Jocko Willink's Opinion On Detroit Urban Survival Training

Jocko Willink's Opinion On Detroit Urban Survival Training

Chris Williamson

1 год назад

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John Watson
John Watson - 20.09.2023 02:30

Jab your tactical pen in attackers' eyes and ears. Blind attackers with brain punctured tend to back off.

Jackson Billy
Jackson Billy - 18.09.2023 01:02

That Detroit self defense guy is a total scam and scumbag

Bruce Helppie
Bruce Helppie - 17.09.2023 23:33

i disagree with jocko here. detroit urban survival isn't about becoming a skilled fighter, it's about having an option other than freezing up if someone decides to attack you. some times a very simple move like eye gouging can get a person out of a bad situation. yes, you're in big trouble if a skilled bjj practitioner decides to assault you, but the average street thug is far from that.

Edwin Viterelli
Edwin Viterelli - 14.09.2023 17:25

Jocko is always on point man...

Carmine Downey
Carmine Downey - 04.09.2023 00:55

As brother Special Operators (I was an 18E SF/H.A.L.O. and was both an Operator both entry and Sniper qualified) I have great respect for both Jacko and Tim and while I concur completely with what Jacko states, the interviewer is missing very critical points. To further validate myself, I am both a Muay Thai and San Shou (aka Sanda) Kickboxing Instructor (I was the U.S. Sanda team assistant Coach), Japanese Judo and Jiu Jitsu BB (who has cross trained extensively in both BJJ and Catch Wrestling), a former HS/College wrestler, boxer (trained at the 5th street gym Miami and with Coaches at Ft. Bragg from the Army boxing team. Additionally, I am an Army H2H combat, Krav Maga Instructor and former head MMA Coach at Gracie Jiu Jitsu of Louisville. Additionally, I am one of the few individuals who teaches genuine Native American tomahawk and knife. I am a retired Federal Agent who served 15 years as an SRT Operator and was one of my agencies lead tactics and DT Instructors. What the interviewer is criticaly missing is that (while Detroit Urban Tactical is a joke) he thinks other valid self defense techniques can't be employed if they fall outside of the techniques "perceived" because they are not seen in MMA. There is good reason we don't allow a groin kick in MMA (how many times have you seen a fighter need a time out!) don't blind someone with a thumb to escape a submission or hit with a palm heel due to a tightly wrapped and gloved hand and the list old go on. Does employment of what are considered "Street techniques" eliminate the need for actual sparring and rolling, absolutely not! However training in skills that apply in reality sport fighting and qenuine street combat does not negate both the validity AND necessity of incorporating other "non sport" techniques. Incorporation of these techniques along with defenses against blades, pipes, Firearms, ect. is of critical importance and while active pressure testing must be employed to ensure validity and skill under stress they are far outside the realm of skill of the "typical" Muay Thai, BJJ or MMA Coach. The best way I can describe it is take all the arts you think of as genuine from MMA, take Combative programs like Krav Maga, systema, ect and take bladed styles like Kali, escrima, ect. draw overlapping circles and where they connect in the middle is true "reality combat". Meaning all good styles have portions that are critically valid, but all also have portions with only a sport application or techniques that they believe will work, but, won't. Only cross training and gaining experience in all these areas will provide you the skills and expose the weak portion of the other areas that should never be used in real combat. Unless you have a rare Instructor like Jacko, Tim, Ryan Stephans, Tu Lam (Ronin Tactical) or another who has both technical knowledge and reality Spec Ops Military/Law Enforcement team experience, you can't find it all in one place, period. I know this was long, but I hope it shed some light.

Marko Montenegro
Marko Montenegro - 26.08.2023 10:12

Jocko is the father that every boy would like to have, but not the father of your girlfriend.

Dan - 03.08.2023 17:18

I feel like people should take a class in Detroit Urban Survival Training. It's pretty fun, to be honest. Plus he tells you at the beginning not to do what he's showing you and most people are just having fun. Way better than the more serious stuff. I'm betting you'd know about the same level of information if you took a Jocko Willink class and comparatively took a Detroit Urban Survival Training class which amounts to nothing practical. Both classes thrive on the idea that you probably won't get into any of the situations mentioned and both classes make you sign a waiver. Also, those that do get into such situations probably won't be taking a Jocko or a Detroit class and consider it a department approved training. It's sort of like a NFL star QB taking off to a high school football camp and coming back to play a game.

