For WordPress - TOP 4 Features

Amelia Booking Plugin For WordPress - TOP 4 Features


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Gabriel - 07.11.2023 21:19

Hi Amilia

Your can’t 'charge a 10% cancellation fee for any no-shows plus you can’t charge deposit from customers

Marina Kisyova
Marina Kisyova - 30.10.2023 17:07

I offer online courses and I need a calendar where the customer could pick a start date for the course. The course usually is open for 10 people and it's happen every 2 weeks or so. Could I implement this with Amelia? There is no need for time slots, the customer need to pick only the start date and this date should be available for 10 people in total. Is that possible with Amelia? If not, could you please suggest another plugin?

Visualmodo - 29.10.2023 22:53

A very good content!

Kevin B.
Kevin B. - 27.10.2023 13:04

Great video! I've always believed in the power of experience and reliability when it comes to WordPress plugins. I would always pick a well-established one like the tried-and-true plugin you've showcased here. It's like choosing a seasoned pro over a rookie – you know it's been battle-tested and has a track record of delivering

Alexander Gilmanov
Alexander Gilmanov - 26.10.2023 20:02

Thank you for the detailed review. A right combination of theme/page builder, booking plugin and a skillful website owner can result in beautiful, functional booking websites with smooth UX.

D Ray
D Ray - 26.10.2023 01:09

Does it have front-end access? I need my users to be able to set up their own booking form.

Goran Ignjatijević
Goran Ignjatijević - 25.10.2023 21:15

Amelia is a extra plugin, from great developers team !!

David Risley
David Risley - 25.10.2023 18:14

FluentBooking is a cleaner and more open, if you ask me. Still lacks some features since it is so new, but Amelia is just a little overly complex. And it is more closed by nature. And the integrations between Fluent tools if you use stuff like FluentCRM and Fluent Forms cannot be beat.

Pawel Buslowski
Pawel Buslowski - 25.10.2023 16:50

Unfortunately Amelia doesn't send invoices which is must have this days 😢

Marco profwebsite nl
Marco profwebsite nl - 25.10.2023 16:49

There are a mega more possibilities especially when combined with uncanny automator! The most important thing for mail is the SMTP. If you don't congruate this, mails usually don't arrive. Also the database must be in good order. There are many things you have to configure in advance or the website will be slow. If you have everything in place, it is a great tool!

Pawel Buslowski
Pawel Buslowski - 25.10.2023 16:42

I love Amelia ❤ but if you need contact support is disaster. Half of those people don't speak English. Be aware

Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin
Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin - 25.10.2023 16:23

Wow thank you for the video !

Nikhil B
Nikhil B - 25.10.2023 15:00

Using Amelia for events is not very useful since it doesn't create separate links for each event that can be easily shared on social media.

Steve Pro
Steve Pro - 25.10.2023 14:46

Thanks for this Paul.
Personally, I have tried out LatePoint and Bookly. LatePoint is not for me as payment gateway's are mostly paid add ons. Bookly is better in that regard.
They are all a pain in setting up calendar integration though (Including Amelia). Would be nice to see a simpler way.
Amelia does seem to have clearer documentation though.
Do you have a preferred booking solution for hotels, or is another tutorial on the way?

Olayinka-Ajibs Joshua
Olayinka-Ajibs Joshua - 25.10.2023 14:28

Is it free?

Kevin Richter
Kevin Richter - 25.10.2023 14:08

I have been using Amelia for a while now but I am frustrated with the plugin for so many reasons. Often I'm stuck at a dead end and support is not helpful.
Example: Google calendar Synchronisation doesn't work with multiple calendars (e.g. If you have private calendar and business calendar, only one can be used to determine availability and avoid double booking).
FluentBooking is out for two weeks and has that feature.
Amelia says they haven't planned to add that in the next 6 months.
Mind blown
