OpenOffice The Office Suite That Will Never End

OpenOffice The Office Suite That Will Never End

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

64,162 Просмотров

Most of us in the FOSS world assume that OpenOffice is long discontinued, and it is at least it should be, but the repo is somehow still being kept a live with these weird fake commits.

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@libreoffice-tdforg - 04.05.2023 09:13

Hello from the LibreOffice project! 👋We're working on the next big update now, LibreOffice 7.6 – if anyone has suggestions or feedback, just let us know 😊

@idowebwork - 06.12.2023 09:40

Switched to LibreOffice back when OOO was handed off to Apache. Never looked back.

@bobgriffin316 - 23.11.2023 23:36

I have Microsoft Office and Open Office. I am now going to get rid of Open office since watching this video and replace it with Libre Office. Thanks for the excellent advice. I didn't use Open Office much. Maybe I will use Libre Ofice more. Thanks.

@CaribouDataScience - 23.11.2023 20:41

What is LibreOffice Calc answer to Power Query?

@ratchetwise440 - 19.11.2023 00:41

LeeBray ? I dunn heared all about that. That's for people who can't decide on a dress or a suit !!!

@ratchetwise440 - 19.11.2023 00:29

Mowziller suite SWEET. I run it on Mabox...ya know.. Openbox, never updates either. Why FU perfection ?

@wafle37g - 28.10.2023 19:57

openoffice hatter. some stuff just don't need major updates. like winamp...winzip etc...

@MyStudio-io3so - 22.10.2023 22:17

LibreOffice is full of issues. Even if Open Office is not updated on a regular basis, it is way better in every aspect than Libreoffice

@NamikMamedov - 02.09.2023 00:07

Is libre available on windows?

@JonLikesStats - 17.08.2023 06:48

I was a project manager for government healthcare and one of our contractors was using openoffice as late as 2021

@roberttaylor8906 - 31.07.2023 10:22

"good enough" since 2007? i dunno man i took BCIS throughout high school, graduated in '06, there was already a lot of advanced functions. i think one of the biggest draws of a PC in the early 90s was their capabilities to create documents, spreadsheets, etc even at that time, and in my experience i'm sure that an office suite for windows 95 or 98 would probably be adequate to create stuff for college courses. i suppose "good enough" is relative to the person's experience and the task at hand. ironically, i suspect an advanced user may be more handicapped by older office suites than a typical user because they may want to do more complicated things with the programs.

@RogerioDuarte - 29.07.2023 07:28

I have been using Onlyoffice on my dektop arch linux

@MechMK1 - 25.07.2023 23:45

This reminds me of one of the students I went to university with. He tried to claim he worked a lot on the project. When I checked out his commits, it was just additions and removals of whitespace, empty comments, etc...

@Ghfvhvfg - 23.07.2023 13:11

Leading office suite lies do exist for a long time… why use it when Libre ofice is worth it

@fft2020 - 20.07.2023 19:03

OpenOffice is a piece of TRASH! Bugs, crashes, lost data... its like 1998 again! I think that they might be doing on purpose and are being payed my microsoft BILL GATES WON ! The software war is over

@escapetherace1943 - 19.07.2023 09:43

OpenOffice is still better than LibreOffice, it's honestly insane.
Libre is full of incompetents who've bloated it and made it worse. Libre can't even open a document and return you to your exact page and line, in 2023.
OpenOffice fixed that in 2003 🤣

@xardiodrack1798 - 17.07.2023 14:58

To be honest most people will not use any of the new feature of libreoffice but the lack of timely security update is kinda bad

@e8root - 01.07.2023 11:58

Where I actually use Office we use Microsoft Office 365 :)

@maxcharacterlimitreache- - 24.06.2023 00:50

Not gonna got me last year.
I was just getting into linux and tech world, i bought a laptop for my gf and put up mint since I couldn't stand windows anymore.
My gf needed a text editor, I dug a bit and downloaded OO.
Later when I needed one on my PC, I learned about this debucle and i downloaded LibreOffice.
But now she likes that for basic use and won't let me change it on the laptop she uses....

Anyway the problem, to me, relies more on third party websites...the one providing comparison and reviewes.

I didn't come across OO from apache or anywhere specific; I was linux illiterate and took a look at comparison websites that listed them side by side for with pro and cons, without the context of updates and support details...

At a glance it was better looking and kind of simple interface... Downloaded, it wrote the notes we needed, and went on my way.

Now..i never ACTUALLY used it to be able to understand what is buggy about it, since I don't really use office programs ...but still, why are there blogs comparing 2 softwares that have this kind of fundamental difference?

