Dr. Jordan Peterson Explains The Dangerous Effects of Porn

Dr. Jordan Peterson Explains The Dangerous Effects of Porn

The Roommates

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@andyg817 - 02.12.2023 18:04

To all the guys, fighting not to watch porn, .... I hope your building up a resilience/habit to avoid it..
and find a meaningful relationship..

@ranapratapsingh3416 - 02.12.2023 03:50

Good job Dr. Jordan for educating people about the dangers of pornography.

@ranapratapsingh3416 - 02.12.2023 03:38

Pornography is a poison.

@thebigjourney8162 - 07.11.2023 21:37

fasting two time per week for 30 hours each, will help you to overcome it successfully

@alis-anime5484 - 29.10.2023 21:52

😂 just 🎉 before this.

@TamikaTaylor-rl1im - 23.10.2023 09:59

My boyfriend of 3 years is addicted to porn and watches it every single day while i am at work , we hardly have sex with each other since porn took over and if it feels robotic, cold and oftentimes aggressive like a one - man show, sooo sad! I talked to him about it and he got really angry 😮, i have decided to break up from him if hr does not stop watching porn because i find this situation disrespectful and unbearable 😢

@mohammadsajidkhan8098 - 20.10.2023 18:55

Wow, this is pure happiness! Brightened my day! 😊 🅲🅷🅴🅺 🅼🆈 🅱🅸🅾👅👅👅🍑🍑🍑

@niceguynevermind999 - 15.10.2023 15:07

Men that dont look at and be around beautiful women everyday are just hiding their neediness but not as well as they think, It oozes out thier pores as they wear thier crooked unfit masks.

@francoisbroukx1244 - 09.10.2023 01:25

What I mostly miss, are the causes. "Porn is bad!", OK, but, in that case, why are people using it, and what is porn anyway? Sex is a natural function, you take that function in a society where you teach, from a young age: nudity is chocking, sexual organs are dirty, the opposite sex is taboo, you can not see it, not talk about it and you are on your way to develop frustration. Once the hormones are activated you develop a conflict between your body and your education, being a creature with a well developed imagination, you try to compensate and create images to trigger the reaction your body claims. You also have learn, we are the only ape to be monogamous and you are shamed for having some experience in the subject. And you can be addicted, as with caffeine, sugar...

@JohnothanRomeroKWInternational - 24.09.2023 17:05

I've been addicted to porn for 10 years


This is the year I will break my habit forever

@isakaldazwulfazizsunus7564 - 11.09.2023 17:17

I know a guy who bragged about the number of premium porn accounts he had. The most surreal thing about it is that he's pretty damn conservative. But among conservatives, this wasn't met with cheers. He was basically told to shut up about it because it's disgusting.

@codsworth61 - 07.09.2023 02:34

"And hell has this weird quality, because it feels like is eternal" Damn

@keyvansalmani5650 - 26.08.2023 21:55

ترجمه ی اینو کجا میشه پیدا کرد؟

@deliciousfirstsip - 26.08.2023 15:35

porn > real women

@richardsoderkvist6383 - 17.08.2023 09:32

Whats so horrible about pornography is that it escalates you crave more harder stuff it becomes more lustful sick vile and more depraved. After a while normal sex acts are not enough . It shows these very sexy voulupteous women dominating men sexually. It shows women farting they sit on mens faces bounce up and down and they fart right in mens faces and they order the men to sniff smell and inhale their farts. Its really Sodom and Gommorah. No wonder God had to destroy the earth wirh flood in the days of Noah and later destroyed Sodom and Gommorah wirh fire and brimestone right out of from heaven. Its nothing to do with love or romance its not even a normal healthy sexual desire its just vike sick rotten garbadge. And by Gods grace and help the sooner and more and more we put this rotten hoerible garbadge behind us the much better off we will alk be men and women Amen.

@cabococarlos1936 - 15.08.2023 23:10

I need help

@kareno7848 - 15.08.2023 21:09

All this being said the Victorian ladies had the right idea. Their mothers instructed them to restrict their husbands sex lives to once or twice a month. For wealthier women it made their rudimentary birth control easier. Men nowadays believe they should indulge whenever they want because THEY make the money and the dependent woman owes them. This is a mistake. Husbands should date their wives before seeking sex just like when they were courting. I knew a man, a terribly handsome man, (he could have been a movie star. He had the body to go with it), who lamented that he hadn't married his girlfriend yet so he could relax. What? Yeah, he wanted to stop trying by marrying his girlfriend. He was sick of pursuit and courtship and all that crap. This is why women grow to hate men.
I talk to actual, real women and their opinion of sex is that it is laughable and ridiculous. It is a chore. Why? Most people do not marry the person for whose arms they long. They marry the person that is available. Most women do not enjoy sex with their husbands at all because they are trapped in loveless marriages that they made to survive. Women read romance novels to escape their depression and despair. Sex is to get pregnant and then you largely stop.

