These INCREDIBLE Pilots Only Had Seconds To Save Their Plane | Spicejet Flight 256

These INCREDIBLE Pilots Only Had Seconds To Save Their Plane | Spicejet Flight 256

Mini Air Crash Investigation

2 года назад

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This is the story of spicejet flight 256. On the 5th of january 2014. On that day the spciejet 737 was to fly from delhi to goa and then back to delhi again. On the ground at goa the pilots of flight 256 was given a computerized flight plan and the weather at their destination, delhi. The plane was planned to land at delhi at about 6:15 pm and the weather was supposed to be okay the visibility at the time of their arrival was estimated to be 200 meters or about 650 feet. If they couldnt land at delhi they had lucknow and jaipur as their alternates. Which were relatively close by. As they fueled the 737 they put 9.5 tons of fuel in, of which 500 kilos or 1100 pounds of fuel was meant for holding over delhi if they needed to. But with delhi being notorious for its smog the captain decided to add another 300 kilos or 661 pounds of fuel to the plane. The plane took off and made its way to delhi and when they were 50 Nm from the city of delhi things were not looking good for the pilots of flight 256. The traffic around delhi was and is nasty and that combined with the worse than usual visibility meant that there was a long list of planes waiting to land. Flight 256 was 13th in line. As they approached the entry point to the STAR or the standard terminal arrival route, ATC asked the pilots to do two orbits at this point they had 3.4 tones or 7600 pounds of fuel remaining. As the jet got closer and closer to delhi the pilots kept a close watch on the visibility. The reported RVR was at first 1150 meters or 3700 feet, but that dropped to less than half to 550 meters or 1800 metres. Things were getting bad for example the Roll out RVR or the distance that the pilot can expect to see at the far end of the runway had dropped to just 50 meters or 150 feet. This was wayyy too low and so the pilots of flight 256 decided to stay at 7000 feet hoping that the weather would improve. This meant that theyd have to burn a bit more fuel, but it would be worth it if the visibility improved allowing them to land at delhi. But that did not happen instead the visibility at delhi got even worse. The pilots now had a decision to make they could wait around and see if the weather at delhi improved or they could divert. At this time the 737 3100 kilos or 6800 pounds of fuel onboard. They needed at least 2700 kilos of fuel to get to Jaipur, their alternate. But the pilots found that just getting in contact with jaipur was a tough task as most of the planes around delhi were having the same idea as flight 256, they too were diverting to jaipur. But once they had set things up they flew to jaipur and on their way they prepped for the landing at jaipur. On their way there they looked at the possibiltiy of diverting to either ahmedabad or lucknow if the weather at jaipur was too bad. But running the numbers revealed something scary. They had no other choice but to land at jaipur, both ahmedabad and lucknow were now unreachable with the fuel that they had onboard. They had to make this landing count the pilots decided to make a dual channel autoland. This meant that the plane would basically fly itself down to the runway even if the visibility was bad. That was a solid plan. As the pilots approached jaipur there were two plane ahead of them in the queue. One of the planes decided to divert to ahmedabad the other one an air india a320 had to land and then they were good to land. But then the unthinkable happened, the pilots of the A320 ahead of the spicejet made some very bad decisions and they stuffed the landing and ended up blocking the runway. Now this wasnt some small runway excursion this was a major accident, the plane had gone off the runway sliced through some trees and parts of the plane were strewn everywhere. Like this accident has its own report and everything and if you want a video on that like this video and let me know in the comments. But the main thing for the crew of flight 256 was that they now had nowhere to go. Their one option was now blocked by an A320 that had had an accident and the weather at delhi was still horrible. When they went around the plane had 1.7 tons of fuel left. The captain now used the authority that he had and decided to head


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