How to make Constant effect items in Morrowind

How to make Constant effect items in Morrowind

My Two Pence

2 года назад

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Alex Zent
Alex Zent - 04.09.2023 02:15

most efficient guide ever. truly helpful.

Phatty6969 - 26.08.2023 02:47

Dropping a shit out my ass right now

Chroma - 30.07.2023 00:09

what happens if I give a constant effect an area? LIke spell absorbtion with a 42 meter radius does that mean spells within 42 meters will instantly get absorbed?

MrToullaf - 15.06.2023 10:11

Permanent enchants is a joke! True power hide in casting ecnchants, and cast on hit. Enchatnting skill so powerfull (broken), that you can replace with it all magic schools with much more efficiency, cast speed, damage and same time it much cheaper.
if you play as an enchanter. only 1 type of constant effects matters to you - resists (to not die from reflected spells). And good resists can be obtained only from artifacts.

Chilbi Yito
Chilbi Yito - 09.06.2023 08:30

I think alchemy is easier

Mutant Hybrid
Mutant Hybrid - 07.06.2023 06:37

I summoned golden saints and killed them over and over, soul trapping them, and creating devices that gave me constant levitation, regeneration of health, stamina, and all attributes. I just flew around smacking everyone with my elemental blade like the Nerevarine I was. I enchanted my own gear after working my enchanting and intelligence up and buffing myself with intelligence potions and gear.

draco5991rep - 14.05.2023 01:56

A sword that absorbs strength from target is better than a sword just fortifying your strength. why? Because with each hit you get stronger and stronger.

Craig Black
Craig Black - 10.05.2023 12:43

Can't understood you. Speak American English or find a sub.

Anthony Gray
Anthony Gray - 03.05.2023 00:43

Knee-sus = Gnisis ❤

Spiritual Living
Spiritual Living - 21.04.2023 04:09

I figured out why I can’t do constant effect enchantments, for me ascended sleepers only count as 350 power instead of 400 and summoned golden saints are even less, is something wrong with my game or is a mod somehow messing it up? Ppl say they cost 400 power but mine doesn’t

Spiritual Living
Spiritual Living - 21.04.2023 03:56

It doesn’t work for me, I have high tier gear and soul gyms with golden saints and I use a fortify skill spell to get my enchanting to over 500 for one second but when I try to switch the enchantment to constant effect it doesn’t let me I’m so annoyed

Willy - 14.04.2023 04:56

What was that map you were using mate?

Chris Carson (Old And In The Way)
Chris Carson (Old And In The Way) - 12.03.2023 20:43

Jeezus. I now have at least 10 Summon Golden Saint Scrolls. Not hard to find.

King Arthur
King Arthur - 06.03.2023 10:11

Constant invisibility to never have to deal with cliff racers again when flying to quest locations.

Allen Bouchard
Allen Bouchard - 26.02.2023 18:37

1 pt of freefall is a godsend, not really slowing down but eliminating fall dmg. You actually enjoy powergaming your jumping and athletics above 120 after that!

Landon Cube
Landon Cube - 28.01.2023 13:39

During the mage guild quest to replace the bosmers soul gem with the fake one you can steal the grand soul gem filled with a winged twilight with no one seeing because she leaves

ME - 12.01.2023 04:30

I just had jump 0 to 4 or 7 idr on self constant effect on all my clothes.
Had 15-20 passive jump at all times and could basically leap onto building.
Also always had jump 20-50-100 points 2 seconds on self on spells or enchanted gear to fast travel.

KitSnap - 08.01.2023 02:37

When we cant go in the house!, !What happen if we go?

MisterRose - 06.01.2023 17:24

Wait theres no exploit or glitch? You can just do this? I’ve played this game since I was 15 and never knew this existed

Jarl Borg
Jarl Borg - 29.12.2022 23:56

Dragon city sounds like what Logan Paul imagined in this little feeble mind that his Cryptozoo would be xD In his "game" there is not even battles.. Haha might give this one a try tho reminds me of Raid

Faux Chung
Faux Chung - 28.12.2022 06:27

This is the most helpful video i have ever seen on Morrowind!

Cloopster - 27.12.2022 00:55

Great video, big help! And nice V A P O R W A V E

Reverse Mudkip
Reverse Mudkip - 22.12.2022 02:19

This guide was very poor in quality

Сергей Мисюк
Сергей Мисюк - 19.12.2022 10:43

Khajiit thanks you for your guide, mut'sera.

Inquisitor Walmarius
Inquisitor Walmarius - 16.12.2022 17:06

so magnitude shall be at 0 thanks to a bug in the game or how does it work, i did watch your enchanting video, but somehow i still did not understand everything about enchanting in the game. i have misused a lot of soul gems trying to make some nifty stuff, but none of it have worked as intended. all self casting and i got terrible magicka resistance to begin with.

Kymmx Necros
Kymmx Necros - 26.09.2022 21:08

Thank you this does help!

deserción -ke
deserción -ke - 18.09.2022 16:48

ничего нового)

sjef de belg
sjef de belg - 06.09.2022 02:14

Do a video of all fast travel options.. m&r, the propylons, the mage guild, the intervetion spells... show us how fast we can go , ... tip : place a recall in a mage guild or propylon chamber...

Jonny Croxville
Jonny Croxville - 08.08.2022 15:42

Skip the cost at enchanting vendor and just make the stuff yourself. Either save before trying and reload if you fail. Or better yet use alchemy to jack your intelligence to like 1100 for 100% chance to enchant.
Before ya know it you will have an amulet to summon golden saints...and some other item with soultrap on target plus damage health (or even better absorb health) on target to kill it and trap it.

