How To add Layer 2 Switch IOS Image on  GNS3 | GNS3 L2 IOU VM | Cisco Switch Easy Step by Step

How To add Layer 2 Switch IOS Image on GNS3 | GNS3 L2 IOU VM | Cisco Switch Easy Step by Step

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Mildred Gayanes
Mildred Gayanes - 29.05.2022 20:06

Hi, does anyone knows where i can find IOS L2 for free. the link above no longer works. Thank you

David Criollo
David Criollo - 07.02.2021 05:40

HAXM acceleration support is not installed on this host

WeiHao Huang
WeiHao Huang - 05.02.2021 12:10

I managed to add a switch, but when I start it, it actually started for a while and turn itself down automatically. any ideas?

rasheed malik
rasheed malik - 07.10.2020 04:52

it doesnt ask for vmdk file. also my gns3 is running on localhost port 3080, is it a problem?

LoneWolf __
LoneWolf __ - 09.07.2020 18:36

It worked! Thanks :)

shrimboy - 05.04.2020 10:26

works on GNS3 version 2.2.5

Makar films
Makar films - 21.11.2019 18:01

This does not work. error "HAXM acceleration support is not installed on this host
HAXM acceleration support is not installed on this host. My AMD processor is also impossible to put HAXM. He is not starting if working virtualbox and give out error: Cannot start VM with hardware acceleration (KVM/HAX) enabled because hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V) is already used by another software like VMware or VirtualBox

raymond john
raymond john - 27.10.2019 13:11

When i click start button on switches , it shows HAXM acceleration support is not installed on this host?

Alex Puez
Alex Puez - 16.10.2019 08:27

I appreciate the video and it was a success for me however it only gave me 1 and only 1 interface. there was no other way to add other interfaces to it on my system.

Saibot - 24.09.2019 19:27

OMG I hate GNS3.... if its not 1 thing its another WTF

Suresh Pant
Suresh Pant - 14.09.2019 19:05

Can we install PC ??

Suresh Pant
Suresh Pant - 14.09.2019 19:04

Thanks Dost!!!

troy tempest
troy tempest - 08.09.2019 00:06

Hi how do you change it from .rar to a ,vmdk Thanks

Amrit Koirala
Amrit Koirala - 03.08.2019 17:49

Taking so much time to get boot .. more than 5 min !!! Why so ?

Bluee Sky
Bluee Sky - 24.04.2019 21:36

If it is Layer2 switch then why IP ROUTING command is working here?

Jayson Magdamit
Jayson Magdamit - 24.04.2019 17:54

not working with me :(

Ramos - 05.04.2019 05:02

I just investigate a little bit the ISO and there are still 270 dat files , mods and imgs in the flash that vmdk was an ftp or something? must to say it was really funny to notice password mod from 30 January 2013 :D

Joker - 05.04.2019 03:55

It works! but the startup-config can't be deleted all the way. The internal ports do not match physical ports on the switch.
