The Casing Stones & Pyramidion of The Great Pyramid

The Casing Stones & Pyramidion of The Great Pyramid

History for GRANITE

2 года назад

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@RomeTWguy - 09.01.2024 19:49

how annoying it must have been to build the second pyramid with the first one glaring into your face non-stop lmao

@DougBMX - 25.12.2023 00:53


@coastrider9673 - 19.12.2023 02:48

The pyramids could have been there a very long time before later generations decided to apply the limestone.

@cinemaipswich4636 - 15.12.2023 14:01

Even 6,500 years ago the spin merchants were proffering the gig. "Build it and they will come". Marvels were big business. Tourism is the second oldest profession.

@renefranzen1509 - 15.12.2023 10:55

I wish everybody would stop beating around the bush and just tell everybody that Bigfoot helped build the pyramids and get it over with I mean there was no other way that they could have took those blocks up there and left Bigfoot was helping him lift them up there you know back then the hundreds and hundreds of Bigfoots they even show a few bigfoots on the depicted on the walls of in their art but no no one's going to talk about Bigfoot now are they

@xltrt - 10.12.2023 21:22

Is it possible the top of the pyramids had a statue of whose tombs this belonged to?

@mr8raves292 - 06.12.2023 06:44

It was gold because The Anunnaki wanted it so

@skiptoacceptancemdarlin - 29.11.2023 09:05

i've never heard the term "quarry" to mean "steal"
is it the right terminology?

@marsbearmcw3050 - 27.11.2023 03:54

Oh, imagine going back in time to see the pyramids in their original glory. They are incredible now but they would have been utterly magnificent. The medieval builders of cathedrals in Europe sort to amaze the peasants with the absolute glory of god, and anyone living today is moved by the architecture when stepping into one. Just think what the average peasant or foreigner to Egypt all those years ago thought upon first sight of these incredible buildings. I absolutely loved visiting Egypt and I hope I can get there again before I die so as to see all these wonders of humanity .

@drdarrylschroeder5691 - 18.11.2023 22:49

Hello - The amethyst stone used for the Pyramids was later covered over by stone by one of the Pharaohs.

@Stan_in_Shelton_WA - 16.11.2023 17:13

The pyramids were actually built over 40,000 years ago.

@user-oq1ch4rd5g - 13.11.2023 11:50

The welsh built the pyramids of giza atlantis Nantwich map based on plato and the oldest copper mines in the world. Copper rope granit dust

@devonboulden2496 - 12.11.2023 11:02

Hey, how did the pyramids with their casing stones reflect sunsets? Would they reflect the color of the setting sun?

@komogortev - 11.11.2023 01:34

Lol, there goes alien origin theory

@anden649 - 10.11.2023 21:33

"Where do people get the idea of enormous gilded pyramidions [...]?" - While I do not know where the idea of enormous pyramidia may come from, I may suggest at least in part why it is thought they were gilded. At the temple of Queen Udjebteni/Wedjebten, a fragment of relief mentions the pyramidion (bnbn) of her pyramid as being made from electrum or fine gold (Damw). A pyramidion of electrum/fine gold is also mentioned in the reliefs in the causeway of King Sahure. edit: Of course, this doesn't mean all pyramids had gilded pyramidia, but it could suggest that at least some were, at the very least during the 5th and 6th dynasty.

@mikewest9033 - 10.11.2023 11:28

As perfect as they were built i highly doubt that the sun would make the casing stone's fall off. I believe they were stolen to build palace's like they say because they certainly have a lot of white lime stone on them

@clintwalls2720 - 08.11.2023 15:37

It is well documented that the Great Pyramid casing stones were dislodged by a major earthquake in A.D. 1303.

@RtB68 - 08.11.2023 12:31

I swear that opening image of the polished stone and golden top was, is and forever will remain the most impressive thing humans ever build. And all with bronze-age tools. Imagine being one of those little people in the foreground. Epic.

@deefacebook9213 - 07.11.2023 03:52

So fascinating! Makes so much sense. Once again , thank you! I love your work!

@sxyqt3.14 - 06.11.2023 18:43

can someone answewr this for me please?
why is there only 7 pyramids but there was more than 7 pharaohs? why didnt all of them build pyramids?

