The History of Windfury Weapon (Vanilla WoW to Legion) - Shaman

The History of Windfury Weapon (Vanilla WoW to Legion) - Shaman


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@ashtonmayfield9217 - 28.06.2023 19:31

Nice video but there’s a flaw, dual wield didn’t release until TBC not patch 1.11, we had to suck it up and keep fishing for shittier procs until tbc

@Vjklv-ty7mn - 08.05.2023 18:44

EXCAUSE ME,in WOTLK windfury can proc anything 3 times,and the 2handed axe BRNYTROLL THE BONE ARBITER has a 3% chance to do a lifesteal of 2500 shadow dmg and 2500 self healing,this is confirmed to have no icd,and can be proced 3 times on a windfury,it worked in orginal wrath,it works on private servers and it works on classic wotlk today,2handed enhance is not dead!

@SteaksOnSpear - 10.05.2022 10:51

After the TBC windfury nerf. They basically made a spell casting windfury effect in wotlk. Making Elemental Shaman by far the highest dps caster class of the expansion.

@WitherDJ - 08.04.2021 14:37

Shamans couldn't duel wield in vanilla.. that was tbc.

@helio2k - 23.03.2021 16:12

Man those old early internet days playing wow.
I played wind fury shaman, pretty fun

@ryantwomey3463 - 28.09.2020 01:06

Lol talks about vanilla Nerf and duel wielding on Shamans even tho duel wielding on shamans was a talent IN THE BURNING CRUSADE

@StrongKickMan - 06.06.2020 12:09

Lol so now i started classic to level an enhancer, just to find out that the specc i planned to play is actually unplayable

@RaphaSobral - 09.05.2020 18:56

shamans, could dual wield in patch 1.11? we are in classic now and they cannot at all! and its patch 1.14why he skipped all, why he skipped all patches till TBC?

@GamerZoly - 20.02.2020 19:49

Sadly this isnt the first video that says duavielding in 1.X.X patches.. people do you homework pls ! Dualvield came after 2.X.X patches

@WarsunGames - 23.10.2019 03:48

Coming from a Shaman who played WoW Since 1.6 Patch. This video so far is full of bullshit. Shaman didn't get double windfury procs. They did not All play restoration. NO ONE Played restoration Because restoration was Broken! Without any gear you couldn't heal raids. So no one played them. They where all Enhancement.94% of them.

@WarsunGames - 23.10.2019 03:46

No got damnit! Windfury never proced off itself.1 melee attack an 2 additional attacks thats 3 hits. if it proced off itself you would see 6 hits come from an attack. Do you ever see 6 hits in one swing? No? Then it never proced off itself!

@WarsunGames - 23.10.2019 03:44

Wow the second sentence alone is wrong. Windfury only gives 2 additional attacks. Not two to four additional attacks. It was never more than 2 an it was nerfed from all the complaining to 1 additional attack an they found it impossible to keep a shaman alive an it was returned to normal.Never buffed.

@denzo1636 - 05.10.2019 02:20

shamans cannot dual wield in vanilla

@majmunbezgaca5220 - 26.09.2019 23:17

was there some change to windfurys dmg type? cuz im playing tbc server right now and my windfury proc is yellow? instead of white ? so it counts as magic dmg instead of physical ? thats a nerf right ? from vanilla>tbc

@kiko3080 - 26.09.2019 23:14

was there some change to windfurys dmg type? cuz im playing tbc server right now and my windfury proc is yellow? instead of white ? so it counts as magic dmg instead of physical ? thats a nerf right ? from vanilla>tbc

@WarriorHorizon - 29.08.2019 00:18

I don’t see this is the 1.11 patch notes for the reduced bonus damage.

@jackwinterheld4335 - 01.08.2019 12:17

Probably in the minority here, but I don't like vanilla windfury.
It's not fun to deal infinite damage once in a year, and then suffer, hoping to maybe, possibly, very unlikely get it again, while doing just autoattack damage.
The move towards two one-handed weapons and different enhancements in TBC was a right call, and I believe TBC to be the best enha shaman expansion.
This is what our actual place is - supporting the group with different totems, while doing some dps aswell.
Sort of a "sage" role, letting the cheeky rogues and raging warriors go at it, while we stay a bit back and help them out, not wanting to get our hands dirty.

@hocke68 - 20.06.2019 00:03

There was a point (BC or WotLK) when Enhance Shamans would equip a fast offhand and use Flametongue while leaving Windfury on their main hand weapon.

@hvdiv17 - 16.06.2019 18:18

2hd windfury died in patch 1.11??????...nope ever herd of beavis all the way to lvl 80 2hd wind fury still one shotted people.

mop really is what killed 2hd wind fury when you couldnt storm strike with a 2hd weapon thats what did it.

