Laravel 9 E-Commerce - Add Product To Wishlist

Laravel 9 E-Commerce - Add Product To Wishlist

Surfside Media

1 год назад

5,606 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


THE MONSTER - 22.09.2023 00:24

why did you add instance('cart') for all Cart Classes

Rohit Ray
Rohit Ray - 31.05.2023 18:44

How to add payment gateway in the site?

Milen Kostadinov
Milen Kostadinov - 15.11.2022 22:06

Thanks again for the kindly shared video. May I ask, why would you add an extra icon for the Wishlist when your original HTML design already contains such with the onmouseover effect? Btw, you did not remove the icon from one of the two spots so now the design has a repetitive action trigger..

If anyone would like to remove the duplicate icon on mouse over (or keep it) just make sure to adjust the code as per the video lesson and remove the other one for simplicity of navigation and User Experience :)

Edwin Gonzalez
Edwin Gonzalez - 11.11.2022 15:06

