TrackIR 5 in 2023: Is it Still a Must-Have?

TrackIR 5 in 2023: Is it Still a Must-Have?


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teas - 20.09.2023 17:57

Its a clincher on if i play games for any significant time. If i have to force it with mods and freepie, moatst often that's good enough. But more games should have native support.

MeoithTheSecond - 05.09.2023 12:26

I just attach my trackclip to the top of my headset via a hair tie borrowed from my wife, easy to put on easy to take off, no extra wire's. In my instance it seems to track perfectly fine for SC but then my man cave isn't particular bright, one day i'll get around to trying out my trackclip pro.

Mulberry2000 - 04.09.2023 20:11

Trackir is rubbish it never works. i have one and two both are terrible, would not waste my money on it again. Look at the video he is in a darken room.

TheKetsa - 24.08.2023 09:32

We want to see the products and information about it, demos of the proiduct, its use.... not your face for hours.

borderm3 - 19.08.2023 06:20

Can you set it up so that the response is on a non linear curve so that you can actually see behind you without having your head actually looking behind you irl and seeing behind you on the front monitor?

Carson W
Carson W - 17.08.2023 11:14

I really don't think this is a good choice for a combat flight sim. You have a limited field of view still and if someones on your six, you're screwed. For like 100 bucks more you can get a VR headset and be able to look all the way around

anthony g
anthony g - 15.08.2023 08:33

i just got mine a few days ago half the time i turn on dcs the tracker isnt working or on its red so im not to happy with the program crashing a lot

Tom LaGoe
Tom LaGoe - 11.08.2023 05:42

I wouldn't leave home without it.

Kristamany09 - 08.08.2023 14:34

Hello, I watched the videos and I would like to buy something like this, but I also saw that you can make a HeadTracker out of a regular camera and I don't want to invest a lot of money in it, so isn't it better to buy a camera and just install the software?? Thank you @G-LOC MEDIA

russell - 06.08.2023 22:33

Been using Track IR with msfs since 2007 I also use it with condor glider sim and cant fly without it. Using the standard clip works great even at a good distance in my full size glider sim Yes cut the front off a crashed asw15. The wife went ballistic when she came home from work and found it in my gaming room, had to take the window out 😎

@i_dodge_trees - 31.07.2023 04:14

Dude got hit with the "purple burglar alarm" at the beginning

Undertaker - 25.07.2023 23:17

When you mention the difference between the TrackCipo and the TrackClipPro I feel that it is all to do if you have any issues with daylight. I find that the standard TrackClip works as it should as loong as the room I am in does not have to much daylight. If there is then the Pro is much better, I used the TrackiR for MFS2020, ETS2 and looking into maybe using in some other sims :)

Kaldra Versvesh
Kaldra Versvesh - 24.07.2023 00:27

The Track Clip Pro I use because I don't wear a cap for gameplay, especially with 5 monitors (2 monitors high)

Kamrul Arifin
Kamrul Arifin - 22.07.2023 05:31

Trackhat is another more affordable alternative to TrackIR. been using it for years, starting from the basic modified PS camera, and now with its own designed sensor. Very satisfied with it

SharpeXB - 18.07.2023 20:46

I don’t know where you got that pricing from but NaturalPoint sells the TrackIR 5 for $149.00 US. That’s not very expensive at all. I notice that civilian flight sim players seem not to use it much because mostly what they’re doing is looking straight ahead. But in the combat sims you would be at such a severe and frustrating disadvantage that the game wouldn’t even be worth playing. So it’s a funny topic for a video to try and discuss whether this is worthwhile. It’s an absolutely essential piece of gear, again without it these games aren’t even playable. TrackIR is still the gold standard for head tracking.
TrackIR does not use up system resources, anymore than your mouse does. If you have any PC performance issues, they will just be more noticeable when you turn and move your head, that’s what you’re noticing. For the trouble you might have with switching profiles, just enable persistent profile in the settings. And regarding the track clip vs pro, the only good reason to go with the LED pro is if you’re in a brightly lit room where reflections are a problem. Clearly if that’s your normal lighting in the video then this is a non issue.

