Hey got a question , does animation retargeting work on 2d characters?
ОтветитьThanks for your damn video :))!!!! Love it so much!!!
ОтветитьONLY if your both character are from Mixamo !!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьClear, easy to understand, straight to the point.
ОтветитьThank you so much! Super Helpfull!!
ОтветитьGreat tutorial! Although I'm at an intermediate level with Unity I've learned some new things here. Thank you
Ответитьgreat videos! best ones
ОтветитьTrying this on a pair of other models and I'm getting the error "Copied avatar rig configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match: Transform 'mixamorig:hip' for human bone 'hips' not found. How can I solve that?
ОтветитьThe problem with humanoid animation type is that hair bones and clothe bones will not get animated when retartgeted. Is there a way to make it work on humanoid rig?
ОтветитьSos una genio amiga hace rato que buscaba un tutorial así sobre este tema, saludos desde Argentina
Ответитьtook me forever to find this information. thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьSo clear. Thank you.
ОтветитьThis is by far the best explanation of unity retargeting that I have come across. Thanks!
Ответитьamazing tuto I have being wait for that for long time thx thx
ОтветитьI have a doubt, do u think that i can use this way to copy animation with low poly object?, because they dont have bounds as fill as hight poly models, sometimes a low poly object have few bounds.
ОтветитьIt's not work to my own character that rigged by mixamo. The position of the bone is not same.
ОтветитьThank You😍! I love the way you talking. Your Voice.
Ответитьthanks , it really helped me a lot. i tried entire day to match the animation downloaded from unity asset store and my character. i changed skin meshes and bones and nothing worked. at the end ,you helped me to fix the issue . i didn't had much knowledge about the rigging. thanks for helping me.
ОтветитьReally nice content. You have helped me a lot. Thanks! I love your channel and your tutorials!
ОтветитьAmazing tutorial to explain retargeting and avatars. They really useful. Thanks!
ОтветитьI am building my very first game and I've been struggling to retarget animations to my custom character for soooo long. This was really helpful. Liked and Subscribed!
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьOh wow, had no clue about that animation constraints feature, only IK.
ОтветитьA lot of learning in this short video, thank you very much
Ответитьthamk you so much
ОтветитьThanks for this super clear explanation! 😎🤘
Ответитьsuch a good video ! thanks for making it and explaining everything shown
ОтветитьWhat if you want to use an animation clip, instead of an animation from mixamo, how would you retarget it for your model?
ОтветитьThank you. This was so clear and easy to understand. A great 'bite sized' chunk of learning. I've just picked up unity for the first time and trying to teach myself. One thing I'm trying to do is real beginer stuff. I have managed to make s sphere move and follow a route using keyframes. I now want to make a second sphere follow the same path but just to the right of the first. The problem is, when I duplicate the original sphere (with animation) and then try to adjust the position of the copy, at also changes the position of the original. Is there anyway I can copy and edit an animation without it changing the original? Thanks in advance. Atb Paul
ОтветитьThankyou Ketra Games, I use Mixamo to rig my own character, when I select an animation and apply copy from other avatar to my custom character's avatar rigged by mixamo I would get an avatar copy configuration miss match warning, following this I first create an avatar from a mixamo character then retarget that animation to my own following this method, no more warnings.
Then I found, if I re download the animation with my custom character still uploaded to the mixamo site, then I don't need to retarget from another mixamo character. I'm curious to know why this is.
same results if I chose fbx binary, or fbx for unity, also curious what difference this makes.
I'm enjoying how clear and well explained your tutorials are, well done.
Extremely helpful, compact info without wasting time
Ответитьim receiving "mis-match" error constantly. I have researched it but found anything can someone help me
ОтветитьAmazing info :)
ОтветитьThank you, helpful. Subscribe
ОтветитьI have a humanoid character, that already has some animations. I want to add some basic mixamo animatons like walking / running.
But when I use an avatar, only the mixamo animations work, when the old animations start playing, the character root position is set down on the Y-axis and the old animations are not working / playing.
Do you have any idea? I'm a little confused by the Avatar system
Ответитьthis is by far the #1 most useful video on the internet!
ОтветитьYour tutorials are excellent. Very focused and well explained
Ответитьomg this is so useful !!! thanks a lot !!
ОтветитьThere's some way to retarget animations without use Unity Humanoid? I wanted to retarget the animation of one generic to another generic without need to retarget my model to the Humanoid rig system.
ОтветитьThank you so much, this tutorial helped me so much :D
ОтветитьThis contant very good! Thanks for this! I appreciate!
ОтветитьIt was very helpful. Thank you
ОтветитьThe muscle settings don't work for me on 2021.3.22.f1, it has zero effect.
ОтветитьAbsolutely fantastic. I have just discovered your channel and I hope you keep on creating such nice content. You have a great pace, the video is not too long, you highlight every single step and talk in a clear simple language. Thanks a lot!
ОтветитьExcellent tutorial❤
ОтветитьWorked Like A Charm ,
Thank you for this. Interestingly, because of this video, I was able to use my Unreal animation assets in Unity!