What did Russian Soldiers do with German Women

What did Russian Soldiers do with German Women

Stories Matter

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@StoriesMatter_1 - 03.06.2022 12:03

The purpose of this Video is to describe and retell the events that occurred during World War II. The information used in the video is taken from public sources. This video is not intended to incite conflict and hatred.
The author of this Video does NOT condone or endorse any side. Also, the author is not responsible if this video has offended anyone's feelings.

@willfoster2635 - 07.01.2024 03:26

When the Russians entered German they murdered and raped on an industrial scale. Most rapes are not reported however, it is estimated by medical reports that 2 million German women were raped between 1945-48.
And before apologists point to the destruction of Russian areas occupied by the Nazis, bear this in mind - the Russians carried out a scorched-earth policy when they were retreating. They did the same in 1812 against Napoleon. It is fundamental to their defence plans. Most of the destruction was by the Russians themselves.
Yes, admittedly Russian (at that time Soviet) women were raped by the invading armies - Germans, but also Ukrainian and other Baltic SS units. This is documented. But not on the scale of Germany from 1945 onwards.
It is also documented that Russian forces raped their women who had been prisoners of war in Germany. Mongolians serving in the Russian (Soviet) Army were also reported to have raped women in European Russia. This is noted in a book by Sven Hassel, Wheels of Terror I think. But this is backed by factual evidence.
These women were innocent victims of war. It was horrifying.
if you want a first-hand account, check out the following:
Anonymous - A Woman in Berlin.
Or just try 'Anonymous' or 'A Woman in Berlin'.

@donaldquirk7801 - 01.01.2024 21:53

I'm not German you ding dongs. I'm Polish, Irish, Jewish and English.

@24gamerap - 01.01.2024 04:56

Wtf r u mumbling fude

@susanlovesjava4961 - 30.12.2023 07:09

The stock photos don't fit your narrative.

@sketch6995 - 27.12.2023 23:25

Anything they wanted. They were on a tear, and wanted revenge.

@meduza6281 - 26.12.2023 22:26

I will say one thing, 27 million people died in the USSR, of which 13-15 million were soldiers. The Germans and their allies destroy entire villages, including old people, women and children. One of the German soldiers, in letters to a friend, boasted of how they raped young girls in droves and how he liked them to resist to the last, and then kill them; this soldier was also surprised that there were so many virgins among them... There is a huge amount of evidence of the brutal murders of small children, including crucifixions, and I also remember how a German soldier killed a child with an ax (because the child was crying and did not let him sleep). I read letters from German soldiers, and letters from their wives and mothers, who asked to send a fur coat or boots, and also thanked for the parcels sent, one Frau thanked and wrote that she was able to wash a blood stain from the coat that he sent them, and how this coat goes their daughters..... For many USSR soldiers, the Germans killed all their relatives: mothers, fathers, wives, children..... How could they be kind after that? Do you seriously think this was cruel to women in Germany???? Only thanks to the power of the USSR, their generals and the kindness of “Ivan” was at least something left of the people of Germany!

@MasterDebater2009 - 25.12.2023 23:21

An entire video of soviets in Berlin and not one mention of the thousands of Germans they killed, many of them women shot in the back, trying to escape the east.

@s.b.6010 - 25.12.2023 16:17

This video is Russian propaganda. The Soviet Union was a terrible Empire filled with savage souls. The world will always associate Russians with savagery and it is justifiable. Just look at how dictator Putin behaves and how his ignorant countrymen follow him.

@yegor6763 - 24.12.2023 16:28

Yes it must be quite surprising that they (the soviets) held so much contempt for the Germans after they murdered over 25 million of their own people (mostly civilians). Whats truly shocking is that she and many other nazis like her were not treated the same as the Soviet people.

@liesbethvanackere1092 - 24.12.2023 01:57

They suffered a lot due to the nazis. They wanted revenge.

