What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Demystifying Medicine McMaster

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@malignantgoldfish7224 - 18.01.2024 12:46

I'm tired. I'm just so tired. I just want to have the energy to cook my own food and clean my own house, but I'm just so very tired

@jhonkhan8153 - 30.12.2023 15:15

I've said it time ⏲ and again, philanthropic and their criminal evil disinformation behind operational practices of truth, living God and true science and common sense that has been already install by the living God of science that they choose to go against for their God knows what?,it is not and never the doctors fault, it is directly the fault under geopolitics that can be used against people and race, destruction of their economy of human development, and this evil 😈 groups got massive cheerleaders behind them on the fields of politics, this has gone on for centuries and during biblical era , we don't consume this and that, this people are less human before the living God but only me the choosing one ,primitive achiaque mentality brought forward to what's been witness today? Whilst this sufferers and I meant hold the keys under true science of understanding of how human clock ⏰ ticks 🤣, those criminal's and murdererers are walking free, ain't they?

@FPSMEGADETH117 - 14.12.2023 19:41

What a load of 💩

@shirleyac12 - 02.12.2023 17:11

It’s extreme exhaustion but no one believes you , just because you work FT and you socialise .
All other tests been carried out. My blood work is great . My daughter has cfs / me . I carry on and only would appreciate recognition from my work friends and family . My hubby understands as he’s seen the change . It’s like a switch turned off . 10 years . I’m always fighting exhaustion. I was an aerobics and walking freak. Now hubby has to cook if he wants a hot meal . I eat well but easy raw foods sometimes. I’m far from lazy . I’m a facts anorak . Interested in most things . Can’t do my physical hobbies anymore . I’m very creative . Artistic . I miss that as I have to choose between working , keeping friends or fun stuff I like . I read lots and watch documentaries. I enjoy life but it’s a half life .

@DTM45 - 30.11.2023 16:46

Ritalin or adderall used as last resort.

@MookuuPC - 20.11.2023 17:58

Red Light/Near infrared light therapy has helped those suffering from CFS immensely. Hope those suffering with this see this message.

@petergore1972 - 16.11.2023 15:36

Peter Gore Seer,
A Damage Liver Problems.

@multiversomental6893 - 19.10.2023 05:07

Great summary. You forgot to mention the worst symptom of all: the POST EXERTIONAL MALAISE 😢

@dharmacanau-kurt764 - 15.10.2023 12:17

When I told everyone I was beyond burnt out I was speaking truth. Aswell thank you for busting the myth around excersise. All doctors say its vital, it is. However its debilitating. How are we meant to over come this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

@rosenkshetri792 - 04.10.2023 05:04

I'm fucking so sick and tired 😫

@AD-BC-84 - 27.09.2023 15:54

"People with CFS are more functionally impaired than people with MS? Really, can you go blind and have body parts paralysed by cfs then or not be able to eat or lift your head?

@professordegenerate8482 - 11.09.2023 02:40

Strange how they don’t mention how variables such as diet, exercise, lifestyle ect can link with cfs…

@nikkijanson5821 - 31.08.2023 16:54

This syndrome sucks so much. In my country there isnt much awareness for this syndrome or anything close to tiredness. I have been to few doctors, just to tell me its the pill, age, I do to many things or that it fly over. I am 20 yo now and I struggle to complete a full day of school. I split my last year of school because of this and I am worries since I tried everythig over summer vacation to get my energy back. I went again to a doctor, who said I need to take extra vitamins and be outside everyday. I cant say to anyone that I am tired because thy say I whine to much. I also get to go in therapy for the 4th time now, because they didnt find anything yet. I am getting sick of people and doctors not knowing what to do about this. Thank you so much for explaining and education<3

@pbufh - 29.08.2023 13:44

Made up disease

@ghostcircuitry - 17.08.2023 20:09

Covid caused this in me. I never had it until had Covid. Now it comes and goes depending on how hard I physically push myself at work. Once it kicks in It can last from days to weeks.

@spr9915 - 18.07.2023 10:28

Background music is very loud!

@joshstryker214 - 17.07.2023 19:53

Try adhd medication it's the only thing that wakes me up

@blp9182 - 05.07.2023 08:06

Just a quick information for those suffering with CFS, it's heavly linked with past trauma/emotional repression, And a learned pattern by the brain.

@christinarodriguez8584 - 29.06.2023 02:39

Do any of you tend to have slightly more energy in the evenings?