You can of course get WAY fancier than that too. I was just keeping it basic.

KRG30001 - 23.07.2022 05:27

Thanks for the guides!

Liquid Sleep
Liquid Sleep - 21.07.2022 04:36

Two amulet of invisibility and you can be invisible whenever for ever how long until you decide to break it and then you can press a button to get it back no cast required

Your Average Neighborhood Psyops
Your Average Neighborhood Psyops - 10.07.2022 06:36

I've already found a way to get rich quick by selling to the crab merchant, this'll be easy.

Muffinman - 08.07.2022 00:37

I like constant Telekinesis on one of my exquisite glove.
You can open doors/containers from a distance without having traps affect you & you can steal from others more easily.

Sphendrana Drifts
Sphendrana Drifts - 02.07.2022 07:05

Gnissis: Knee-sis

G before N is generally considered silent. Gnat for instance, and Gnome : )

Remix God
Remix God - 22.06.2022 02:29

Just Enchant your own stuff once you're able to.

Unknown Astroid _
Unknown Astroid _ - 30.05.2022 19:16

One of the craziest oldest games I ever played.. never encounter such a master piece for this era ..the game seems endless when it comes exploring . Wouldn’t be shocked if this game was the best outta the series or underneath elder scrolls

Dan P
Dan P - 30.05.2022 00:25

PLEASE HELP - I have Azura's Star with a Golden Saint captured, but when when I go to enchant I can't change the option to "constant effect" I click the button and nothing happens. Doesn't matter if I use an enchanter NPC or do it myself ( I have 65 enchant skill and my INT is buffed massively through potions ) - Is my game bugged?

Aevvah_Flxwer - 13.04.2022 13:14

I'm so glad I subbed to this channel ♥️

Grrikísimo - 30.03.2022 00:44

I stole the Grand soul gem from the mages guild, but later in the game i ran into a guard and willingly paid my bounty (he didn't even ask for it) and i forgot they take stolen items, too

I felt like such an idiot after realizing what i did (days later)

Aphiteth, Lord of Light
Aphiteth, Lord of Light - 17.03.2022 03:15

Min Max those enchantments then equip the item. If the value of the enchantment isn't close to the max, unequip the item and equip it again. Aka, 0(zero) to the max value the item can hold.

Charlie Barley
Charlie Barley - 04.02.2022 16:18

I've just got myself 3 golden saint souls from bal ur whilst curing vampirism, made myself a ce night eye amulet plus 1 pt slowfall, ima watch this vid to get ideas for the other 2 gems
Also I've been pronouncing gnisis as "knee-sis" dunno for sure tho

Reese Torwad
Reese Torwad - 23.11.2021 04:40

👍 Liked & subbed. I already know all this stuff, just checking your work. Looks good so far, lol. Protip: After reaching level ten, go to Shurinbal, a smuggler cave just a stones' throw West of Gnaar Mok, right on the shore. Save before entering. Then, go in and execute the smugglers. Now look inside all containers. If you find a crate with two (2) or rarely, three Grand Soul Gems, confiscate them, and very important, ALWAYS MARK the crate (usually a bottle of cheap booze) so you won't waste time checking it again.

Once you remove something from a crate, you stop the contents from ever changing. After checking all containers for GSGs, go back outside the door at the entrance, turn around, and re-enter the cave. Repeat previous steps, and don't let minor trinkets trick you into removing anything except 2 or more GSGs. The un-tampered-with crates will all reshuffle their contents, every time you re-enter the cave. If done correctly, you can walk away with about forty (40) GSGs.

It's tedious, but it's a one-time thing, and I need all these for my Dagoth soul collection. You will also amass much gear (including minor trinkets, Dwemer weapons and armor), some Moon Sugar and Skooma for Caius or whatever. And so much booze, mostly cheap, but some Flin and Cyrodiliac Brandy.

(Reminder: Dagoth souls are insufficient for Constant Effect enchants, they just look pretty lined up on a shelf. And no merchant can pay you what they're worth.)

Jack Pfefferkorn
Jack Pfefferkorn - 09.11.2021 12:46

Good guide. Remember that constant effect enchants are a lot weaker than cast when used enchants for the same enchantment point cost. I would recommend getting rings of water breathing, water walking and levitation that you can switch in when needed so you don't have to bother with potion durations. Telekinesis 10feet or more is great to have because it lets you pick locks from cover or open trapped containers without taking damage. Feather is useless, it takes too many enchantment points, if you do fortify strength instead, you'll get more carry capacity as well as the other benefits that strength gives.

Wolcamophone - 31.10.2021 22:28

I've had more encounters with Gold Saints around the volcanic bay of Marandus. There's a Daedric ruin there as well as a cave with a friendly NPC and a respawning Gold Saint and Storm Atronarch. Keep heading east of Balmora, past the bridge where you fight the noob filter and his skeleton stand to get to the dungeon with the Dwemer puzzle box, and you should get there pretty quick.

Gator - 23.10.2021 21:01

Btw you can always make the summon saint for 1sec and soul trap target for 1sec then aim at feet and summon will be permanent. Summon many then levitate and use a made area spell that soul traps all and kills all one shot.

Avarice - 22.10.2021 12:20

I love the chill mood of these videos, nice job on the presentation and editing :D

Zey Face
Zey Face - 21.10.2021 21:25

I've needed this video

Gator - 21.10.2021 20:25

I just wish you could some how raise your enchantment power on equipment