@harrisshob5819 - 15.08.2023 00:06

so juvenile

@willwidrick8039 - 11.08.2023 16:13

This is on point 👍🏼

@svartvist - 02.08.2023 04:18

I'd really love to see the day when on this topic as so many others people stop talking symptoms and gain understanding of causes. Porn has been around as long as graffiti, Its found in all the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in Indian sculpture. So has drug abuse and true addiction, not this nonsense of bad habits being labeled addiction. All of them are social-relational problems brought on by family deficiencies. As psychotherapist Stan Katz said decades ago in his book, there are far more people in the world who manage their alcohol, drugs, and other vices without disrupting functional relations with others, than those who don't and fall through the social cracks. Take steps to remediate family deficiencies, namely the absence of involved paternal parenting and all these asocial symptoms will wither away. That's what the best family studies today are reporting.

@richardsoderkvist6383 - 25.07.2023 19:32

It shows these real voulupteous women its called fave sitting they sit on mens faves bounce up and down on mems faces and they fart right in mens faces and they laugh teal devilishly.bThe sexual power these women have over men is neyond human words . Thats why God had to send the flood in Noahs day and burned Sodom and Gommorah with fire and brimestone right out of from heaven. By Gods grace and help we can overcome these things its not always easy but its possible. We have to pray and believe and trust the Lord God to help us press onto total deliverance freedomand overcoming victory and have faith and trust the Lord and look to find a real nice christian or at least a good morally nice goirlgriend and wife. Holding onto the wonderful truths and promises of Gods word amen. There is that right person that special someone for all of us everyone. It will happen soon in the right way place and time Amen.

@abbeyrose7062 - 25.07.2023 18:23

My male relative was addicted to porn, later prostitutes. He became very dark and toxic towards all women, eventually me (much younger and once very close to him). Women became his life, pursuing in other countries, exes of close family-members, add horrible consequences and family estrangement! Fast forward the last prostitute, he's broke, bitter, with advanced prostate cancer that I'd warned him of his symptoms 10 years prior! . Alone , angry, toxic, unreachable so far. 😢

@celpabedn - 24.07.2023 18:55

The problem is not the porn or drugs or alcohol! Is that so many men live lives of quiet desperation, knowing fully they do not have much to give. So they quit...

@justive-nu7gj - 23.07.2023 07:58


@richardsoderkvist6383 - 16.07.2023 16:36

The thing that's so horrible about pornography is that it escalated becomesore graphic ore vile and depraved

@surajrajput4701 - 16.07.2023 07:16

Just chant the name of Shri Krishna , he will help you getting away from porn.

@TheDerWurschti - 15.07.2023 15:24

God bless dr. Peterson. I love the fact that he is so rational and intelligent while being humble and kind

@Hv5kier - 10.07.2023 09:33

No one’s going to read this (Which is why I’m saying it here.) so here I go.

So I have had a problem with porn for an absurd amount of time. Maybe a year or two. And this has absolutely ruined my brain and just me in general. Only just recently have I been trying to control that destroy that desire to watch that, which mind you has not worked. Now I know a few amazing possibilities that would help me recover (therapy for example) from it but I am way to embarrassed to do that. So I’ve decided to take this journey to heal myself from this wretched stuff alone. Or at least without my parents finding out. Yea I’m young unfortunately. How young you may be asking? 14. Yep. I’m not lying. I just want these dark facts about me to never reach the light to my parents friends or anyone that is friends with my friends or friends with my parents. (Hope that last part made sense.) If you took your time to read this thanks. It would help a lot if you helped me recover by messaging me at my Discord: Hv5kier . Please…? Yea thanks.

@lindadavis5668 - 05.07.2023 17:43

Turn off. Talks about hell. Sure.

@sageofthesix9608 - 19.06.2023 08:17

I’ve lived a life of lies Shame guilt and depression and this addiction is the biggest reason why. I’m 23 and saw this in elementary. I don’t know how to be renewed

@jonatankoncarevic9767 - 07.06.2023 15:05

Bravo Djokice petersonu 😂

@breakingchainsfreefromp0rn - 07.06.2023 09:37

If you fear falling back to porn addiction again, here is one thing you can try and I don't think you have tried it before.

When you try all you can to stop your porn addiction and all you were able to achieve was a failure.

You start little by little to give up on the fight because always falling back into it after a certain amount of effort hurts you and you become afraid of that failure so you don't even try to stop anymore because you tell yourself what's the point if at the end of the day whether I put effort in or not I still watch porn and masturbate.

What you can do is to do something new, because always doing the same thing and expecting a different result is not smart. And you have to be smart to get rid of this addiction.

I'm talking about fasting here. Have you tried fasting for instance, you don't eat from the morning till evening, now you getting to have your breakfast in the evening will help you a lot.