Google User
Google User - 07.07.2023 20:30

100% required it's like a joystick or yoke. Freetrack is a good option I used freetrack for many years for IL-2. I lost my freetrack IR clip and ir made camera, not sure how that happened must be in a pile of a junk but anyways I bought track IR 5 and they work the same just for your information.

DiBarkis - 02.07.2023 06:44

I've used TrackIR for 15 years now, TrackIR 4 from 2008 to 2009 IIRC, and from then till now, it's TrackIR 5. I've never had the software issues you describe. Also never had my profile automatically switched without any input from me. And for these years of trackIR 5 use, I've never used the standard track clip because that would force me into wearing a hat. Can't combine a hat and a headset, and since I wear a headset all the time, I opted for the track clip pro. Much better detection and accuracy if you know how to set it up. This is my 2nd TrackIR 5 since I started using it. The first one died for no reason (probably was defective) but this 2nd one I've had since 2013, so I've had it for 10 years and it's still good. Only gone through 3 Track Clip Pro's in all these years and the first time was because it was broken by a careless friend. The 2nd time, it wasn't broken. I just changed my headset and the new one had a slimmer arm than the previous and the track clip pro foam had already "adapted" to the thicker arm of the previous headset and therefore was loose on the new headset.

I also own the Tobii Eye Tracker 5,, and this would have been my TrackIR replacement except for one reason: My primary flight sim is Microsoft Flight Simulator, and Tobii Eye Tracker 5 has no pause button for it. A pause button is a must-have for flight simming because when you're flying and turning knobs or entering stuff in the FMC, for instance, you're head movements make it hard to accurately turn the knobs/push the buttons. But if you have a pause button, you can pause the Tracking camera for as long as you want and take care of the business on the FMC, then resume tracking. If you do this on the Tobii, it recenters your view, which is a huge NO-NO!!! You can however overcome this with sims like DCS because the pause function is included with the Tobii Game Hub.

Also, when you say the price is $250, are you talking USD? I ask because trackIR is $149.95 and the Track Clip Pro is $34.95, but if you buy the bundle it's $169.95. Been this way for a very long time.

L3AF - 01.07.2023 12:18

ive had track ir for the longest time and i lost the IR reflector, bought a tobii, and its not on the same level of how good the Track IR is. i just wish they added IR stcikers or something so u could mod ur headset or a hat without having to use the clip

MrSpinkser - 30.06.2023 19:46

I had never flipping the profile on me. Not even once. Maybe there is a hotkey that can be assigned to switching profiles that you are pressing by accident? 🤔

Paprika Chili
Paprika Chili - 28.06.2023 18:03

I find price of TrackIR questionable, with the fact, how easy and cheap is to make one by yourself.

Junk Mail
Junk Mail - 27.06.2023 17:24

I don't wear hats so trackir is definitely unimmersive for me

Jazz Man
Jazz Man - 27.06.2023 03:16

I have track and tobi and have used Tobi for a while now but since watching this I pulled out Track and boy am I glad I didn't sell it! The response is much better than Tobi, not sure if it's because of an updated Flightsim profile but it feels so much more accurate now.

SideshowRod13 - 27.06.2023 02:14

I have one of those cheap chinese knock-offs and it's identical to the official version (uses same software). Use mine with FS2020. My only complaint is the monitor mount which is crap - I 3-d printed my own in the end.

Wordy - 18.06.2023 18:50

Thanks for sharing your experience and review for TrackIR 5. This is most helpful review I have found in 2023 (heaps of searches) as I consider if/when/what to purchase. Thank you! (clup tric plo.. lol)

Derek Bennett
Derek Bennett - 18.06.2023 04:46

I've used track iron for years. Only trouble I have experienced is if there is a bright light behind you such as an open door to another room with sun light entering in it will cause the camera to flutter around.
If you are having any trouble with it returning to default it is because you do not have it set to "Exclusive". Otherwise it works great!

mtakacs8305 - 16.06.2023 09:40

Your video missed the best advantage and the worst disadvantage of TIR5.

