Why I'm DONE With Discord

Why I'm DONE With Discord


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@Hillj6134 - 01.12.2023 13:37

I feel you dude. Around 2017 I created my first discord account because I played a online game on PC, 2 years later after not using the app I got back into it and found out the same game I still played has a server so I joined and looked for people to play. At first making friends and being in friend groups was all cool but that was up until my "friends" Never valued me as a friend nor anything, just their personal farmbot. 2021 I stopped being friends with em because It was draining my mental health and I got sick of their BS. Around the same year I joined a small discord server with around 300+ members, the server was understaffed and there was trolls so I stepped in as a mod which at first was really good but then u had to deal with people's BS and constant criticism about how u should run things, It drained my mental health more. This year I wanted to make my own gaming server and did so and gained around 80 members the first month but the server didn't last because of the same issues, understaffed, and the constant drama that happened in the server. I got tired of babysitting idiots so I deleted the server and never looked back, 2 months later I never regretted that decision and my mental health got better. I still use discord because I have irl friends that use the app but I also talk to online friends, I tried quitting this app months ago but I got back to it.

@TheUniversalGaming - 13.11.2023 03:44

I also quitted discord, and I'm never going back.

@Pike7892 - 18.09.2023 23:45

I also quitted discord since the freaking email changing pops up and I’m tired of it I can’t even talk to anyone anymore due to that happing i quit

@Trey4Gang - 07.09.2023 12:00

Just say the app is annoying and the community is ran by pedxphile moderators

@nfsnitrovoidblanknullgalaxy17 - 17.08.2023 21:25

You made the right choice...I've just realized all Discord does for me, is make me feel valueless, ignored, and heck...yes, even suspectible for loosing the inspiration for every and anything, even in real life, like eating, drinking, even sleeping, and it was only slowly tearing me a part, like that of the enemy, cause yes I was raised into christianity, yet I am only seventeen, and literally every f***ing one does not have the slightest clue, of just how much I know, I know for a fact this is horrible for me, yet I feel trapped where I live, and I seriously hope I can get away, I've been stuck with my single mother ever since birth, and all it's been is horrid, and yet I'm expected to go about in progressing normally in life!?

@AmberFromRoblox - 27.07.2023 15:10

Interesting fact: Discord is trash and nowadays people just trying to ban people for absolutely no reason.

@JimeasLegend - 20.07.2023 19:10

Today discord is not a safe environment. Due to the evolution of tech and AI discord system needs some changes

@Gh0stGaminginc - 27.06.2023 20:57

Full of toxic, perpetually online freaks. I went on there to make friends and quite frankly, after that, I'd rather be by myself. Sad little trolls.

@Trip561 - 18.06.2023 20:12

I surely hate discord that brought me in bad influence

@MrEccentricities - 31.05.2023 03:16

i had a server but I stopped having it because there is no real way to enforce 18+ and I got a complaint so yeah no more servers and everyone wants you to be nice 100% of the time like wtf thats so exhausting and it honestly just breeds snowflakes entire servers all of them just want you to friggin be perfect and coddle people. I just got kicked out of one because Some person said dont joke about furries or something. I didnt start that convo I just said "respectfully screw off idc" and ignored everything else later I get kicked because they find me annoying sighs

@megamanmegamanmegamanmegam8725 - 09.05.2023 04:29

I'm honestly done with that grooming and drama inducing platform! since I never like I gotten in some dramas with some people on discord that did cause me such harms.
That happen from some anime gmod server since the two dramas of discord were like this I get into two dms with two users that decides to be really harmful to me by
Telling me to leave the internet about two times! from someone like me that has been told to leave the internet about so many times that did got me hurt though.
That I never find it right I got told to leave the internet about two times from two users acting like they own it by telling someone to leave the internet and of course
I got in a dm with an admin that decides to do favoritism by giving me a warning for doxxing even without doxxing over me saying some players real first name
Even when I only know the player real first name since he has use his own real name as his steam username which discord is just not for me while I would stick to
Other platforms that are for me.

@carlomalijan8001 - 24.03.2023 15:32

I left, due to people keep on making fun of me, or making fun of my threats.