@MrNilion - 01.01.2019 06:37

Kinda sad that enhancement shamans arent viable in vanilla PVE and after the 1.11 patch they aren't even good in PVP. Only class i really liked, guess im not playing classic.

@WarsunGames - 18.10.2018 21:10

Patch 1.11 Was the second worst thing to happen to Shaman. Specifically ALL Shaman. The broke all other skills with any other 2 handed weapons including Staffs which made Elemental an Restoration shaman completely defenseless. They could not survive any combat an quit the game. Others Who where playing Shaman 1. had no dual wielding gear so they couldn't defend themselves either also where stuck in a position where they couldn't deal enough damage after Every class got buffed but them.

Leaving them weaker as well as Reducing Defense. So now they take Massive damage from mobs cant deal damage to enemies an are forced to reroll a blood elf. So no. No one found a way for it too work. People quit the game at this point. This is when the people signing on to the game stagnated. An then it started getting worse when Blue posters ignored the Shaman community an started insulting an banning them.

An finally WotLK was the last straw. They promised to fix this class an they lied. An everyone started quitting the game. Some people still recommenced WoW But there where better games out there. No one was sticking to WoW.

@karelleszczynski4183 - 27.08.2018 17:12

You should have mentioned doomhammer's artifact ability, since it's all about windfury

@karelleszczynski4183 - 27.08.2018 17:12

You should have mentioned doomhammer's artifact ability, since it's all about windfury

@Heironeous77 - 27.08.2018 08:45

2 handed windfury didn't die till Wrath. In BC using it on the right 2 handers (usually pvp weapons with the right STR bonuses) reached almost Vanilla levels of broken. In moderate pvp gear in BC I could kill clothies with a Stormstrike WF proc, and blow most rogues to cheat death. Interestingly it was a perfect counter to warlocks at the time. Thanks for the memories with this, though

@rusfeedernoob5441 - 12.08.2018 05:25

I miss the dark grey hurrican animation so much! Good times...

@Seabersify - 20.06.2018 03:17

i always tried to imagine what the dps of a rogue would be while under the effects of slice and dice, tw/lust, winderfury totem, stormlash totem (from Mop) and shadowblades, so over 130% attack speed, addition auto attack damage with additional ability damage (with extra cp) as well as a chance to get 2 additional attacks with increase AP on top of addition damage from stormlash, god forbid if blizzard put weapons or talents with chance to grant an extra swing or 2 back in, which could proc windfury.....Jesus, can you imagine like, 10 attacks going off at once when windfury and extra swing chance procs each other at once and if you were outlaw, to have the mastery proc as well...They'd hit like a truck during burn phases

@TheVStella97 - 12.02.2018 16:53

What are your sources? You got most, if not all of it wrong.

@MrJamedawg - 11.02.2018 19:54

And you forgot about hand of justice... you didnt mention it once... the mosttt used trinket which also contributed to the proc... perhaps you shouldnt have done this video with the knowledge you lack. also you could not duel wield in vanilla until the TBC patch...

@MrJamedawg - 11.02.2018 19:50

how about try getting gameplay from old windfury too instead of just random current windfury which has no bearing...

@MrJamedawg - 11.02.2018 19:49

5 mins was a lifetime in vanllia standards considering pally seals were 30 seconds..

@ryanzblue - 10.02.2018 12:53

Totem twisting? And 2.4 enhance shaman was super viable and wf wasn’t mediocre. This video doesn’t paint the entire picture.

@aphamox - 02.11.2017 15:09

Unbreakable ! <3

@jesiemartin6511 - 12.10.2017 07:58

Did some one say [thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker] ?

@bvsandman - 09.10.2017 03:09


@runesolberg9097 - 05.10.2017 22:30

Made a shaman twink in TBC at lvl 49- 2x crusader enchants+ 2x flurry axe(epic 1 hander axe that could proc an extra attack) and different rank of windfury on each axe- this caused
windufurry to also proc of the other rank of windfurry. This caused my tauren shaman to just jump up and down with no other animation then the windycloud. killing elites in hinterlands it could do 6-700dps at lvl 49 overtime. The nerfed it in the end, but was fun while it lasted =D

@TrampyPulsar - 27.09.2017 11:27

Except you couldn't dual wield in vanilla...

@Turamwdd - 23.09.2017 08:58

Nef with WF totem....

@BruceWillis57 - 19.09.2017 19:26

I miss days of using fist weapon

@Zetheseus - 17.09.2017 23:55

isn't windfury also thrall's E ability in HotS?

@traut8913 - 16.09.2017 20:17

Windfury got passive in WoD and not Legion! :D

@TheNorgthas - 13.09.2017 18:28

attack->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered->windfury triggered-windfury triggered?

Is this possible?