@kathygreen6043 - 10.06.2023 18:31

Feels like a long slow death. Body weighs two tons..

@Hannahleigh_ - 18.05.2023 23:50

CFS makes me feel like giving up. Physically feeling sick 24/7 makes me feel like not being here at all because I can’t function normally

@kugakuga3579 - 13.05.2023 16:03

Does anyone else have nausea, and all over aches and pains sometimes, eyes also affected?

@LisaS1 - 03.05.2023 03:27

Anybody know how to eat to help this condition please? Thanks!

@LisaS1 - 03.05.2023 03:26

I think I have CFS. If I take a shower that is just about all the energy I have for the day. Yesterday I went out after taking a shower and I got so light headed at Starbucks I had to take an Uber home. After being home for awhile and laying down for a few hours but I couldn't sleep, I got up and after sitting for a few minutes I was overcome with dizziness and I had to lay down again. Today I couldn't go out as I felt to fatigued and dizzy to go out.

@jimmyhuesandthehouserocker1069 - 25.04.2023 14:36

I believe I've got CFS because I seem to have all of the symptoms. For all of my life, I've been said to have a lack of motivation and I've gone through life sleepy and tired and I've had practically everybody I've ever known, make fun of me or hate me or fire me off jobs for being slow and unenergetic. I believe this comes from when I was 3 or 4 and when the wind blew at night, the TV aerial made these terrible spooky ghost sounds what terrified me and I screamed and screamed but my parents just let me go because they thought I knew better

@texmo87 - 25.04.2023 07:54

35 year old male here. 3 years ago I was running marathons, competing in boxing and various sports. Then I Contracted mono and everything changed. I never recovered from mono, can’t exercise worth a shit anymore without being down and out. This shit is no joke, been a struggle. Not to mention how hard it was to get a doctor to give a shit.

@realabhinavarya - 19.04.2023 21:50

Why do Americans talk with a deep cracking voice?

@user-dd2qu1ij2z - 14.04.2023 07:53

Its great to see someone is talking about fatigue as it is very common these days also you can use ANTI FATIGUE PACK by PLANET AYURVEDA as it have three combination of drugs which removes all fatigue.

@zet0korp - 10.04.2023 04:45

Personally, I would investigate my gut. Go see a doctor for a stool sampling and search for parasites and fungal infections.

@lindacarol5982 - 03.04.2023 05:47

Pain=mental illness and mental illness causes pain. The mind and body works together

@dorothyrineer6199 - 11.03.2023 02:34

I'm exhausted all the time! It's just awful. No doctors have been able to help. I just want to feel alive! I don't want to live the rest of my life feeling half-dead or like I'm going through life half-asleep. 😢

@TDashem - 10.03.2023 23:51

I've had all the symptoms mentioned here since about age 17. I did notice it all started around the time I started smoking weed. I wonder if there is some correlation. Perhaps they should do a study.

@benitoandrews3603 - 03.03.2023 18:46

Recently it’s gotten so bad,

@randomthoughts4429 - 26.02.2023 17:54

I think I have this but in 3rd world country you can't rest or else you'll starve. I live paycheck to paycheck and I am really very tired as hell doing or not doing anything.

@rahulbangar786 - 25.02.2023 05:48

Once you know your cause of fatigue, you can get over it. Fatigue can be caused by depression, too much thinking, impaired liver or kidney deficiency, low vitamin b12, being overweight, too much carbs, anemia, and many more causes.

@shazilla4 - 22.02.2023 02:16

I fear I may have this. Such a goddamn shame that there is no cure. I'm going to be exhausted until I'm dead. Somebody just fucking kill me now.

@charlieshumway4046 - 10.02.2023 03:58

please stop with the music

@edzanjero353 - 03.02.2023 04:33

Inadequate audio.

@mhmyeahtotallynotacowinmen3373 - 25.01.2023 09:08

How early can someone develop this? I’ve been struggling with this for a while

@Strayperson982 - 24.01.2023 08:12

As somebody with diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome. I very much nearly died from it. If it hadn’t been a day before. I’d be put in a medical coma, and that had a high chance of death. I was unable to keep food or liquid down, passing out, trembled whenever I walked and struggled. Always exhausted. Coughing, and collapsing 😅

@B.McAllister - 22.01.2023 15:39

I have POTS, almost died in 2005 from Myocarditis (aka heart failure) and pretty sure I suffer CFS from as a symptom of the POTS and the viral infection that caused the myocarditis. I get fatigue so bad I sleep days away yet wake up feeling as if I never slept. I get aches like I am coming down with a bad flu that seems to get worse by the hour and suddenly fades away after I sleep. I get so tired that I nearly collapse when it hits me. I have never felt anything like this before. It is a tiredness so bad it is like being awake for a week and feeling like you could sleep as soon as your head hits a pillow. Yet it takes forever to sleep because you're so tired and fatigued, feeling achey as if your bones and muscles are made of glass. Just got over my second round of covid which seems to have made it worse. Anyone legitimately diagnosed, is this what CFS is?