The best advantage is that you'll able to use helmet mounted sights in DCS for pointing out targets in DCS. For example A/G operations in A-10 that's invaluable.

The worst disadvantage is that you have to create an almost completely dark environment around your computer. You are constantly fighting against sunlight if your room has windows and even the smallest gap between the window frame and the shader can cause headache. Furthermore, it's not so healthy and mood friendly that you have to fly always in a dark room, even it's a hot summer day outside....

Regarding wires on your head... I'm using DelanClip which is a headpiece with integrated battery (however I had to put a filter on the LEDs because they are too bright for TIR5) but I'm pretty sure that there are many more other wireless solutions for TIR5. You can use a simple portable USB battery pack for example, and connect that to Track Clip Pro, then you can move freely in the room.

I'm using TIR more than 10 years, my first unit faulted in last year, but re-purchased it. It's a must-have.

menacegtr - 15.06.2023 12:04

You surely must know by now that you click exclusive in the main section were you decide which profile to use to keep whatever profile you use a lot. Using the hat clip is the way i go but beware of sunlight, it will screw around with tracking and cause all amounts of issues. In the daylight, just keep curtains, blinds drawn, for me, that is the only issue i have. At night there is zero issues using the hat clip. I tried the pro clip but that went straight back in the box. An extra thing to have strapped onto headphones of which could be a problem mounting depending on the thickness on the headphones, plus the dam cable and the fact that it is very flimsy and prone to snap. Use the hat clip on a baseball cap and your good to go, MFS 2020 is superb with trackir. Just remember to take it off the cap if you plan on wearing the same cap outside.

Jeremy Young
Jeremy Young - 12.06.2023 18:18

I see you have a yoke and a Hotas set up all in one, I’m trying to do the same thing! Any chance we could get an in depth review of all your peripherals and a cockpit tour?

Flight Sim VR Dad
Flight Sim VR Dad - 11.06.2023 19:09

Thanks for sharing. I am VR guy using the HP Reverb which I love but it creates a pain point for content creation. I was on the fence between the TrackIR and the Tobii. I just ordered TrackIR as a result of you analysis. Thanks again and share more great stuff.

Albert Buira
Albert Buira - 06.06.2023 20:09

I used TrackIR for long time in my flight simulators games. Since past year I get Tobii and now is , IMOP, better for me, no items on your head, so easy.
Is very sensitive and you need adjust to your requierements, but when you get it.... Incredible.

Glenn LeDrew
Glenn LeDrew - 04.06.2023 09:15

I couldn't live without at least some form of tracker, and mine is the TIR5.

For me, the basic clip is absolutely fine. I see no need for the Pro device. I have my clip attached to the top of my headphone band, mounted on a stiff wire extension to place it more forward than my face (actually, a bit farther forward even than when mounted on a ball cap.)

In short: Indispensable!

I have never had one instance of a profile swap during the 4 years of use thus far, nor any other software glitch I'm aware of.

Blue Dun
Blue Dun - 18.05.2023 22:11

I have had my trackir unit for many years. I wanted to get back into IL 2 Sturmovik with the new versions. My TrackIR worked great with IL2 1946. But I bought a new computer with Windows 11 and installed the newest TrackIR driver. It shows up and it works fine in the TrackIR settings program. It worked in the Scripted Mission mode of IL2, but for some reason in other modes my view was backwards in the cockpit and can't fix it. Now I'm looking backwards in all the modes of IL2. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver....reset key bindings to manufacturer original settings, and increased light filter threshold in the TrackIR settings. Nothing. Any ideas?

loocius - 13.05.2023 07:13

I Have Issues With Setting Up The Curves With Tracker IR. I'm Ready To Give AimXY From Cubesim A Go.

