Shashi Tharoor vs J Sai Deepak | Nationalism | Colonialism | Hindutva | Savarkar | @PluralIndia

Shashi Tharoor vs J Sai Deepak | Nationalism | Colonialism | Hindutva | Savarkar | @PluralIndia

Plural India

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@ravikirankodle1946 - 07.02.2024 19:46

Thats person who said kohinoor is just a stone to me is a biggest hippocrate in his own life.

@harshkaushik916 - 07.02.2024 12:18

This is what debate actually means!!!

@muzafarhussain3517 - 07.02.2024 01:17

For all you people that will unleash on me, I have been to all 6 temples of the god of war, sorry he doesnt exist in your history therefore there are zero temples for murugan up north. If you have been to at least 6 places of worships of islam in india and then come at me, im waiting

@muzafarhussain3517 - 07.02.2024 01:14

Funny someone as educated as Shashi is put on the same pedestal as hate mongerer such as Sai. In essence this society needs more educsted people than the half baked sai Deepaks, you're no match

@suchitrasukumaran9829 - 06.02.2024 11:40

We need youngsters like Sai Deepak and Annamalai to sensibly understand and talk about Hindu way of thinking and definite awakening...Hope more such educated sensible oratirs would come forward... With all due respect to Dr Tharoor who was the only voice so far😄

@Ray5C0rn3r - 06.02.2024 09:00

As a pro bjp guy, sashi tharoor is the only current congress member I respect.

@krutvicky - 06.02.2024 08:53

Pre-2014 regimes have made Bharath a " Pakhindustan" Shashiji.

@justicewarrior1678 - 06.02.2024 06:34

I am a Christian and I agree with J. Sai Deepak. A dharmic, Hindu civilization is the most beneficial, moral, wholesome thing that could happen to India. India is India because of our Hindus. And as for minorities like me, we were originally Hindus only and (in my family) we have kept our roots with & love for Hinduism. Long live India & her ancient, superior culture.

@rohityadav2388 - 05.02.2024 20:10

This is what a civilized debate looks like. The so-called prime time anchor should learn this.

@deepakkumargond5069 - 05.02.2024 13:11

How intellectual environment parliament would have with MPs like Shashi tharoor and j Sai Deepak

@Amitalmightyme0 - 04.02.2024 23:40

Tharoor is kala angrej

@shishirsks - 04.02.2024 23:38

Shashi is trying very hard to throw muck at the current government, and completely avoiding Sai's argument on why only one community has been suppressed and continued to be subjugated, while certain radical people are ignored in name of secularism.

@rpsharma9038 - 04.02.2024 16:51

Conception origins divided

@rpsharma9038 - 04.02.2024 16:47

Radiology criticality debating

@rpsharma9038 - 04.02.2024 16:42

Values ethics learning edn

@rpsharma9038 - 04.02.2024 16:41

Reconcile go on

@rpsharma9038 - 04.02.2024 16:38


@krishnasachin1404 - 04.02.2024 05:55

J sai deepak ❤

@Edwin33356 - 03.02.2024 11:17

Poor audio

@deepanshu9459 - 03.02.2024 08:33

Slavoj zizek vs Jordan Peterson 🌚

@deepak62456 - 31.01.2024 18:30


@eghtw779 - 30.01.2024 20:14

Need more of this debate ❤

@carey7676 - 28.01.2024 15:42

When Shashi Tharoor speaks, JSD looks like a student…..

@adhirajsingh5027 - 27.01.2024 09:40

These two gentlemen exemplify what Indian politics should have been and not what it has become. This is proof that education and civil sense is extremely important in the public sphere.

@mridulpandey6646 - 26.01.2024 23:50

Edit in the brackets:
J Sai completely dwarfed Shashi. J Sai has a very factual and organised approach with very clear examples whereas Shashi mostly tries to emphasize upon what he wrote and a lot of points and facts twisting swiftly under his extremely well absorbed knowledge of english language (but he actually gave some facts).
But it is good to see such discussions.

