Unbind Tokens - Lionheart Weapons and Mythic Artifacts PRICES in Neverwinter - Is it Worth it?

Unbind Tokens - Lionheart Weapons and Mythic Artifacts PRICES in Neverwinter - Is it Worth it?


2 года назад

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Chuck - 07.11.2021 20:26

Hell naaaww... Mirage FTW!!!

smilely - 05.11.2021 11:24

Nah I'd rather earn them when I'm able to run the dungeons, either that or newer mods could release a better weapon that doesn't require a dungeon to run. I'm really enjoying the shadewalker weapon set though, the instant + 10 out going damage + 15% hp, or if I need speed I get 15% movement speed and incoming damage reduction.

Autosuficiencia - 05.11.2021 10:25

Mirage vs lion heart? For st and aoe

KillJoy - 05.11.2021 02:49

So the thing is right I don’t think it’s bad you can sell them but I don’t think these items should come cheap right atleast if you wanna buy them because you don’t want to do the trial and have someone else do it for ya pay the price right atleast then it makes it good for them and the person selling them

OJsays - 05.11.2021 01:06

I'm waiting for the price to come down, that's way too high. I know tomm isn't that hard once you have the mechanic together and the tokens are dropping out of the ques so idk what makes anyone think we're gonna pay 13 or so mil for dated (but great) weapons. What the sellers need to keep in mind is that this game switches up on us,what's bis now probably won't be in 5-6 months...or less. Don't we already have a new MC set on the way? My MC set and mirage will keep me satisfied until the price is more reasonable.

TheKids_CallMeBoss - 05.11.2021 00:51

Did 20 dungeons and not found these tokens.
Not that I need them right now, I'm still only 40k il and prioritise mounts/companions over weapons.