@seedplanter7173 - 16.01.2023 07:14

If you got the clot shot your going to have to do more research, but if not it's probably because your WiFi router/ smart meter/ cell phone/ cell tower is to close to your person. Good luck

@RealVision24 - 03.01.2023 19:39

Cold showers & cold plunges completely fixed mine in my person situation. The wim hof method changed my life

@mirandas9655 - 09.12.2022 23:27

Became partially disabled due to a lower back injury and Tronchantric bilateral hip bursistis and iron deficiency anemia :/
It’s so hard to stay awake I can’t do it without coffee

@skreety0455 - 28.11.2022 23:52

Too much Whoopie! Sit back an eat a gallon of ice cream!

@skylinefever - 24.11.2022 23:59

The thing that really bothers me is doing what I am supposed to do, and feeling worse.
Ever try to repair your computer by the manual and still not have it work? Ever been told to just follow the manual, and be called an idiot who never follows the manual? That's my life.

@nylehotaling675 - 24.11.2022 18:05

Wir sind alle in ein "Game Sytstem" gekommen- es heisst U.S.A. oder Amerika. In dieser Spiel, wir sprechen Englisch; glauben Amerika oder U.S.A. ist am gerechtigste Name ans Benuetzen. Viele haben das Glauben gehabt, Gewalt und Blutgiessen war gerechtiger Weg ans Lands Besitzen hier; das der Land war "von Gott" an uns, "Amerikanischen" gegeben. Alle solche Glaubungen sind von einer gruendsaechliche Getaeuschung. Ueberhaupt haben die Leuten hier ein "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" immerzeits; ich glaube es war viel mehr schlimm mit jener Aquarius geworden. Die Miasma ist erstsaechlich von Englisch
Benuetzen. Es gibt kein Sprache mehr schlimmgezeichnet fuer uns hier. Erster, sicherlichste am beste ist Skottische Gaeligh, Deutsch und Irish sehr fast so gut. Niemals ist ein Englischer in Land hier gewohnt, auch ist nicht moeglich sie haben Englische Voreltern. Einerdings, Rasse von Frisians oder Englischeren misschten niemals mit anderer Geschlechten, mit ihrer hochnaesiger Vorwurf an Allbion; spaeter, genzer Welt. Sie waren ein Urwetu Geschlecht, was bedeutet, kommte aus einer verbotene Mischung. Die 13 gruendsaechliche, reine Geschlechte sollen nicht misschen, ans Kindern Machen. Alle Zeichung und Channel fuer Englisch war voellig aus dem Welt genommen, mit jener alter Aquarius. Niemand in Land hier hatte eine Rezefede Zeichung Englisch; niemals, zuwiss- aber das werkte etwas, vor Aquarius. Heute, ist nicht moeglich, jemand hat die Zeichung, oder Rezefede Englisch- noch Dutch und Finnisch. Sie machten ein Nicht-Geschlechtlicher Land hier, gibt's grosses Verlieren damit. Ist moeglich sie machen es ein Rezefede Land, mit geschlechtliche Segnung und Energie. Am bestes Wiedernennen ist Nova Skotia oder Alba Nuadhl Hier sind die Zwei am groesste Verletzungen fuer uns, Fluch aus dem Fanne hier gemacht, und Miasm weil sie sind nicht geschlechtlich, Rasse. Lands Ober Zeichung hier ist voellig Keltisch geworden; Geschlechtliches Energie, Wyethqar genannt, ist am beste Medizin moeglich, fuer Miasma...

@KidCity1985 - 21.11.2022 05:27

This is an absolute awesome explanation.

@LM-bv9wl - 07.11.2022 03:11

I'm tired of being tired. Tired of epilepsy, tired being a mum with short bursts of energy that cant last a full day, just tired. I want to go back to work but constantly wonder how ?

@pxls9149 - 27.09.2022 05:25