You will feel tired at the beginning for sure but at the end of the day, It's going to become natural.

When your stomach is hungry the below stomach is never hungry.

@artistheart5272 - 04.06.2023 09:55

It is cheap and it robs men of sexual satisfaction later in life-
There’s scientific facts that it affects your brain chemistry to be with anyone!
Even a beautiful woman!
I’m so disgusted and very disappointed by this desire of porn as a younger man and how it affects older mens sexual function later in life.
No amount of porn I could show my new husband could create anymore desire.. he’s seen it all..
So now how do real beautiful women like myself- yea I know I have a light and a beauty - I’m not being conceited damn!
I’m just suffering the residual effects from my new husband being addicted to porn years ago- now nothing gets him excited sexually.
I’m a very sexual person.. I’m willing to dress up sexy and do anything with him.. but I’ve never ever been rejected more in my entire life.
I was married for 25 years and I had to beat my wasband off of me! Lol
But now newly married, I get snoring in 2 mins after getting in bed- so I go sleep in a separate bedroom .. on a regular basis.
It so frustrating.. but to avoid rejection I just retire to my own separate bedroom.
Otherwise we get along wonderfully- we love each other passionately.. and that hurts because it makes me want him more but he just doesn’t have sexual desire for that type of intimacy .
Dammit! I’m pissed.

@fabriziocamisani5477 - 03.06.2023 22:04

Jordan is indulging in mental onanism. That's dangerous.

@suncoredancemusic - 01.06.2023 16:54

Porn is an instrument of propaganda designed to weaken our country and hurt the women.

@tempestniamhwoulfe6647 - 01.06.2023 15:48

I hate pornography, at least as it is now. I was trafficked as a young woman and I frequently feel that a lot of what is out there is likely part of that. The violence in some of what I have seen is disgusting. My partners throughout my life have always hidden it and lied about it, despite my initial attempts to accept it as what men do. In arguments I have been told that it is necessary for them to watch it to want to touch me, that I don't measure up to what they want or need. I have also found a former partner to be watching things I find morally repugnant and then wanting to use me as an outlet for that energy. Now I don't want a man to touch me if I even suspect he was watching porn beforehand. It makes me feel like a masturbation tool rather than a person. How do I move beyond that?

@TheGuiltsOfUs - 01.06.2023 06:11

The only answer to this is to implement all-pervasive restrictions on society like china.

@hideare - 29.05.2023 00:29

He is wrong in one sense. Extreme use of pornography is harmful. Pornography enriches your sex life if you consume it wisely.

@jonbish2721 - 26.05.2023 00:23

Im scared of flatline when stopping porn any advice?

@aronmurray4640 - 20.05.2023 03:54

My ex “50” is extremely addicted to porn. I am a natural attractive woman, but he insisted on pornography over me. I voiced my concern’s,and really tried to help him understand what he was doing was not only wrong for himself, but hurting me and our relationship. He would masturbate to porn and watch porn while we were trying to be intimate. He tried to convince me that was just part of who he was, and he was not going to change so I had to show him the door. I found it extremely damaging to my self-esteem, knowing that I could not compete with the instant gratification, overstimulated, selfishness! I truly find everything Jordan Patterson teaches, is extremely beneficial to all humanity! Thank you
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@fuckoffyoutubecensorship - 03.05.2023 19:43

except that the plastic wouldn't necessarily hit me in the face...that's a pretty bad analogy lmfao

@traderyogen8675 - 18.04.2023 14:30


@kush2121 - 11.04.2023 20:55

I lost a beautiful relationship, with the most amazing woman I have ever met, due to porn addiction/deviance. It's extremely detrimental. Been single 5.5 years, and it's still a struggle to break free. But I'm trying to be better everyday. That's all we can do.

@letterboxpops - 23.03.2023 00:37

didn't this dude just share a porn video

@metalmacabre9991 - 10.03.2023 12:28

Normal curiosity. This is christian propaganda. There's not a damn thing wrong with watching porn, every now and then, making people feel bad by telling them they're addicted, instead of telling them the invisible man In the sky doesn't like it, is so much easier. Making people feel bad about normal human curiosity, or just wanting to watch hot people have sex, is fucked up. I'm not saying there aren't people addicted to it, but some of these people claim to only watch it a couple times a week, and now they have a problem? I don't buy that bullshit. Being an atheist has given me so much clarity, I'm able to see through all the bullshit.

@slimskinny - 06.03.2023 17:53

It’s really bad for a woman as well. I met a woman who watched porn, and every conversation we had was about sex. Nothing about me or nothing about her it was just sex. It was a huge turn off to me.

@-jusTARANdomguy - 06.03.2023 05:59

I am also struggling to get off from porn addiction and it's really hard and i regret what i have done to my subconscious mind but May god give me strength and a way out .
