Aging and Sleep Problems

Aging and Sleep Problems

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R. Jones
R. Jones - 16.07.2023 06:08

I haven't used an alarm clock in years, but I can't manage to sleep more than 5 or 6 hours. I used sleep for 10 hours in my 20s (that wasn't healthy either).

Shenanigans on fleek
Shenanigans on fleek - 20.03.2023 15:38

I get enough REM and core sleep but only about 30 min of deep sleep 😢

Reviving Mind
Reviving Mind - 14.11.2022 14:56

Sleep is such an essential component for healthy aging, and people our age need it a lot because this is one of our ways to get energy for the day since this is the time we recover from everything we've done the day before. We appreciate it a lot when you said that the sleep we need is depending on us as well since not everyone needs the same amount of sleep to function. It's not only the amount of sleep but also the quality of sleep. Thank you for these Dr. Gamaldo! You remind us of all the health and wellness coaches of Reviving Mind who help older adults live their best lives, happy and healthy.

Virtual Treadmill Walk, Nature Sounds
Virtual Treadmill Walk, Nature Sounds - 21.03.2022 23:00

Amazing video. My channel will give opportunity to explore USA and Canada parks virtually I hope people will enjoy ❤️🇺🇸

emvee16 - 11.10.2021 17:05

I never slept good anyways

Suzy Sanders
Suzy Sanders - 11.08.2021 17:28

I’m 74 and hardly ever sleep at ALL. I had hysterectomy at 59 and now my system produces no meletonon. I am totally depressed from this battle to get any sleep.

Frank Lee
Frank Lee - 27.04.2021 05:03


Angelo Da Conceicao
Angelo Da Conceicao - 13.02.2021 11:00

Old people works all Day without sleep is that bad Habits never sleeps always work 7am till 8pm work more then me after 8 Hours I'm tired, They supeman

Michael H
Michael H - 21.01.2021 08:29

I got dreadful sleep problems for two years and assumed I was hopeless, nonetheless by using this sleeping cure , Sυnodoz Plan , Go ogle it ,, I`m resting normally again and ABSOLUTELY LOVE going to sleep. This is certainly a product that you mustn`t skip. In the beginning, I found this system to be unrealistic yet I tested it anyhow. There is no harm trying it anyway..

Tanya Washburn
Tanya Washburn - 31.12.2020 20:25

Thank you for this informative video. My question to you concerns melatonin....May I take more than the recommended dose? I do not have trouble falling asleep, but wake up in the middle of the night and sometimes an hour after falling asleep and then can not rest until 3-4 hours later.

Michael H
Michael H - 30.12.2020 18:06

I endured with insomnia for more than two years and believed there was clearly no hope for my situation. Not till a psychological behavioral therapist offered this method , Sυnodoz Plan , Go ogle it ,. It aided me learn more about sleep. And each night, I can now sleep pleasantly. Sleeping on your bed is a beautiful experience overnight..

Dj AMIT GILAD - 14.08.2020 00:55

An hour without screens before bed is something really difficult

jay donkyng
jay donkyng - 16.03.2020 21:51

I did not know that going into menapause would cause you not to sleep

BrokenFunny - 03.12.2018 14:39

I think she's falling asleep every 5 sec to keep her healthy