ComandanteJ - 29.04.2023 19:44

Get a chinese copy, don't give a single cent to natural point, they sell a product that is ass, it's buggy, packs incredibly outdated sensors, and is worth maybe 10% of what they ask for it. It's bafling to me that, with the sim explosion after covid hit, they haven't even tried to get a new product on the market. They launched TrackIr 5 in 2009... that's 14 years ago! The copies work just as good (or bad), but sometimes are more durable because they use metal on the clips instead of plastic, and are still very overpriced, but not as much as "the real deal".

Duvud08 - 28.04.2023 17:49

If you have some at 3 a clock in dcs and you point your head there. Won't you be moving your head from the screen or am I just stupid?

Tahzib Hussaini
Tahzib Hussaini - 25.04.2023 07:14

its 2023, and trackir is still wired....and the only wireless option i found was in ebay and it looks shady AF

AAA - 22.04.2023 05:57

I have both Tobii 5 and TrackIR. Tobii is more convenient, TrackIR is more accurate and easier to configure.

I find myself going back and forth on it. There's something to be said for not having to wear the reindeer antlers and a headset if you dont care to.

Peder Andreassen
Peder Andreassen - 17.04.2023 23:07

Hi. I'm wondering if you could try using this with vr?
My theory is that you could use trackir and something like the cardboard VR headset to connect to your phone and have a mix of vr with trackir. This would be alot cheeper and really cool to try.

James Lord
James Lord - 17.04.2023 21:43

Yeah the non pro version you dont have a wire, but you have to wear a cap 😅

lol boy
lol boy - 15.04.2023 05:53

Can someone help me my track ir is locked in dcs but it works ibn other games dcs registers the device but it dosent work

nockoutt - 05.04.2023 00:34

I’ve been using Track IR 5 for around 5 years now. I never had any problems at all! The clip would not break as easy as you might think, just take care of it and it will work for years!!

Jacob Soupe
Jacob Soupe - 29.03.2023 22:59

I have the TrackNP which is just a copy of the TrackIR 5. It works with the TrackIR software and having owned a genuine TrackIR 5 before, it works just as well. One bonus is that the replica Track Clip Pro is actually wireless with its own battery pack. Highly recommended!

David James
David James - 29.03.2023 17:45

What I did was use the Delan Fusion wireless when I first started flying in DCS. I did have track IR as a back up ( unopened) and sold it last year.

Niklas Andersson
Niklas Andersson - 29.03.2023 02:02

TrackIR is the cheapest looking piece of junk I could never live without.

shaneduc - 27.03.2023 20:14

The only Issue I have is light pollution from a window in my room. I have a 3d printed battery powered track clip pro from Grass Monkey Simulation's.

rapid rapid
rapid rapid - 26.03.2023 01:58

I am on my second one because I totally disrespected my first one had it since Blackshark came out cannot fly DCs without it.

EbonySeraphim - 23.03.2023 22:52

I don't get how there's a claim that system resources are an issue. The software for TrackIR has remain mostly unchanged since it came out in 2009/2010...maybe earlier. Software that updates for shits and and giggles like that tend to bloat in memory very unecessarily. Similarly, if no one complained about it taking up resources back in 2010, how the heck did that become a problem in 2023? I don't even know how you manage to blame TrackIR specifically when I'm sure you have a ton of other stuff running in the background (as any sim pilot does). SimAppPro's (WinWing) for a while very seriously tanked DCS performance through exports - I'm not even sure that's fixed.

Also, I doubt there's a bug related to profile switching. You possibly haven't noticed that there is a key binding for profile switching, which you almost certainly want to turn off. I suspect you might occassionally be hitting said hotkey and having that happen, otherwise it's a very serious bug, that even if 1% of TrackIR users experienced, it would be a well known deal breaker. Unless you switch profiles within the same game/sim, just switch profiles directly in the TrackIR window.

CD - 21.03.2023 05:34

Thanks, super helpful!

TheJack4000111 - 20.03.2023 21:30

Get a Husky - they are Cool.