@carlomalijan8001 - 24.03.2023 15:16

I just left. After being doxxed

@rishikeshgourav4573 - 09.02.2023 17:01

You still helping us.. and teaches us about mental health

@_nyushaGN - 15.12.2022 17:59

Discord is trash

@nika1506n0 - 04.12.2022 15:10

i hate discord because it needs verify account and i cant verify my account and for nothing😭

@womannn - 21.10.2022 20:53

I've been using discord for 2 years and the friends actually dont care about me cause its not real life i realised i feel worse when using discord

@remmidy2603 - 23.09.2022 02:11

I left discord because of a experience i had a while back with a person that read my dms and see what servers i was in it felt very very invasive of my privacy, so i just deleted my discord account today

@sippingmud - 24.08.2022 21:51

I feel like the issue was that you took your helper tag way too seriously, I understand that it must've been awful to be in that position where you're forced to help anyone with anything for the sake of your mental health, but people would've appreciated what you did, even if you didn't reply to dms as much or help people with irl stuff

(yes I know this is almost 2 years old but I still found it interesting to comment on)

@kzzqii - 24.08.2022 01:41

Recently deleted discord. It was never meant for me.

@Red5748 - 08.08.2022 23:45

I got banned from a fake report another reason why I hate it

@ozz961 - 27.07.2022 13:48

This is what i ve been struggling from on discord, i would wake up to 10+ dms and people venting to me, even sometimes to people about to kill themselves or getting blackmailed, relationship issues, family issues, their feelings of loneliness and so on and so on.

I quid discord 5 days ago, my mental status has calmed down a bit but, on the other hand, i feel the void, i feel a gap, it really felt like i barely had any actual friend but just temporarily people? That phase was not healthy at all, i feel horrible sometimes because i had to leave people behind and my explanation never made sense to them. I broke some people's heart in the process, i ve been told that there's 3 people have quit discord too just cause i quit.

I hope one day i ll comeback, but i doubt i will be as active as before, or i ll even be a staffer.

@minteggy93 - 14.06.2022 23:33

Congratulations, you deserve 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999+ social credit for leaving discord

@pipissonic8320 - 02.06.2022 02:48

I was in a server for making an object show, and now I fucking hate life becuz of it

@davidcontinactiv4281 - 08.05.2022 16:13

I left the discord because all people are making fun of me, I hate and speak badly
and the bad platform
I really cried because of it 😭😭😭😭😭

@MeariBamu - 03.05.2022 10:17

Leave Discord is a good choice, i got same things too, Just leave array and delete all my comment, because even you say sorry, they are not satisfied and find other world to kept you on cyber bully. And should be care don't click any link in their comment to get your ip address for other attacking or something personal data

@mangorango9726 - 02.05.2022 08:05

Yea man same advice form one guy that had the same problem stop being a people pleaser you dont need to do that to everyone only with close friends

@itsSloomy - 16.04.2022 03:01

POV: YOu run out of commentary idea

@qpcclosed8403 - 15.04.2022 13:29

my parents made me quit discord for my own safety, and they were right!

@sussyunknownboi - 01.04.2022 16:07

I hate discord i had an account then someday i got logged out i tried to log back BUT i forgot my pass so i made a new account BUT I CAN'T EVEN USE MY MAIL ANYMORE

@Skyfly_61 - 26.03.2022 05:58

Same because it looks gay

@geron99plays - 23.02.2022 23:28

GG bro

@BizzoboxLIVE - 11.02.2022 02:36

whats the tex pack?

@blackmonchaos - 07.02.2022 08:27

The discord mod is very bully

@reinierlara5421 - 07.02.2022 06:11

I recently deleted my Discord account permanently for the same reason, also because the community is very toxic and most are very annoying to interact with.

@andrewsanders7636 - 31.01.2022 03:10

i agree with you there is tons of NSFW content 11 year olds running around with adults literally my ex friend who is under 13 hates me becuz I prevented him from joining a server that has NSFW content aka s $@ jokes s $# mods  you know what I mean by s %$ also a 100 people hate me just becuz I joined multiple times and told my  little  exfriend   who just turned 12 about the darkside of server he doesn't want to hear it because it would ruin childhood lol what a fucking little shit I promoted his channel by the way he surpassed me he used my help now he has more subs than me and he is now telling everyone I'm an asshole I  tried to help him  but he didn't listen I'm the one who got him unbanned from the server all of them thought he was me and banned him I got him unbanned now he hates me for trying to protect him I supported him in all arguments and did all this for nothing  and if you have similar situation where your friend Hates you for trying to protect him then move on doesn't matter how many people hate you even if it's a 1000 people that doesn't matter . your gonna meet more than 50 thousand people in your life  so don't suffer from it move on don't have regrets move on progress leave the hate behind I quit  my yt channel because of my ex friend now I'm reflecting on my life right now discord and social isn't everything these people can't harm you punch you or kick you they can only say even if they are more skilled then you you can still have fun life there no need for skill life is life have fun enjoy your life ignore the assholes