@susheelkumar5151 - 26.01.2024 18:54

The way Dr. Tharoor always has a wide smile across his face whenever Sai deepak is countering his points tells how much he's impressed with him. This is how a well educated people's debate will be.

@sureshram9264 - 26.01.2024 12:52

You are really very great sai sir 🙏

@Ramkumar-uj9fo - 26.01.2024 10:50

You know that is why tamils agree to india as linguistic admin (heard in public). I have gone to UK. No problem. Now Tamil Nadu.

@Ramkumar-uj9fo - 26.01.2024 10:48

You know there is a theory that 4 year engineering courses are for learning good narumugaye English 💕🌹😎😅. Heard in Public after that I searched for best language and the west hooked me up with tamil people.

@Ramkumar-uj9fo - 26.01.2024 10:29

Yes, M.G. Ramachandran (MGR) had roots in Kerala. He was born in Kandy, Sri Lanka, to Malayali parents. His father, Maruthur Gopala Menon, hailed from the Palakkad district in Kerala. While MGR is primarily associated with Tamil Nadu due to his illustrious career in Tamil cinema and politics, his family's origins trace back to Kerala.


You should do something in tamil and dominate us.

@kaustav1894 - 24.01.2024 18:22

What was the context though?

@antogk - 23.01.2024 18:46

If India was not influenced by the West, would JSD be who he is today? Highly unlikely.

@piyushsrivastava783 - 23.01.2024 18:37

Dr. Tharoor is a gem for our country and the same goes with JS Deepak . Wow what a debate.

@littlerascle4 - 23.01.2024 09:20

At the end of the day, the human beings question wasn't answered. 😂

@aninditasen1479 - 22.01.2024 13:04

Sashi Tharoor is very polished

@user-wh3wd2ph3z - 19.01.2024 19:00

Sai deepak better

@ayushpandey9903 - 19.01.2024 12:41

Instensity of thoughts getting reflected in their disposition. One is Calm/ settled, the other is Furious/agitated......

@ManojKumararch - 17.01.2024 22:35

Privilege creates ignorance and enough ignorant people coming together with emotion can gain clout...And enough clout can bypass the need for morality to a point where crimes can be normalised...When Shashi speaks I see a man who was brought up by pre-independence parents who were probably more contemporary hindu and nationalist in their belief system, in contrast Sai can be seen as a caricature of a man driven by a pro vedic agenda probably brought up in a society where their families cannot exercise the dame kind of control they had over society the way they did in a bygone era...There is a reason why our courts are called Nyayalai and not as Dharmalai.

@kangleipak_pride - 17.01.2024 19:53

**British abolished slavery in India**

**Britain introduced waged labour instead of serf/peasent obliged labour in India**
Eg: after a road construction in princely state of Travencore in India, there was unavailability of rice in market because the unseeables(untouchability was worst in there) bought rice with the wage.

***Britain academically studied India: its flaura and fauna, geography was survayed, History was compiled, Archeology was conducted

**Untouchable mahars who couldn't even spit in public roads and tie a broom on their back when walking in peshwa brahmin ruled maratha state was liberated to fight alongside brits against the oppressing upperclass.... Current Hindu regime in India opposes untouchablea war victory celebration against Hindu supermecists***

**Christian law influenced English common law is the basis of legality in most countries, because the humanism was a concept lacking in most tribal animist and pagan religions***

**Evil practices like human sacrifices, temple prostitution were opposed by Christian missionaries as well as the British raj**

* Hindu kings used to fight each other and just because Englishmen were more skilled, technologically advanced, better organized etc doesn't mean there is one such special thing as colonialism needs to be coined which didn't apply when a mongolian pillager or afghani warlord attack India.***

**India was introduced to modern medicine instead of many superstition as such as applying cow dung to wound(mentioned in medical missionary Ida scudders biography)**

**Administrative system unheard for India came into existence**

**for first time modern engineering principles was put to use to create massive road network, rail, dam, administrative centres, plantations, ports, airports, military etc**

**British didn't force convert Indians like the portugese catholics who failed.. If britain did, the whole India would be a christian nation now, because they could do that way before any organized anti british struggles arose in India**