Would you publish a comparison between a 2023 Toyota and a 2010 kia? Some will go for the cheaper one that does the job...but he didn't stumble upon it by looking into ford's website archives.

All websites comparing FOSS and alternative software are junk

@TheOgi22 - 20.06.2023 14:37

I still use OpenOffice today without any problems.
When it works there is nothing to solve.

@obsoletepowercorrupts - 20.06.2023 12:21

There are still open office extensions such as KeyParaStocX (a version is from 29 March 2023, for Writer), and also people like to have the software that has been associated with apache and thereby te licence which is a way for people to give something via the tipping even if it is a one-off rather than scheduled (like when people do that monthly or whatever). Making extensions is a way for coders to get noticd to as it bubbles to the top and is seen in the feeds about all that.
My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining... Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

@JohnSane - 15.06.2023 09:16

I still call it open office today ^^

@thy_lyson0573 - 15.06.2023 06:49

Man you made me use OpenOffice. I did not know it existed and though I use LibreOffice, until I found this video and downloaded it on my machine. Dude it looked amazing being a proud dad of Libre, that I will still use for its popularity.

@iChimbo - 09.06.2023 03:01

How about WPS Office? Google Docs? Microsoft Office online?

@L9MN4sTCUk - 08.06.2023 05:12

People don't want to use Libre Office because it's branded after Feminine hygiene products. People just need a more open mind.

@theParticleGod - 06.06.2023 11:33

Ahem. It was originally StarOffice, then Sun OpenOffice, then Oracle OpenOffice, then Apache OpenOffice.

@ironwheal - 06.06.2023 02:37

it lives, it's used, and it probably brings Apache a ton of money to fund other projects. maybe you should mind your own business?

@owen368 - 01.06.2023 20:22

I use open office it does what I need and is nothing to do with ms so whats not to like. Might switch to Libre as security is always an issue. However do you really have to screech and rant like a little girl? Its very unpleasant to listen to and frankly a bit off putting.

@minsapint8007 - 01.06.2023 10:21

Fantastic video. I have used OpenOffice forever. Where it has shortcomings (eg no save to docx, pdf, xlsx), there are easy, free online workarounds to convert to these formats. I checked and all of this is standard in LibreOffice. I did know about LibreOffice but I could not be bothered switching. After watching this, it is time to switch. Thanks.

@annieworroll4373 - 31.05.2023 11:10

I occasionally still refer to Libre Office as Open Office. Yup. I think that means I'm officially Old.

At least I've stopped calling it Star Office.

@109Rage - 30.05.2023 20:51

Latex? I just use Markdown and CSS!

@NotKnafo - 30.05.2023 14:18

libre office is based

@peterkovacs8445 - 30.05.2023 13:22

Michael Meeks as complained to me that people will not switch to LO despite the bugs in 2017, FOSDEM.
On OpenOffice we have closed a lot of security bugs since then. And people still complain.
I am not convinced that all people would switch to LO, those who are willed do. Some even switch back.
I think whatever me and my fellow community members manage to fix improve makes OpenSource much more powerfull then closed source. I really do not understand why you guys are bashing the work we do. The only way, and i wrote this under the open letter, is to migrate both projects, and get every one together.
But i see no interest on this. Not in Your opinion not on LibreOffice part.
So I am dedicated to maintain the code further. I am grateful for the ASF to give the project a home. And this is all that the ASF is committed to.
Please note that the Apache OpenOffice project is driven by pro bono volunteers that have a different opinion that you have. Thank you for your time and understanding.

@InfernosReaper - 29.05.2023 23:34

Okay? 9 years since a real update, but for most people, that doesn't actually matter for functionality. Hell, I know someone who uses Microsoft Office on an iBook, because that does enough.

@ambientdiscord - 29.05.2023 23:02

you don't really give a reason why OpenOffice is bad aside from saying "Old Bad". The whole "old bad" mentality is annoying to me because i find most of the new features on MS Excel to be AWFUL. For example Microsoft has this infuriating insistence on wanting you to safe files into this useless single "one drive" mega folder for all office products. I have tried so many times to have it open a local file directory by default but it seems to go back to one drive by default every time there's a windows update. It drives me absolutely insane because it now takes me like 5 extra clicks just to get back to the normal save window. It actually feels like the program is actively trying to stop you from saving anything locally or in a specific network folder. I also really dislike the trend of having everything as a pictographic "banner" instead of a dropdown which tells you exactly what each option does. To top it off MS Office, Excel in particular, insists on using these pop up and hover over context menus which physically BLOCK the cells you are trying to click on. The simplest example is i want to copy or cut paste some data or formula down. You hit ctrl-c then as you quickly click down you end up clicking on a popup menu that randomly appears where your cursor is and it causes you to select some option that happened to be right there.

