I need that hoodie
ОтветитьI wont be buying the new books. Crawford can go pound sand.
ОтветитьSpeaking as a forever cleric, we've always been broken. In every edition of the game and the majority of other rpgs in existence the cleric is always the most op class. We can do everything...literally everything. Tank, heal, dps, utility, we've got it all covered and that's just the basic cleric, it really starts getting insane when you get into our domains.
ОтветитьThe cleric has always decided so lives and who dies. This is a natural progression of events.
ОтветитьInstant cast of Prayer of Healing too. Get that Beacon of Hope up
Ответить"Domain Expansion: Hallowed Grounds!"
ОтветитьSo the spell has a casting time of 24hrs, can't use it. Simple as
ОтветитьThat ending line! 😂😂😂
Only thing funnier would have been to deliver the final line in a Batman voice!
its not possible to make a robust system for a ttrpg, that isn't "busted" like this. But luckily its never a problem because DMs aren't robots.
ОтветитьExample 1 thousand and 3 of why I refuse to use the new rules and instead homebrewed my own
ОтветитьNot any hallow only works on suoernatural creatures aka planer beings and undead the types u can pick are like fiend celestial fey aboration and undead
ОтветитьA team of all Clerics the A-men just got buffed hardcore.
ОтветитьDoesn't work that way. Its casting time is still the same. The feature only lets you use it without a spellslot an preparation and materials, but the casting time stays the same.
In the feature it is stated "As a Magic action...", and the definition of the Magic action says: "When you take the Magic action, you cast a spell that has a casting time of an action or use a feature or magic item that requires a Magic action to be activated.
If you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 minute or longer, you must take the Magic action on each turn of that casting, and you must maintain Concentration while you do so. ..."
Remember that spell effects can't penetrate total cover. So this might work for one encounter- not the whole dungeon. Until it is dispelled.
ОтветитьEasy solution. House rule that the cleric ability doesn't affect Hallow.
ОтветитьI have just realized another thing that makes Clerics OP in 2024.
Their capstone “Greater Divine Intervention” lets them cast Wish without a spell slot once every 2d4 days. And there is an argument that that unique way of casting with a drawback would mean that the normal “33% chance you can never cast Wish again” doesn’t apply. Even if it does, you only need to pass that check once for the full effect of what makes this uniquely OP.
Wish has a few options beyond “recreate any 8th level or lower spell” that are denoted as things the DM can not mess with the outcome of. One of these is replacing one of your feats, that is not a prerequisite for another feat you have, with literally other feat you qualify for.
Epic Boons are a type of feat who’s only prerequisite is being at minimum 19th level.
I present to you that which can not be slain.
1st level: dwarven cleric. Origin feat doesn’t matter.
3rd level: forge domain from Xanathar’s. Which means you’ll get special defensive bonuses when wearing heavy armor at cleric levels 6 and 17, while being able to add +1 to your armor or shield at this level.
4th level feat: heavy armor master, so your heavy armor now reduces weapon damage by your proficiency bonus.
8th level feat: tough
12th and 16th level feats don’t matter. They’ll be replaced by epic boons at 20th level.
17th level makes it so your heavy armor gives you resistance to weapon damage and immunity to fire damage. As a dwarf, this means you’re resistant to the 4 most common damage types, three of which you reduce even further, and immune to the 5th most common, while also having an extra 3x your level in HP beyond what you’d normally have from leveling up. Hopefully at this point, you’ve gotten a set of “[Heavy armor] of X resistance” of an element other than fire or poison.
19th level epic boon: Boon of Energy Resistance. Pick two from Acid, Cold, Lightning, Necrotic, Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder. You are now resistant to your picks. Poison and Fire are also options, but you get less from picking one of those. If you have armor that gives an elemental resistance, take that out of the options as well. Whatever you pick for this boon, if you’re hit by it, you can use your reaction to deal damage to whoever hit you with them.
Level 20:
- first casting of Wish gets you Boon of Recovery. When you drop to 0 hp, you pop back to half your maximum instantly. You also have a pull of TEN d10s that you can use to heal yourself as a bonus action, and you’re a cleric so you have even more ways to heal yourself, on top of the ability to cast Death Ward on yourself.
- second use age of Wish gets you the Boon of Fortitude. Aka: the Tough feat on steroids *THAT STACKS WITH TOUGH*. Gain another 40 HP, and when you regain hit points you regain extra HP equal to your Con Modifier.
You have more effective HP than the average damage most wizards can deal if they used all their spells for just that purpose. Especially if any of those spells are fire based since against fire damage your effective HP is infinite.
Literally Moises praying to give festering boils to Egyptian 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI failed to follow the logic beihind saying that a spell that took 24h to cast don't have a casting time? Am i missing something?
ОтветитьExcept hallow specifically states it is energy vulnerability and cannot include bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Also they can just leave the area.
ОтветитьGreat idea, until the next encounter and the enemy cleric immediately casts Hallow for resistance to slashing damage , and makes your hallow worthless.
Ответить"Ah neat. Anyways, all of you are now weak to Force. Why? Because the enemy here has cleric levels and used this action to cast Hallow on you all."
Ответить"He can't help you, he works for me now" is a baller line!
Ответить…Doesn’t hallow not work with Bludgeoning Piercing and Slashing?
ОтветитьI really like this channel but some of these fake combos really suck. The rules of divine intervention dont change the cast time. They just remove the spell slot and material cost. The reason they specify no reaction spells is because they have triggers that shouldnt be bypassed
ОтветитьNew dnd rules are clearly done by non gamers xD
As they now have anti fun rules expecting people to not exploit their broken game xD
"He can't help you. He works for me now."
"... Yeah. But you know who He prays to? Me."
I just pictured him in the corner of a padded white room whispering these conversations to himself lmao
ОтветитьMy campaign just had someone do this
ОтветитьThere things that can never be fixed.
ОтветитьThat's not a problem. Divine Intervention is a big deal and should be powerful. It would be a problem if there was a way to break the "long-rest" requirement.
so it still takes 24 for hallow or whatever casting time the spell normally requires.
O wow that’s crazy should have stuck with divine intervention classic
ОтветитьSo then they also got rid of the rule that says it's any damage type except for bludgeoning, piercing or slashing? 🤔
ОтветитьIt gets worse when the light cleric chooses fire damage
ОтветитьJokes on you, they know that campaigns never make it to that level, it was a bait all along😂
ОтветитьOh DM,
Broken be thy game
Hallowed is the name
Thy kingdom crumb-
led to pieces, numb
My will to be done,
Here as it is in combat
All my foes left flat,
Lying face down, in the dirt
Shaggy pants, torn shirt.
That's not right, Divine Intervention allows you to cast a spell as an action, it doesn't change the casting time to an action. Still takes 24 hours.
ОтветитьO'boy what is the D&D headquarters thinking 🧐🤔😊
ОтветитьNothings broken if everythings broken
ОтветитьI've read the rules a few times and level 10 is just divine intervention, where is this guy getting his rules from?
ОтветитьDispell Magic - so it's good but not broken (at least not more than other classes)
ОтветитьAnd then they nerfed paladins to the ground
ОтветитьThe creatures do get a saving throw though. Unless they changed the spell too.
ОтветитьThe magic power of no
ОтветитьHe works for me now. 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьDM, who art in heaven; Hallowed by thy game