Let’s debate
Let’s debate - 03.08.2023 12:35

Palm uppercut to nose defo works 😂

Philip仔 - 27.07.2023 13:40

Kata or basics should be 20-30 % of your training time. Kata has its value. Look at the great striker like Machida , Wonderboy, and Cung Li . They all practiced movements in thin air

j Davis
j Davis - 19.07.2023 21:49

If I saw Willink I'd go in the opposite direction

marek falk
marek falk - 24.06.2023 14:31

ppl act as if it impossible to take someones gun or knife, the average man cant do it, but if u are trained u can do it easily most of the time

Captain America
Captain America - 18.06.2023 14:39

In the uk it’s worse for police

ThatKenpoGuy - 10.06.2023 07:02

Of course the tactical fighting stuff is like 10% or less of policing. Your ability to just deal with people is so much more useful on a daily basis and for the majority of calls than tactical or combat acumen.

Chris Sobeck
Chris Sobeck - 06.06.2023 18:25

It's a pantamime like a normal usan knows what that is 😂

Carrion Reaper
Carrion Reaper - 15.05.2023 14:56

Go for the eyes, i know firsthand.

Dom Tavan
Dom Tavan - 13.05.2023 16:22

The best self-defense you can learn is to always be aware of your surroundings. It’s that simple. Learn to read your environment and the body language of people around you. Be aware of your own body language. It’s amazing how effective these measures are at keeping you safe and preventing an attack upon yourself.

Deany - 03.05.2023 06:41

We get it Jocko. You're a super tough guy..... Christ almighty

S M - 17.04.2023 10:13

The only thing I disagree with is the comment about a lot of folk in San Diego are trained to fight, whilst that may be true that doesn't mean they are strong either physically or mentally.

Pretty sure you put a hand ranch from Texas up against a Jujitsu trained coffee barista from the hills and the Texan is going to win even with no training.

It's just physical toughness, which can't be taught, you have to be born with that, you can teach technique but not real aggression.

AGAINST MY ODDS - 13.04.2023 07:56

Tim Kennedy has control over the control alt delete button for life

Ed Ackley
Ed Ackley - 11.04.2023 22:28

Why are you getting ino fights in the first place? Kinda gotta chuckle at all this stuff. Bunch of twenty somethings looking to take on thirty somethings. SMH.

James Charbonneau
James Charbonneau - 29.03.2023 15:07

It would surprise you the amount of people who never been punched in the face before.

Frank Luna
Frank Luna - 25.03.2023 23:58

Martial Arts will knock Detroit Urban Survival tactics...but I guarantee you a finger in your eye will make you let go

Jonathan Yates
Jonathan Yates - 21.03.2023 02:23

I’m not that convinced that even in a place like san diego most people know how to fight just because the amount of bjj, muay thai or boxing places. Usually people who do combat sports like to avoid fights as best as possible and guys starting the fights are exactly these idiots who jocko is talking about

Angus Orvid
Angus Orvid - 20.03.2023 12:06

Street fights are absolutely horrifying because anyting can happen. To put it lightly, they are NOT choreographed. Street fights are chaotic, sloppy, unpredictable, and no matter how streetwise you are, you never expect to get into one. The level of violence is beyond your imagination. You may find yourself with an opponent who absorbs pain like a sponge, who can take a lot more hurt than you can. They can simply exaust you, then go for the coup de gras. My advice is to be maximally aware of your surroundings and avoid rough neighborhoods. To do otherwise is to play with fire, and that's just plain stupid.

G Body
G Body - 19.03.2023 03:32

Both especially the interviewer don't know shit!

Anthony Tony Francis
Anthony Tony Francis - 03.03.2023 00:06

The best you can do is run if you have zero training. Unless you are well trained you need to run, period!

Monte Brown
Monte Brown - 28.02.2023 11:30

I think people are missing the point of DUST. It's to increase your survival with very little or no training against the normal untrained street punk. It's for folks that don't have years to train in martial arts that may not even work in a world without rules.