**Anti british sentiment was amongst the uppercaste feudals of India and people outside of upper caste levels. The Dalit(lowercaste) leaders like Ambedkar or Sri Narayana Guru of Kerala didn't see British as much as an oppressor as the Indian ruling uppercaste. Actually British were seen as liberators** Yes there are odd instance of adivasi british fights too

**Indian nationalist movement was initially a Hindu uppercaste movement headed by people like Tilak who was a maharashtrian Brahmin, who successors became hindumahasabha and RSS who even alligned with Hitler and later accused in murder of Gandhi**

**India as we see today never existed, Britain created and instilled this sense of India just for the administrative ease of the region**

***Thereby such a country without British rule would have been a different set of warring pricely states***..

@BhapkarMathsAcademy - 17.01.2024 07:41

Nice debate

@bradgilbert6350 - 15.01.2024 18:02

He is the real Ba....rd of India,not even once he considered the pandits who were thrown out of their homeland by those barabarians.
He is the real Shame to this country

@singingmusic007 - 15.01.2024 13:57

In book Shashi must criticise the wrong things done by congress to isolate Hindu, by doing evrything to defame hindus, like hindu मंदिर जा के लड़की छेड़ते है, by defaming hindu leader like Savarkar n Modiji, but never defaming other religions or their leaders.

@singingmusic007 - 15.01.2024 13:47

Shashi should also write that his कांग्रेस must had built equal number of Hindu religious facilities, like it was built thousands of Haj house. Like free rest rooms for Hindu citizen going to Pandharpur from Anandi during Yatra

@sherinmathew6084 - 14.01.2024 21:17

Tharoor's rebuttals were on point unlike Sai Deepak's and had clarity.
Why is Sai even talking about preservation of religious minorities when the exact opposite is being played out in the form of cow-lynchings, etc which have escalated without any curb? This itself proves that it is endorsed by the government, whose duty is to protect every citizen no matter what faith he has, in which it has not only miserably failed but also is propagating a rigid and non-tolerant Hindutva unlike what Sai Deepak tries to convey. So the Hindutva proponants, especially our central government has been very consistent in speaking one thing and practising another.
And most importantly our government is elected for welfare of its citizens irrespective of their faith and for development of the nation, not for preaching their faith and imposing it on every one. Why is religion and politics not being kept separate?
I am an Indian but does being a non-Hindu make me any less deserving of my rights to freedom of expression, food and faith?? But all events since the current government have come to power have pointed in that direction and that is exactly what non-tolerant religious supremacy or raceism is.

@funjoyp - 12.01.2024 05:32

Indian media should learn way of debate from Shashi Tharoor and Sai deepak

@AnjuSaraswat-kr1zz - 12.01.2024 03:58

Tharoor could be good auhor or speaker but sai has deep rooted knowledge about the concept of nationalism, colonialism, he is not imposed by any ideology, religion instinct, not pro or aganist ajenda but aclear vision on the topic because he fact fully projects every concept

@dpak3997 - 09.01.2024 20:30

For all those people who claim Sai Deepak is an intellectual. Its an absurd thing ,because that "Sai" is out of context and I dont want to delve into it. secondly I have never seen him discussing about caste oppression or the caste system in Hinduism at any point . thats because he is from that upper caste and a side kick of Sanghs by and large.. I am a Hindu not by choice but classified .. but we only worship our forefathers .. infact its foremothers if I have to be precise. we were classified as Hindus only after british.. remember I dont capitalize british.. so ask him to get his thoughts about present rule , their stand on Manipur .. ask his opinions about Manipur/East India(most of them tribes and may not be Hindus/Mulims/Christians but converted by his logic).. if he is an intellectual he should criticize the current govt .. forget about Hinduism think about democracy ..

@rkc0818 - 08.01.2024 16:48

This debate is one of the highest quality imtellectual debate. Sai Deepak demolished Tharoor, who wants Hindus to be constrained even if their identity is crushed. Sai Deepak is right on when he says a forced symmetry and pious alrightism being rammed down. I am indebted to Modi amd people like Sai Deepak for awakening my consciousness and fighting for my identity. Jai Srirama.