@asir77777 - 23.12.2023 12:02

Experience report from Ms. E. O. from Elbing. Original, February 26, 1951.
On January 29, 1945 at 6.30 in the morning I came to the Russians. As soon as I encountered Russian soldiers, they took off my boots and coat. I had my daughter Krista, 15 months, in the stroller, and my son Horst, 7.5 years old, in my arms. The entire Richtstrasse was surrounded by men, women and children. A train of approximately 1,500 people was driven into the station hall and remained there under artillery fire until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Almost all the men were taken away. No one ever saw them again. What remained were women and young girls aged 15 and older. This is where the rape of young women begins. On the open square of the station I saw a girl, Kh.N., 15 years old, from Elbing, raped by Russian soldiers. This HN's mother protected her daughter because the Russian soldiers continued to use her and two days later her life ended for her courage and struggle. All valuables were confiscated from us: wedding rings, watches, savings books and securities. After some time we were taken towards Tannenberger and placed in makeshift houses. I was 39 years old. One room of these houses was prepared for rape. The first was the turn of the younger women; only by morning three Russian soldiers needed me at once. These rapes were repeated twice a day, each time by several soldiers. Day 7 was my worst day, I was picked up in the evening and released in the morning. My genitals were torn and I had tumors on both my thighs down to my knees that were the size of my arms. I could no longer walk or lie down. Then 3 more such terrible days followed. Then, we were kicked out of this hellish room naked. Other women took our place. An elderly woman gave me a blanket. These atrocities were committed by their own children. In those terrible days, we did not receive food. After that, we, tortured beyond recognition, had to pack up and go on a death march to the city of Prussian Holland, located 21 km away. You have to consider that we no longer had shoes on our feet. We tied burlap around our ankles, and I took one boy and held the other's hand. Accompanied by Russian soldiers, we were moved forward. During this march, Russian soldiers threw grenades at us. I had to watch as Mr. Kilian from Elbing was mortally wounded, as well as the daughter of officer Mr. Neumann, died from a head injury from shrapnel. Those who were wounded were to remain where they were. Those who did not die immediately were wounded in the neck by a detachment of Russian soldiers following the train. we called it a stroke of grace. I can confirm that the Jordan couple from Elbing, after 2 marches there and back to Elbing - could no longer keep up, they sat down on the side of the road, and the next day, when we were walking back, I was convinced that the couple had been spared from suffering with a shot in the neck. They didn't give us food. It was carried out for 14 days and people fled in all directions... Of the 800 people, mostly women and children (there were a few old people there), barely 200 people remained alive when the march ended. The dead lay on the side of the road. The Russians moved towards Danzig. I returned to Elbing with the children and found my apartment, except for my furniture there was nothing left, everything was robbed. The furniture, which was still intact, was then gradually stolen by the Poles. At this time, I ate potato skins and young cabbage leaves with the children. My little Christa fell ill with hunger typhus. I was close to madness. Now, I am completely broken in body and soul, I hope I will have peace from these atrocities in the future. Once again they wanted to take my son Horst away from me; and I was needed again to prevent him from being taken away. I and many thousands of women are broken to this day, and no one helps us. In this state I bought myself a small handcart and walked with my children from Elbing to Weier/Oberlankreis. Twice on this trip I was able to use the train for short distances. When crossing the border into the English zone near Helmstedt, the English soldiers showed themselves to me and my children to be good people. Shortly before my goal, my spirit and reason left me. They pulled me unconscious out of the Lan River in time.

@EliTecapture-ru3vw - 18.12.2023 17:32

This is the same narrator that posts animal videos that doesn't make sense lol

@kmcmac5037 - 12.12.2023 07:06

Why does everyone claim they didn't know. It was happening right in front of them. This story is BS

@robertalilith7368 - 12.12.2023 05:25

la cattiveria di quegli uomini contro la popolazione tedesca non ha pari, è bestiale ed incommentabile. povera gente, poveri tutti, povere città bombardate. povero tutto. Non esiste giustificazione a queste cose.

@maryirwin6015 - 12.12.2023 00:44

Spoils of war , ???, it's what war has been in history is everyone trying to make it clean and fuzzy?.