@timointrouble - 03.11.2023 01:13

You are right, shiny things on shiny things make no sense at all.. Then again, Pharaos were clearly megalomaniacs and their need to display power and wealth could also be seen as pathologic. I mean, have you seen Trumps NY flat? Or Erdogans Palace? Maybe neither visual appeal nor logic will explain pyramidians or Pyramids as a concept sufficiently?
In another video you talk about how megalithic stones in Pyramids entrance paths would force visitors to take note, even to bow down to get in, which I find a very interesting take. A bright, shiny exterior could serve a similar purpose. It would force you to lower your eyes, or at least squint a bit. The Pyramid would be forced into your awareness even more than "just" by its size. As you say: "Look at me, I am the Sun God now!"

Love your content, thanks for all your great work!

@Martinit0 - 01.11.2023 01:32

I suspect looking at the pyramids back when they had their limestone casings was likely similar to looking at a large snow surface without eye protection, likely a bit painful in broad daylight. People might even think they actually recreated the sun.

@chicobicalho5621 - 24.10.2023 13:36

This channel is taking up too much of my time! I am hooked.

@DavidLehnhoff - 18.10.2023 21:10

What happens when lightning strikes a gold capped pyrimid?

@satheeshkaimal615 - 11.10.2023 19:21

What about during sunsets and full moon nights? Maybe the setting Sun or the Full Moon would've made the golden caps glow brighter than the limestone blocks giving an aura to the pyramids. Isn't that a possibility? Anyway great videos! Found this channel a few days back and I was really impressed by your content and dedication. Keep up the good work!

@Tony-ne7hd - 04.09.2023 01:23

Ice pyramid’s

My theory is the pyramids were used to keep ice cold. Take the Great Pyramid for example, the Kings Chamber would be packed with ice that had perhaps been traded from the highlands of the Kazakhstan region and would have shared a trade route with the cinnamon route to Sri Lanka. Granite is very good at staying cold once cooled down and although the granite slabs were too difficult to remove, granite lining the walls and floor could have been looted. This granite would eventually cool down to the temperature of the ice and subsequent ice would help maintain the refrigeration effect. The ice cold melt water would run down the Grand Gallery further cooling the structure via the central steps and I propose that a timber walk way was built over it for access explaining why there are raised sides and indents at regular intervals. The Queens Chamber would have been made very cold by this creating perfect conditions for storing exotic foods that require refrigeration or for display of a corpse for an extended period or simply for the God King to escape the heat. The cold water would flow down the Escape Shaft and possibly used in some way in the Subterranean Chamber then any waste water left over would be poured into the Bottomless Pit. Pyramids are the best shape to have the minimal surface area exposed to the sun so they are cooler and during colder evenings are able to dispel the heat more quickly. Pyramids were encased in white limestone to further insulate the structure and reflect the suns heat. This was what they needed to build if they wanted to have very cold places right at their doorstep to utilise for whatever purpose they wanted. The saying “if Mohamed can’t go to the mountain then the mountain must come to Mohamed” is more than likely derived from the God King Pharaohs bringing ice from the mountains and creating a mountain to keep it in.

@joelmahan - 15.08.2023 07:20

Maybe they thought of the golden tip as the sun with the white casing glare representing sunlight?😎

@TahoeJones - 07.08.2023 01:10

Your speculation is hilarious!

@democraticman3602 - 07.08.2023 00:36

So much speculation, so much unknown. Whichever theory is chosen, we'll never know for sure.

@WorldWokeApeCult - 06.08.2023 22:57

You should feel sorry for believing silly things. 😢

@Insane_Logic - 05.08.2023 04:44

Your heat theory is total bunk! Those stones had to be mind blowing close from the start. Stop listening to the lies of the goverment. Wake up man

@jameshellmann1492 - 02.08.2023 20:20

Also pretty sure that someone with the know how of how to design and build a pyramid would know how to avoid cracking from expansion.