@YumeDream39 - 23.01.2022 23:45

Glad someone feels the same way about this app. I wanted to leave for multiple reasons and that does include all the crazy things that happen on there. I'm debating about perminantly deleting my account. It stresses me out. People would always bother me about irl struggles and I got so many... interesting messages. It gets to be too much.

@milkmandoesstuff4577 - 09.01.2022 20:01

I kinda half thought it was from alot of haters just being abnoxious and that you had enough of it (this is my first time seeing one of your videos)

@remielrhoades7721 - 09.01.2022 07:01

beluga after seeing this: im gonna pretend i didnt see that

@Christian-gr3gu - 09.01.2022 06:35

"created a discord server" well that's your problem lol

@blackiesheepie9754 - 09.01.2022 00:03

i get it.
i had made a server for this artist that made a popular comic. So i had one person that would message me and would be like "you should be active more in the server. We need your Bahs". Because i would just put Bah and then people would be like oh hey its Sheep heya. I sorta became the um mascot of the server in a way. The person then shamed me and got angry with me for my inactivity in the server. After the original owner left and i took over. But i still wasn't to active. They blocked me after the harsh words. It confused me and hurt my feelings.

@NickLAnderson - 06.01.2022 09:35

Hi. 🙂 Please, let us pray together. Dear God who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever in Jesus Christ's name we pray amen.

@4igami - 03.01.2022 16:24

I am disgusted with the app discord because of what lurks on these group chats, like i dont even care if its a game comms, but dark web cultists type shit appears on the top surface of this… thing. I am forever scarred

@No_Name59 - 22.12.2021 08:51

Discord disappointed. There are a bunch of characters of different sorts. There are not only characters sitting in the discord itself, there are also the persons serving the discord itself (that is, this is the technical support of the discord itself and everyone connected with it). This discord is praised from all sides. This is partly true, but there is a downside to this discord. Which few people talk about. Being in this discord can be fraught for some. Better think twice. Is it worth going to this discord? And what do you need from this discord?

1) can get caught in places, but not always a normal team for communication on different topics;
2) passing raids in games that cannot be passed without communication, even if you try;
3) designed for cooperative games;

1) in the discord there is no "confidentiality" from the word at all .;
2) different types of characters can be caught in the discord (criminals, hackers, rich characters, humorists and characters who don't care about everything and the technical support of the discord itself), as well as young people who are not quite adequate .;
3) the attendants of the discord itself who follow the discord itself do not follow their own rules from the word at all. (Technical support and everyone who is associated with the discord).
4) in discord, only "selected" characters can scold someone, swear at someone, and so on. Otherwise, they will mix the whole discord with shit in the literal sense of the word.
5) communication with a friend on the discord is disclosed by the hackers themselves and the discord service personnel. The secrecy of correspondence is not respected at all.
6) if you start swearing with someone, then his defenders who have nothing to do with swearing will crawl out, and the persecution will start from their side, and after that absolutely the entire discord is connected.
7) hackers and "knocked down on their heads" (they can and will pretend to be) comedians begin to look for people via the Internet to annoy them at home. Seeing a discord blows their heads completely.
8) in discord, not only children, but also adults (pretending to be fools) take part in this.


PS: at the moment, there is no need to be present in the discord. There is a certain society that has its own laws and rules at the moment. They will mix anyone with shit. either you (the group united) with shit will mix or do not knowing who at its discretion).

P.S: this is a kind of group that found its own cozy little world in discord and choose new ones and evaluate them, then they draw conclusions, and then the consequences.
"Cozy little world"

@noahhx - 20.12.2021 14:39

literally deleted discord today bc of being accused of something i didn’t do and having all my friends turn on me so i’m so happy that i deleted it but not happy about what happened

@jakeygaming2027 - 11.12.2021 14:12


@beedleez3605 - 26.11.2021 05:32

when i was 11 now im 12.
I Revealed my age.
Someone told me to mic up.
i was scared to.
it sucks on how discord is like this now.

@Cheesling - 17.11.2021 02:38

