How to set the BEST keybinds for any class | Dragonflight

How to set the BEST keybinds for any class | Dragonflight


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T D - 06.09.2023 20:58

Subbed! I gotta convert to keybinds 100% . I use Logitech G203 lightsync mouse w/ 2 buttons on left and one on top behind wheel. Also an Apple keyboard for my Mac so 'cntrl' is hard to reach w/ smaller hands. Do you advise using my 2 mouse side buttons for 'shift' and 'ctrl' conditionals? 
It's hard to get stuff for Mac in SE Asia where I live but some are possible.

strange man
strange man - 17.05.2023 01:50

So You need to creat new charact and leveling no mouse click only keyboard use ... Good luck

FML - 01.05.2023 21:23

Combining keybinds with mouse buttons opens up a lot of new combinations as well. I personally use the left and right mouse buttons alot. Mouse keybinds probably works best if you are a caster but that might just come down to personal preference.

Even though Dragonflight came with a lot of improvements when it comes to keybinds it sometimes still falls short when you want to make keybinds with mouse buttons. To compensate for this I use the Clique addon which basically does what Blizzard is offering since the start of the expansion, but (still) slightly better.

And yes, if you are an altaholic it's a good idea to put similar abilities on the same keybind. I'm currently in the process of streamlining all my characters and getting rid of separate addons for action bars (like Bartender). Ticking off that "Character Specific Keybinds" checkbox is scary at first, and it's quite a bit of work to fix UIs if you have always been using addons, but eventually the payoff will be worth it.

A lot of classes and specs also have little tweaks where you can link a keybind to a macro (basically a little script) instead of directly to a spell. Such as the Ravager example in the video, you can make a macro where it is immediately dropped at the current position of your mouse pointer. This saves you a mouse click and with some practise this can improve your gameplay experience (and hopefully your DPS).

Bao Vu
Bao Vu - 10.04.2023 04:47

I'm a pro click to move pvp

Frankie - 26.03.2023 16:55

Just started WoW for the first time last month. Already got a level 70 monk and am working on my level 64 hunter now. I'm still having trouble with the key binds but I've been doing alot of research and have been slowly adjusting. Coming from OSRS to WoW was a huge change. Thanks for the video 🙏

Street Rat
Street Rat - 03.03.2023 21:08

Or just buy a controller.

Xoros de Hunter
Xoros de Hunter - 25.02.2023 04:01

"...or worst yet, if you're coming from mobile gaming. <pause> Good for you. Big jumps there." ROFL ... classic. As to the rest: very helpful, informative video - well done. Thanks a bunch, man.

Irond3vil2 - 13.02.2023 16:08

I use ESDF instead of WASD for movement, opens up more options for keybinds to the left of your movement keys

Donk Zilla
Donk Zilla - 11.02.2023 09:45

I use
Then shift CTRL variants.
Space to move forward. ZX is strafe.

12345 are burst CDS macros.
6-0 are random pots etc..

qactustick - 10.02.2023 15:35

Even though I've used a mouse with a thumbpad for the past decade or so and so can just use the 'default' keybinds for the action bar, this video still gave me ideas for how to bind more stuff. That said, I think it went a bit understated here that you don't have to put everything on a keybind. Buffs like Battle Shout seem pretty safe as clickables, since they don't have to be used very regularly!

Lunar - 07.02.2023 21:34

One thing I've done that has always been a big help for me throughout the years is: my main rotational abilities are 1-4. My big dps CD is tilde. 1-3 on my mouse are things outside my main rotation that I refresh a lot or things on a short CD that I use off CD. 4-6 on my mouse are cc's (kick, stuns, roots), 7-9 on the mouse are movement abilities like dash or disengage, and 10-12 are my big defensive CD's

Natka96 - 04.02.2023 15:57

the biggest hint I can give you, bind two most spammable skills of you on mouse wheel up/down, thank me later warriors. also get razer naga

Gerald McLaughlin Gaming Videos
Gerald McLaughlin Gaming Videos - 04.02.2023 06:56

Thankyou Great Video!

Leonardo Reperger
Leonardo Reperger - 03.02.2023 23:14

trying to switch after 12 years of clicking... and I find it very stressing to move while pressing abilities. I sound like an addict in rehab... :')

Aura Wolf
Aura Wolf - 03.02.2023 04:27

the possibilities for hotkey combinations really opens up with the right macros. they can automate, simplify, and speed up certain tasks with things like stance switching, trinket/gear/item usage, self-casting and auto-targeting, etc.

you mentioned this in the video but its also wise to keep specific types of abilities on the same keys if you play multiple classes. that way you are developing muscle memory instead of just memorizing.

Nanda - 22.01.2023 11:44

i keybind everything. i don't follow a concret logic, but go with what i think fits lol
the side buttons on the mouse i leave for the pet (i play hunter)
im very casual and dont care much for meta, i just find way nicer to walk with mouse only and use the keyboard exclusively for skills

Chumpin Custardchops
Chumpin Custardchops - 16.01.2023 03:54

I’ve been playing for years but I just can’t move away from clicking icons. I’m crap anyway so why not be slow too! 😢

pete gameco
pete gameco - 13.01.2023 12:47

arthitis for us older gamers , pinky hurts dont use much , :D ctrl + 1 2 3 4 but thats it

Derrick - 09.01.2023 22:27

What do you think about binding shift and ctrl to the two side buttons on your mouse and only using alpha numeric keys that are easy to reach? Then you'd have a row of ctrl + button, a row of shift + button and then just a normal alpha numeric row.

NUTREX - 04.01.2023 13:30

how do you hit an ability accidentally like that shouldn't happen at all maybe 3 times in a life time

ACPhantom - 01.01.2023 04:14

Off topic but what mouse is that you have in the thumbnail

Troy Speaks
Troy Speaks - 27.12.2022 11:35

Have a corsair mouse with extra button that I have strictly for ctrl and alt. So I just press button and 1through5 as ctrl 1through5

Tigburt Jones
Tigburt Jones - 26.12.2022 19:14

Nice 8 minute intro, I think you forgot to mention keybinds

Aristaeus - 26.12.2022 18:02

appreciating the time and effort but how is this a keybind video that doesnt start with; "move your wasd to esdf" ?
overall good tips though

Bolter - 26.12.2022 17:54

Id recomend adding 5 abilities to the mouse: 2 mouse thumb buttons, and 3 on wheel (up, down and click). Then you add binds for shift + those 5 mouse buttons, and for ctrl + those 5. That way you have 15 abilities in your mouse. Then you can go ahead and add things like mounts, consumes, not too readily needed abilities to Q, E, R, F etc etc. Ez. This way, you can even play one handed while using 5 abilities

Sunsence - 26.12.2022 17:09

Pinky strength: finally that 2 decennia of bass playing is finally becoming usable.

Lieve Heersbeestje
Lieve Heersbeestje - 25.12.2022 17:20

Glad you're making an entry guide for new players. Anything similar in the works for new players in Dragonflight in general (starter guide or something)?

Cpt Kronic
Cpt Kronic - 24.12.2022 22:04

My average parse is 93.4 and i am a clicker. Razor mouse with a turbo click. Got like 5 bosses in wrath classic I have 99 parses. 436th place on sappiron. All with 10-15 guildies and rest pugs.

Sinnlosaberlaut - 24.12.2022 19:24

nice video boi

CrispyGaming - 24.12.2022 18:30

This definitely put into perspective how important key binds are! Happy holidays!!