@jameshellmann1492 - 02.08.2023 20:18

The thing is because the Pyramid is so mass heavy the blocks wouldn't be constantly contracting and expanding because heat from within the mass of the pyramid would even out temperature drops. Also if the pyramid was built with the stones already expanded this would further mitigate cracking. It's pretty simple stuff and we still build like this until today.

@ilovealaska2000 - 31.07.2023 04:01

I'm sorry but I believe that the great Pyramids and Sphinx were built before the flood. If those who have claimed to have built them did indeed built them, why haven't they built any other marvels in more recent times? Did they all eat dumb dumb pills? Like Mexico, Central and South America the Amazon forest covered those creations probably built around the same time period, before the flood. Thanks to Lidar radar we're discovering a past under the jungles. When will the truth be told in Egypt?

@skiendhiu - 29.07.2023 06:37

Looking at this excellent videos with superb pictures of the stones up close from many angles I am more and more impressed and filled with wonder as to how the he'll did they move so many huge blocks into place ...trully incredible.,

@springfieldbearpatrol2937 - 26.07.2023 00:17

Good video. I saw Khafre up close. The remaining casing stones are weathered. But it sure looks cool.

@jamesmangan9879 - 21.07.2023 02:54

Khafre's pyramid :-
When the ice age ended sea level rose 100m in 100yrs.
The straits of Gibraltar would have opened and again at Tunisia/ Sicily.
The book says the water covered every hill and mountain top and was 30 units high.
When i look at Khafre's pyramid i see the high tide mark.

@Dragon-Slay3r - 20.07.2023 01:35


@beyondthebarrow2755 - 19.07.2023 03:32

One of the things that irritates me about artists renders is depicting Giza is it would have been covered in plants and greenery in antiquity.

@TheHypnotstCollector - 08.07.2023 00:49

Only a barbarian with no esthetics would stoop to such labor to clothe themselves in anothers rainment. who would do such a thing?

@eagledon7199 - 07.07.2023 14:49

Give us more!

@ShiroVK870 - 01.07.2023 19:07

after fukcing 4 videos i get your channel name xDDDDD

@ThrasherGnar - 01.07.2023 04:56


@mk-jf1ux - 30.06.2023 01:32


@lancehobbs8012 - 13.06.2023 14:44

Imagine if it was one catastrophic event ( it probably was!) picture it, that entire sheet of stone sheared off on all faces simultaneously....the tearing of the facade, the screams of workers, the rumble of the earth as thousands of tonnes of stone came crashing down over 100 meters . The scene.

No wonder they stopped and left the top bit of capping stone.

@ketchupcommander - 12.06.2023 10:53

You actually got a lot wrong in this video.

@andruelohim3100 - 12.06.2023 01:09

You make me laugh, you study the pyramids of Rostau (Red Bull) and are no where near understanding what they are or how they could ever have been built by a stone age culture and yet you poo poo a golden cap as if it would be impossible or unlikely.
An intersting aside, a lot has been written about the Rostau pyramids being a mirror of Orions belt, if that is the case then where are the other pyramids that mirror the rest of the constellation.
Betelgouse or the armpit is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is where the name Rostau comes from,
Betelgouse is the red bull of heaven.
Where is his pyramid?

@axlslak - 08.06.2023 04:36

With all due respect, but I think the conclusion about the lighting is wrong. Even in Egypt, light only shines from above once a day, so in various moments of the day, when looking at the pyramids, you wouldn't see blinding light. Not if for instance you are watching from the west in the morning hours, or from the east in the evening hours. And there is one more thing to consider, there is also night. Moonlight. So maybe the pyramidion serve as a lighthouse of sorts. I do not think they were made of gold, but they were made from a material that would reflect light. Maybe offering people that lived there a way to orient during the night. I think it's fitting that you showed images of the casino during the night, to maybe illustrate the idea that pyramids, such as they were, were also prolly engineered to be seen during the night. Not just day.

@markwilliamson2795 - 03.06.2023 22:07

What kind of Country or People or their leader would want to destroy something like this ? Money...sell to the rest of the world...telling them it possesses great power and would give your church building healing power.....that will be 999.99 drackloones plus 99.99 for shipping...don't wait supplies are running out...

@jomon723 - 03.06.2023 08:02

Thanks...information I always wanted in your shows