@PAULLONDEN - 11.12.2023 02:34

What did Americans do to the Indians ? And why is war Uncle Sam's major export ?
And why did the U.S. as head of the 1918 allied conglomerate made the Nazi powergrab possible ? Out of which Uncle Sam became a superpower and ruler of the western world . And the Jewish people got their own piece of the Middle East .
Some wouldn't want to change this bloodsoaked history even if they could.

@MaxRoth-mc6nb - 06.12.2023 06:50

This video is one of the most distorted things you possibly could create. 🤮🤮🤮

@SirDankleberry - 19.11.2023 15:28

"We fought the wrong enemy"
General Patton

@LJWalter78 - 15.11.2023 00:09

Out of millions, this single soldier fighting under the hammer and sickle of communism, actually turned out to be humane and compassionate…? Having normal human morals, of course they’re going to make a short documentary about him 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Let’s talk about the other millions that didn’t have such good luck?
No? No one wants to discuss that?
Why not?….

Remember the orders that were given by Ilya Ehrenberg, (Stalin’s right-hand man), and signed off by Stalin himself. They were distributed to soviet troops prior to crossing the German border.

“The Germans are NOT human beings, nothing gives us so much joy as German corpses.”


“Kill them all!
Men, old men, children and women.
After you have amused yourself with them… Kill! Nothing in Germany is guiltless. Neither the living, nor the yet unborn.
Break the racial pride of the German woman! Take her as your legitimate booty!
Kill! Kill! Kill! You brave soldiers of the soviet army!”

What followed could be considered possibly the most horrific stretch of events in human history. Although difficult to place a number on soviet atrocities a conservative estimate of between 2 million and 2.5 million (2,500,000), German women and children were gang-raped, beaten, and tortured to death. This number includes very children and the elderly. Girls as young as 2 and old women well in to their 80s.
Purposely targeted were people associated with Catholic/Christian congregations. Catholic Nuns were prized targets. Disgusting atrocities included nuns having their breasts cut off, being set on fire, forced at gunpoint to make-out with, and engage in sexual acts with the exhumed, dead bodies of Catholic Saints, priests and other Nuns. Many were also found raped, tortured, and crucified in front of their churches.
Don’t forget, these were the “good guys” doing all of this. The army the US supplied thru the lend-lease act pushed thru congress. Congress and especially Roosevelts cabinet, which happened to be VERY supportive of the USSR and the disease of bolshevik communism.
Yes, American war materials, tanks, jeeps, rifles, ammo, boots, clothes, food, etc. all supplied to the soviets, despite 90% of Americans staunchly wanting nothing to do with the European conflict. A “Representative Republic“ carrying out the will of the people indeed… 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Do your own research and make up your own mind.

@user-jr3kb8qy8e - 31.10.2023 18:24


@llVIU - 25.10.2023 16:22

yes, there are a few good russians, but most of them are bad. I don't listen to propaganda videos or lies, I've met many people online and no one can deny your personal experience. Mine is that russians are usually dumber, refuse to learn english, and think that the world should learn russian instead. Dumb nationalists. Tend to have worse morals such as selfishness, less teamwork, arrogance, rude, tend to steal or lie more than average people. My biggest problem by far is the language thing. They seclude themselves.

@carmenana4890 - 24.10.2023 07:31

My Grandmother was fled with my mother in the stroller, the Russian didn't rape her because of my mother in the stroller

@MetoFulcurm - 24.10.2023 01:17

The thumbnail is just so wrong. A woman with formal attire and twin braids probably a school girl ans she gives a seductive gaze tilting her head down and parting her lips and why does she wear a helmet? Too see this thumbnail still here...

@rageagainstmachineo1491 - 18.10.2023 19:41

Not all were as lucky as Dora. Approximately 100000 women were raped by Soviets during the taking of Berlin. This included, children and old women from 8 yo to 80. According to Steffenie , a victim who was 10 back then. The Soviets raped anything that had holes in them. She had to sleep with soldiers for almost a month in their own home and in the presence of her family. She had to thank the Soviet soldier everytime he violated her or was assaulted by her elder brother or father. In return for the services of her family to the three soldiers they were provided with safety from the rest and food.