3941602 - 26.02.2023 04:15

What is Jockos thoughts on 52 blocks

WDBoyd - 24.02.2023 09:31

Most Police Departments have lowered their hiring standards so low that its almost impossible to differentiate between the criminals and the Cops, so the problems we have in our Police Departments starts with HIRING BETTER PEOPLE, NOT TRAINING BAD BONES!

Andrew barry
Andrew barry - 11.02.2023 05:55

D.U.S.T should be taught to the special forces

MB Rum
MB Rum - 09.02.2023 06:44

Cops already arent working 50% of the time

Scoogsy - 07.02.2023 14:15

I don’t know Chris content, but this was an “okay” clip.

I’m seeing people say Jocko wasn’t very responsive, but it’s more that Jocko is a clear and concise speaker.

I wasn’t exactly hanging for answers to Chris’s questions. They weren’t bad, but they were a little pedestrian. Frankly, it’s the stuff Jocko has been asked a million times before.

Maybe come at the interview with a bit of a different angle. Ask questions that aren’t so “hey did you see this viral video that been talked about a billion times, what do you think?”.

Deroxan Lit
Deroxan Lit - 07.02.2023 11:44

i do know some professional fighter get knock out in a real fight. they got hit and it fell down on the ground. a lot of people in the hood know how to fight too.

Deroxan Lit
Deroxan Lit - 07.02.2023 11:40

who the hell going to wait for you to grab their gun in real life

Deroxan Lit
Deroxan Lit - 07.02.2023 11:39

the media don’t give enough attention to kung fu do work. the problem is so many people aren’t even qualify to teach kung fu. they just wanna open a kung fu gym and teach them aerobic and make money

tom hoedt
tom hoedt - 02.02.2023 02:09

Jocko kinda looks like Tito Ortiz

Just me
Just me - 02.02.2023 01:34

Everything can work just depend on if you catch the person off-guard how fast you are your skill and so on so he's wrong in that respect many different factors but yeah and then when things are in real-time it's a different as well

Driving Mylifeaway
Driving Mylifeaway - 01.02.2023 15:36

Guns work from 10 feet away.. do you dance 😂

Delta 35
Delta 35 - 28.01.2023 22:52

I use to work for Detroit Threat Centers. At that time I was well versed in different martial arts and was no stranger to street fights. When I was active we trained in tactics over and over, even trained three hours before we jogged to the club site to work. We used the tactics and we fought as a unit. People from Canada was even crossing the boarder to see us in action. We dealt with very aggressive groups whiched forced us into situations where we were outnumbered and we came out on top every time. However, we practiced as a group all the time and even went as far as knowing everybody's strengths and weaknesess so we can be solid as a group. The training saved our lives countless of times but you can have all the training in the world but if you don't practice and use your brain to translate the tactics in a real life scenaro.....then you lost and in some cases you will lose only once. I usually refrain from commenting on other defense styles because I'm always learning. I take the tactics that fits well with my skill set then leave the rest. Good day Warriors!!🙏🏽

OPERATOR PANTHER - 28.01.2023 05:11

This mf is always jiujitsu this and that. I call BS. Do you remember what happened to Leandro Lo?

seko khan
seko khan - 24.01.2023 19:47

Thats why boxing is #1, the focus on all out sparring is unmatched

sneakerz409 - 22.01.2023 04:19

Jocko face when he heard Detroit 😢😢😢😢

Video Ezy
Video Ezy - 21.01.2023 15:38

Jockos a good guy, doesnt talk shit about peoples business but tells it how it is.

metalrobot3000 - 20.01.2023 17:03

The bjj school I went to for awhile had a good amount of cops I was always proud of them for training

Shawn bb un bb By bbb
Shawn bb un bb By bbb - 19.01.2023 21:56

Instead of working an 8 hour day I think cops should work a 7 hour day and the 8th should be spent back at the station being taught by an experienced mma instructor

CHRISTOPHER LEE - 18.01.2023 08:32

So much respect for Jocko

Eric G
Eric G - 13.01.2023 05:24

Those Detroit survival moves do work, if the person doesn't know how to fight or not a real criminal. Like the gun to the head move, the only way you're getting out of that is if the gunman flinches,, which only happens if the gunman isn't a real cold blooded killer. A real killer would blast you immediately. So not to say it won't work but you are playing with fire. Just give them your damn wallet
