How to Migrate your WordPress Website FREE (up to 200GB)

How to Migrate your WordPress Website FREE (up to 200GB)

Matt - WPress Doctor

55 лет назад

4,341 Просмотров

With this FREE system you can migrate your WordPress website with just one click. Follow the steps and you will be up and running in no-time! This is truly the best system for the job.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Start here 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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I want you to succeed with your website, so lets get started.

0:00 Overview
1:10 The source website
1:30 Install plugin on source website
2:06 Install plugin on destination website
3:43 Migrating
5:38 Do this on your migrated website

Thank you for watching! 😀

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🧾 Transscript 🧾
We are going to use this free system which has a one click migration! Truly. I have never seen such a thing like this. No overload on your website, your original server or your destination website. No problem at all. Up to 200 GB for free. You don't need any extra add ons, just one plugin. You don't need any storage on your original server. So you never run out of space because it's not going to create another file for you. It works with every web hosting, and it has a fully automated built-in search and replace, so that you don't have to search for all your original URLs somewhere inside of this gigantic database, and you have to change that to your new URL. It's all been done automatically. And last but not least, if you by accident close your browser screen. No problem. You just receive an email and if you click on that, you are right back on your status of migrating your website. Follow along this video and your website will be migrated from offline to online, one hosting to another hosting one URL to another URL, in just 10 to 20 minutes. We are going to migrate this gigantic website. More than 5000 posts, 149 pages. I have a media library, which contains more than 5000 images. And also 18 plugins and a really, really big database. But to migrate your website we simply go to 'Plugins' - 'Add new plugin'. And on this box we type "Migrate Guru". Effortlessly migrate. I love the sound of that. Press 'Install now'. And then we press 'Activate'. We have to enter in our email address, agree to the terms and condition and press 'Migrate'. Very important. Then it really doesn't matter what hosting your original website is on. Just press on 'Other hosts', click on it. And then we have to fill in the migration key. And we're going to get our migration key from the destination website. So login to your destination website. This is my destination website. Its just a clean installation of WordPress. I've changed nothing about it. Login to this installation. Now, before we start migrating, you might want to clean up your destination website. For example, I have a few plugins in here that we're not going to use on the new website, so I'm just going to deactivate them all. And I'm also just going to delete them. Apply, okay. Then we also go to Appearance and Themes. And we have a lot of different kind of themes come standard with WordPress. I'm going to delete them. So click on delete. And also with this one click on 'Theme details' and 'Delete'. Here we go. And then we only have the standard WordPress theme on our website. "Hello world!" Let's trash it. Also going to delete this page. So now we have a really fresh and clean WordPress installation on our destination server. Then we go to 'Plugins' - 'Add new plugin'. Again install here the Migrate Guru plugin. Press 'Install now'. And again press 'Activate'. And then we just go over here scroll down. And are we going to press copy key. Click on it. Then we go back to our original website. And then over here we press paste. Here we are. If your original website or your destination website is password protected, not the normal WordPress login, but like a plugin or something, make sure to just disable that one. And then we don't have to do anything with this, we...

#Migrate #WordPress


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