@warriordog4094 - 18.10.2023 10:05

what I don't understand about the Jews is why they went to Palestine, instead of covering out a part of Germany for themselves and calling it Israel.....but today the Jews are the Nazis killing people who truly did nothing to them.

@johnholmes6897 - 18.10.2023 03:36

Stalin ordered the r@pe of all German women to insure there would be no pure German bloodline ever again. What a dou%%%

@tanishquesoni7334 - 16.10.2023 12:35

LMAO thats what happens when you country kills millions of people mercilessly

@jamesmccann355 - 14.10.2023 09:56

Eisenhower deliberately let the Russians advance go ahead and he held back the allies. It could have been much more different outcome if he hadn't

@christophertownley6734 - 12.10.2023 10:07


@Killerwale-hk4wy - 08.10.2023 16:49

This is a huge exception though?

@jackwei22 - 06.10.2023 14:46

The Wehrmacht raped a lot of women during their occupation in parts of the soviet union which didn’t get lots punished because it didn’t affect the discipline of the army but that is hidden obvious reasons thus clean wehrmacht myth is believed.

@craigmartinj - 03.10.2023 16:40

Russia raped all of Eastern Germany. That's what happened.

@JohnPiper04 - 03.10.2023 03:47

This video is completely useless. Just anti-German propaganda b.s.

@numbersix8919 - 02.10.2023 15:44

Mussolini "The Dutch"? You mean "Il Duce?" Who reads these things anyway?

@reliantdase7321 - 29.09.2023 02:39

German women did not have to be raped, they quite voluntarily entered into sexual intercourse for a bag of potatoes and a pack of cigarettes, which was plausibly shown in the film “Fury” with Brad Pitt. And then they told tales about “rape”, it’s embarrassing to admit that you sleep with a man for a cigarette

@olasellers1038 - 28.09.2023 19:52

Multiple documented cases of American soldiers raping German women, as well as dropping a nuclear bomb on civilians in Japan.

@olasellers1038 - 28.09.2023 19:47

Why no info on what German solders did to Russian women?
26 million of Russian people murdered, starved and killed by Nazy Germany.
Many more left crippled for life, lost their loved ones - parents, husband's, kids.

@joro63 - 28.09.2023 06:01

Over one million German women were raped by the Soviets.

@Alexandra-iw5ty - 27.09.2023 22:51

И что же делали русские солдаты с уродливыми немками? Определенно, жалели их. Автор озвучивает фантазии этих немок. А кто еще сомневается, наберите "russian beauty", и успокойтесь. Посочувствуйте русским солдатам: созерцать бюргерш - уже стресс.

@campusconservatives559 - 27.09.2023 20:48

I'm not one of those people who hates Russia. I actually really like Russia. Though with that said, I think given the video's title it was an Injustice to not speak about the fact that the average Russian soldier raped every German girl he saw, who was between the ages of 8, and 80.

@JUPITER44376 - 25.09.2023 02:07


@mahawangsadynasty3941 - 24.09.2023 01:43

bakthiar is Muslim...and i know muslim have a term when war...they not make woman,child,old people and many more like other people do...but we must understand nowdays after prophet Muhammad SAW pass away many kind of Islam come..but totally islam is like i say....May God Bless Bakhtiar and Dora...R.I.P..

@Amal636__ - 23.09.2023 13:01

Who is that girl in the Thumbnail??

@lolexplosions4214 - 21.09.2023 22:56

some Russians abused German women after the fall of berlin.

@davislurmann408 - 19.09.2023 22:38

The Soviet Red Army Soldier raped everything 8 to 80.

@brianeasy9220 - 18.09.2023 19:44

Bakhtiyar Abdulguzhin was a true Bashkort man. He taught my father a little day course at Sterlitamak University [Bashkortostan], and never wanted to talk about the war. He hated Stalin regime just as much as the Hitler one.
A true Muslim man…
