How to add a simple map to your web page (Easy Mode)

How to add a simple map to your web page (Easy Mode)

Google Maps Platform

4 года назад

41,646 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@davidgagne2501 - 04.11.2023 19:40

I have to say, this video was not very helpful at all for breaking down the actual "how to" of using the Static Embed API. It's a very surface level explanation of technical details without providing the step-by-step process for using the API. For one thing, this video is assuming you know how to generate the latitude and longitude of the location for the embed link. It also assumes you know URL encoding. The amount of assumptions here is tremendous. I think this should've been broken up into a series with one video doing a sort of deep dive into the steps required to go live with each API type - one for Static Maps API and another for the Embed API.

@albab790 - 14.03.2023 07:44


@chempranav - 17.10.2022 16:56

You dont need to get API keys for embedding these on website. Simply select the place/maps and in share option choose 'embed' and paste the iframe code in html website. Where API keys come here, making it unnecessarily complex procedure!

@cargorisk5114 - 31.05.2022 17:42

Could you please provide a video showing how to make a map in an embed Data Studio report work on a webpage? I´ve done a lot of research but the info I find does not resolve this issue. Maps on Data Studio reports appears blank... Please help

@snake1625b - 18.07.2021 10:29

nice tie :D

@itswiko - 30.04.2021 14:05

After 2 hours trying to embed a Map with Map Style applied I gave up. Google Platform is so confusing and no support is given, Tutorials in the platform are useless.

@kaushikg1833 - 01.08.2020 17:28

cool feature

@PauloAfonsoJr - 12.06.2020 07:57

Resolveu meu problema. Obrigado pelo vídeo.

@GheorghiuRobert - 20.03.2020 20:10

this is just awesome, a very awaited option!