If those are the "new" features of Libre then i really don't care because that sort of thing just makes the task of actually working to be slower because i have to work around those dumb features which are almost like modernizing for the sake of being different but it's actually less clear and slows you down.

At work they give us MS Office so i have not really needed to go use my home PC install of open office in a long time but the only specific problem that i personally noticed with it was sometimes the format would look a bit weird if you saved it as docx. I solved this in college by saving the final draft as a pdf and it was never a problem. I do know the spreadsheet commands are sometimes different between excel and OO so it might cause an issue if you plan on swapping back and forth.

@285049 - 29.05.2023 21:09

I've used Libre office for many years in my high school years before finally being forced to switch to the Microsoft Suite due to my college requirements that all assignments had to be in DOCX format. Let me say that it's a really solid office suite from just the home user to the professional user, it helps you get the job done. I used it throughout my junior high and high school years to type of my papers and reports. I have not used the Linux version, but I have used the windows version, and I remember liking it, because it included all of the tools that I needed to be successful in school, and the best part of it all, it was free to use for those who can't afford the Microsoft Suite, or who can't use it, such as Linux users. It's a solid alternative for Microsoft Office if you need a productivity suite. I do wish that the major CMS solutions that colleges and universities use (such as blackboard, noodle, and canvas) support the uploading of open-source file formats such as Libre Office and Open office.

I do realize that this is not a video about Libre Office, but I thought I come into the comments and say this.

@fernandlust532 - 29.05.2023 17:30

I´ve been using Libre Office since more than 5 years now. I didn't even know that Open Office still exists .

@danilodistefanis5990 - 29.05.2023 09:08

Libre office user here. Will switch to Open Office ASAP. LOOKS AWESOME!!!

@GeoNeilUK - 29.05.2023 07:17

The main problem with OpenOffice is that it still has more brand awareness than LibreOffice.

Also, before it was Oracle OpenOffice, it was Sun OpenOffice and before that StarOffice!

@jimlynch9390 - 28.05.2023 19:53

I can't tell you how long ago I switched to LibreOffice but it was a long time ago. I think it was shortly after the fork. At that time, no one trusted Oracle to actively support a free product. They had a dismal record of disliking FOSS.

@BladeRunner21577 - 28.05.2023 18:09

I use OpenOffice to this day, it works well for me.

@LaMirah - 28.05.2023 16:51

I'm not good enough to do my spreadsheeting in LaTeX, but word processing and presentations? Sure! The main advantage of LibreOffice is enabling me to open files MS Office users email me with only minor formatting issues, but these very same formatting issues make it hard to send the corrected files back, in particular pptx presentations.

@ordinosaurs - 28.05.2023 16:50

OpenOffice... some people are old enough to remember StarOffice, and how Sun opened the code to p*ss off Microsoft !

@TUXmint - 28.05.2023 16:35

What likely happened: Some government decided to save on Office licenses so contacted Apache to set up a support agreement. As long as they "develop" OpenOffice they get paid, All this resulting in them hiring someone to keep it on life support until that government stops funding them.

@JankieHands - 28.05.2023 16:18

I used open office from highschool. never knew there were more option. i was so frustrated with open office crashing. i tried to search once best free office software and never saw libre office back then

@helloweener2007 - 28.05.2023 03:36

Not a Linux user but a windows. This whole Office mess is a chaos.
If you have one installed, you see that you need another because it does not provides thew funktion you need.
Used MicrosoftOffice at university. For a homework in statistics I got a slightly off result because MS Office was using a different formula than OpenOffice.
The OpenOffice one was the correct one. Switched to OpenOffice (this was before the split).
For another class, I needed the solver for a linear solver. The solver of Openoffice was (maybe still is?) very limited against the solver by Microsoft.
When LibreOffice came out, I switched again but it was something messy. I used it for some time but there was soemthing that was annoying me in the handling that was not there with OpenOffice. So I switched to Apache OpenOffice.
It is doing it for me now but I do not need it for any statistics or solving of linear systems anymore.
But being able it to run it in 64bit is a reason to LibreOffice again a chance.
I mean last time I had it on my PC might be 8 years in the past.

@joemac3588 - 28.05.2023 02:29

I see no problem with people using either one. I you like open office, why should you switch just because it's old, it's not like a web browser or OS where it makes you more vulnerable to attacks. I personally use libre office on the rare occasion that I need to read a pdf or type up a document, but if someone else wants to use older software why not. Of course if the formats ever change, then people will have to, but until then use whatever one you want.
