The Onion:" I am going to destroy fake news with fake news."
ОтветитьI would lose my mind if it becomes their completely factual, straight-laced branch of reporting.
ОтветитьThe Sandy Hook families are more angry with Jones than they are with the actual shooter.
ОтветитьI saw the onion post this and assumed it was a joke
ОтветитьOne of the best pranks ever.
ОтветитьNow I’m going to have to get on X. He’s still on Rumble.
ОтветитьThis was the most disgusting form of lawfare the country has ever seen. The judge needs investigated.
ОтветитьNot a follower of Jones or a dedicated reader of the Onion. All I know is that I was watching live coverage of the Newtown event unfold and it was one of the strangest sequence of activities that I’d ever observed during my lifetime. It raised many questions that were never really answered. Wishes of peace and closure to the affected families.
ОтветитьHave you noticed that this 12 year old Sandy Hook happening concerning Jones, is now rushed to destroy Jones just before President Trump will take office?
ОтветитьPredictions now do you think infowars will become more truthful post purchase
ОтветитьAn mocking bird company buying out another cia rag for another cia phsyop
ОтветитьEverything reported on this report was untrue. Not one single thing the woman stated actually happened in reality — except for the corruption that was involved in this AntiConstitutional ruling.
ОтветитьI love this, hilarious!
ОтветитьFAKE NEWS. was not an auction, per se..........and action was blocked. easy to find out- once you understand corp media is generally ALWAYS lying.
ОтветитьNo video about the Judge that shut this BS down?
ОтветитьDid this happen? I see infowars is still up and running and Alex is on the air now saying none of this was true
ОтветитьGood news. President Trump is sueing the New York times and CBS for $10 Billion. I'm pretty sure Alex will be getting his money given back as a gift from President Trump. 😂🙂👍🇺🇸🇺🇸
ОтветитьUnfortunately for CBS this did not happen. The onion and a gun control group supposedly funded by the sandy hook families attempted to catch info wars in an illegal closed auction where the courts terms of to the highest bidder was not observed. Which has prompted all of the above to be brought under investigation. Alternately Elon Musk's lawyers have filed an injunction to stop radicals from trying to take Jones' name and twitter handle.
(The following is Speculation)
Given the carefully closed nature of the previous trials I am interested to see what this session of discovery finds as far as the legal culpability of the "Sandyhook parents" who were involved. This situation has also given Mat Gatez a legal foothold to investigated the situation from start to finish.
In the event that Alex Jones was correct, or did not say the culpable statements claimed. And or the existence of the original plaintiffs can not be proven then You will see Jones become able to counter sue for actual damages starting at the amount previously levied against him, plus a bunch of other possible amounts for pain and anguish. Considering that all proceeding thus far have been strictly closed door, and that the accused (Jones) has continued a legal fight where it would have been easier and cheaper just to submit. I can reasonably assert that there are probably skeletons to find in the closets of the original judges and prosecutorial teams.
Beyond the possibility that Jones could be made able to counter sue all individuals who violated the public trust in the legal system are likely going to face charges that put them in prison for a very long time.
The lefts plans fail because to a man you're all blind to your own stupidity. Memorizing facts and regurgitating them onto a test doesn't make you smart and much like the scare crow in the wizard of oz a diploma cant give you a brain. Figuring out a solution when there is no apparent answer with no assistance does. Which is why your worst enemy is a bunch of people making memes in their underwear at home.
The Onion is a fraud
ОтветитьFake news
ОтветитьThey bought it illegally. the sale was halted. Jones is back😊
Do your research mainstream
Hilarious, delicious karma
ОтветитьWhy do you LIE? "The Onion" didn't bought it
ОтветитьI want to know: (a) How much did The Onion pay? (b) What, exactly, did they get in return? (c) How much is Jones left with now? Too many question unanswered here.
ОтветитьIt certainly was not political😏. Why else would they refuse the $50 million he offered the families and then auction it off for only $6 million.🤔🤭🤣😂
ОтветитьInfoWars might actually become a leading voice in alternative news now
ОтветитьOMG - Lillia is a HORRIBLE commentator - um um um um - gave me a headache!
ОтветитьIn other news Alex Jones starts a new media company called The Turnip.
ОтветитьHey, Alex...if you're liquidating your assets, uncle Don and daddy elon ain't going to chip in😂
ОтветитьFake news
ОтветитьMake false information fun again 😂
ОтветитьAbout that… no.
It was illegal.
Lies lies and more lies
ОтветитьIf the Onion buys Fox news, the FCC will file an anti-trust lawsuit for becoming a monopoly.
ОтветитьThis isn't going to go the way they think it's going to go.
If they were wise, they would just shut down the site and not try to parody the original site.
About time
ОтветитьOnly the Onion would buy another fake news and misinformation website. These types of BS websites should have to label there fake stories as fictional or be shut down!!!😎
ОтветитьNOT TRUE THIS IS FAKE NEWS ALSO CALLED MISINFORMATION. Well done CBS keep showing the world who you are. No sale today or any day. Let's just say the bankruptcy just fxxked it up and Alex jones is about to get all his stuff back. The need for greed will destroy all
ОтветитьYea only they didn't buy it and now they're being investigated for multiple felonies and will likely face prison time🤣now that's funny.
ОтветитьYea only they didn't buy it they Commited fraud multiple times and are under investigation and will likely be charged with multiple felonies. Oh the irony!
ОтветитьIt was reversed.
ОтветитьThe corrupt sale was halted. And it's now being investigated. because they didn't sell it to the highest bidder, thus robbing the plaintiffs of their money.
ОтветитьThis is Onion with a side of Onion
Ответитьlol! these propagandist goons cant help themselves... the ONION DID NOT WIN AN AUCTION. they they would never pay more than others would. THIS IS A JOKE ON YOU!!! from the onion.
ОтветитьI just love karma
ОтветитьFake news
ОтветитьWhy does the Onion have Alex Jones on their new website?
ОтветитьAged like milk. 😂