Shared Parameters in Revit Tutorial

Shared Parameters in Revit Tutorial

The Revit Kid

3 года назад

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@raybennett5109 - 17.09.2021 16:29

Actually you don't have to do the "count new" parameter. you can just do a calculated value who's formula is just COST, then make sure that calculate totals is on for that parameter.

@mahefareboza2090 - 18.09.2021 06:52

Congrats for the baby

@DotaProable - 19.09.2021 06:34

I am seven months into Revit in my current company and only now I understand why my specialist created dozens of shared parameters lol

@emilyjohnson7718 - 20.09.2021 21:46

Hi Jeff, great episode! Glad to see you're back after the birth of your child. I've got a client that has a new Revit plug-in tool they'd like to share with architects. We (my company Interrupt) were wondering if you would be interested in speaking with us about testing it out, partnering, sharing with your community, etc. We've emailed and messaged you on IG and FB too but figured you may not check them as often as your YT channel. Please reach out to us so we can give you more details. Thanks so much! Emily (Sr. Account Executive at Interrupt)

@sarbantovich - 21.09.2021 15:26

Hello friend! I'm watching you from Russia and I have all the same questions as others :) This means that language and cultural barriers do not matter! We are one community of like-minded people ;) Thank you for the video!

@ericb9378 - 23.09.2021 22:25

Is it preferable to have a single Shared Parameter file that works across multiple versions of Revit? We use 2017-2022.

@erikkj1 - 29.09.2021 21:54

This has helped me out so much!

@john-paulcain3781 - 13.10.2021 16:12

Thank you for thinking about Sole Practitioners, this should always be the was Tutorials are focussed.

@john-paulcain3781 - 13.10.2021 17:22

So I followed this video which was great, until... I want a mechanical equipment tag that does this "Shared Parameter_Room Number_Shared Parameter" but I cannot for the life of me work out how to do this. Any help much appreciated!

@damlayldrm3265 - 26.11.2021 14:21

Hello, thanks for video. How can i add shared parameter (for family) related to system family length parameter?

@abdalrahmanmost9 - 25.12.2021 02:42

this video is really great really helpful I am new with shared parameters but this helped me a lot. thank you

@khaledo83578 - 09.07.2022 01:12

Thank you for the valuable information. is it possible to have a tutorial in schedules for BIM 5D , quantity take-off and how to be related in Cost-X software please

@MrDrenahmeti - 13.07.2022 10:56

Really concise and on point, thank you! In addition, I have a question: if we are using the shared parameters does it mean that we never have to assign them to a particular family (so open a family and add them there and import them). Of course the tag family will have to be opened and the shared parameter assigned but the chair for example, since we are assigning them to the furniture category.

@rakeshpandey4995 - 15.08.2022 18:51

Love You, I am watching you first time , you are very humble & Funny ..Thank you for knowledge sharing ..Cute Kids ...God bless you ..Keep sharing

@kaykhosro1986 - 02.09.2022 17:34

If there are some family parameter or project parameter that we want to Tag them, what should we do? Is there a way to add new shared parameter and add a formula make shared parameter "equal" to the family parameter or project parameter? So, then we can tag it.

@farshadvamp - 01.11.2022 16:26

I have a question is it possible to create parameter with formula and shared with multiple projects?

@joshuahafel4506 - 06.01.2023 21:26

Wow, great video! Do you have any plans to go over Autodesk's new ACC Parameters Service tool?

@saravanakumarmondaymohanra4186 - 31.01.2023 06:58

God bless you Dear

@danishsaifi2074 - 10.02.2023 22:27

Can you please make a tutorial on global and project parameter?

- 21.03.2023 17:09

I like your explanation! this allows me to explain this tricky revit parameter magic or voodoo to people in the office

@zendude-dan - 29.03.2023 17:59

Hello, this is an awsome Video, thx. it helped me a lot. now my understanding of the complex world of revit parameters is way better. ive started revit 10 month ago, before that i worked for 18 years with allplan. best regards from Germany

@swiftmooseblz3872 - 15.06.2023 06:08

ah yo she got your hair lol jk love your vids

@Pa_Dave - 31.01.2024 17:33

So, I am trying to redo some of our company's families, specifically the doors. And we had a bunch of old shared parameters and a bunch named funky, with incorrect grouping. So, in question 1, I renamed some of the shared parameters. They look fine in the Shared Parameters file and within the door family, but when I bring in the Door into a Revit project/template, the names go back to the original names and categorize them likewise. So, are these housed somewhere within the project/template I cannot see? It was rather frustrating because I purged all the doors and cleaned up all the schedules. Is there a way to create a custom "Parameter Group" within the Family Type dialog? ie Construction / Materials and Finishes ..etc?

@lapx1 - 27.04.2024 16:01

Why wouldnt you always make a shared parameter?

@bojandjekic1 - 07.05.2024 19:21

THANK YOU. Great and more than helpful video.
God bless those two little cuties...

@gooberfishin - 13.02.2025 21:36

I don't know if this will get answered, since this is old. For plumbing fixtures, I would like to be able to schedule the fixture number, ie., P-1A, and all the pipe size connections with the tag. Why? Similar fixtures use the same piping connections and I would like to have just one sink group for all sinks. However I would like to be able to modify the tag and pipe connections sizes for other fixtures. Drag and drop kitchen sink tag, fixture number and pipe connections schedule. 82 sink fixtures; one group of geometry. Could you offer a workflow to create this or what kind of parameters to use? Thanks 🙂
