What Will Happen in the Next 1000 Years?

What Will Happen in the Next 1000 Years?

Second Thought

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@catholicguy1000 - 02.12.2022 23:23

Glad I’m not going to see this. Since 2000 world went to shit

@oksyar - 06.12.2022 02:22

GTA 6 would come out in 3018, if humans are lucky enough :p

@oksyar - 06.12.2022 02:23

Concept of Matrix will become reality in 1000 years.

@phillippierce5974 - 07.12.2022 00:27

We're smart enough to colonize other planets but we're too selfish as a species to pull it off, and we have to do it as a species. otherwise, forget it.

@MikeJ2023 - 08.12.2022 03:39

I’ll have my subconscious downloaded to a cyborg so I can live forever.

@Archer69 - 13.12.2022 03:01


@miltonmontes - 15.12.2022 20:09

I wonder if people from the future will look at this like we look at futurism of the 1900s

@crispylineslim5041 - 16.12.2022 22:28

Oh, I thought you meant a thousand years at our current trajectory! This is a best case scenario and I’m here for it.

@SoSikWitIt - 23.12.2022 06:46

im pretty sure nasa found a planet with more water then earth thats close to us mutiple actually they should go there not mars they havnt even went to the moon so i doubt it

@RaviRanjan-ds4lz - 05.01.2023 02:45

Hope humanity will survive next 1000 years it is so hard to imagine

@tedyhawed871 - 06.01.2023 18:15

If we don’t stop climate change and wars, we aren’t gonna make past this century, much less the millennium

@LordReskiy - 18.01.2023 08:24

I kind of want to be uploaded as an AI if i ever live to see the day that is possible, live a really long life able to see what happens in the next 1000 years, there will be stuff like forgetting the past because i have lived for so long, seeing the people i love die, maybe i could have advanced memory or just write stuff down.

@brolinb1979 - 18.01.2023 09:17

Trying to do some research just in case I’m here in 1,000 years

@bradleypollack5658 - 19.01.2023 00:20

I believe that Socialism or a Socialist hybrid system will prevail. It will happen by a depression due to capitalism being unsustainable.

@macdeus2601 - 19.01.2023 23:36

“One thousand years from now, there’ll be no guys and no girls, just wankers.”

-Mark Renton

@yototor5218 - 25.01.2023 18:14

i will want utopia because its the best for everyone

@robvanderwell5695 - 25.01.2023 21:02

You are so full of bs about the 'climate crisis' nonsense that it's hard to even begin taking serious anything else of your post.. Good lord..

@demented_cycles - 30.01.2023 15:26

If we make it the next 50 years

@raymondrussell7311 - 03.02.2023 08:56

Seeing how we are playing monopoly I would say a winner will emerge aka socialism, monopoly market capitalism or religion, then the persons dynasty that evolves will crush all competition-read Shakespeare where sons kill fathers then brothers then cousins and so on, innovation is competition so it will be crushed until an absurd self interest will dumb down the population, expect blind obedience and be unable to solve the simpilest problems ending civilization. The survivors will then try again if any are left, if they refuse to recoginise the monopolies like this idiot narrator does they will fail too.

@lordofthebored3660 - 12.02.2023 16:57

I just want to know what will happen to countries when we become interplanetary. I doubt that even in 1,000 yrs that the USA will become a combined force with China and Russia as well as other countries that don't like others or just don't want to be absorbed into something bigger and keep their independency. Languages is also a big thing because language is an integral part of culture and religion for a lot of countries. for example: the aboriginals of Australia who had theirs almost completely wiped out. there are a lot of other things, like currency, but this comment is already a bit long.

@MrYourDry - 22.02.2023 07:02

Finally 🙄

@josearellano203 - 08.03.2023 10:11

Well, I can believe a good amount of things here. Others, though, I don't find them to be true. Obviously, the future won't be perfect like the past or present. Just like no human being ever is perfect. I do agree with other celestial bodies being colonized and traveled. I agree with living for a long time, something I would love. I agree with robots doing many things. I agree with fast transportation. But I don't agree on climate change. Carbon dioxide is essential for life to exist, and climates always change. Science is coming to help bring extinct species to existence back. Actually, penguins in Antarctica are increasing. The Great Barrier Reef is doing well. To get rid of air pollution we can have nuclear fusion used. Let's end plastic pollution. Let's end poverty and hunger. I sure don't want to leave planet Earth forever. Who knows, we humans can still be here for thousands of years. I believe on Earth we can still be here for a long time. Let's get used to a world without privacy. I want nudism to be in the world, robots doing many things, ending diseases, 3D technology to be advanced and we travel to space more normally. I want to live to be 120 years old, which I turn that age in 2112. As we get more technology and mixing like never before in the future it's going to mean fewer languages. Our world can support many more people than those of us currently living still. Let's reform the world. Cheers to my descendants who are to be alive by 3018 to be in a world and space with lots of technology and long lives.

@arminpalic1975 - 09.03.2023 22:34

I really wanna see the future in real life!

@rivelinaroy1619 - 18.03.2023 20:12

Well can they make TEC that can get animals on Mars too

@baldassarealessi1007 - 09.04.2023 14:02

Thank you video brilliant compliment.

@oakguard - 11.04.2023 03:16

I think we as a planet will have a bitch slap moment as far as the environment is concerned i've seen and heard more and more people especially last year with more concern over it than before as for going to mars and terraforming it i've always been an advocate for getting us to become a multi planet species but i think people are too stuck on the idea of terraforming it maybe we will terraform it but we should keep it as it is for now and focus on survival and settlement building learn the land but we should also fix the world we already have because we shouldn't just put all our eggs in the basket that is mars, venus or where ever we choose to fly off too

@bekaralien009 - 14.05.2023 00:54

Yeah...one thing is sure... LGBTQ community will rise to the peak to demand their own County 😂

@somethingtodownloadvideos156 - 15.05.2023 05:25

Thank God for Capitalism. That's gonna get us to Mars.

@countryboy39051 - 20.05.2023 04:29

I thought this was interesting, until it became another nut spouting man caused climate change and the green new deal! 🙄

@captainpugwash2317 - 02.06.2023 00:22

Grand theft auto 6 will still be in production

@fastpsychology9596 - 05.06.2023 22:03

"There may be more beautifull times ,but this one is ours" enjoy my friends.

@Fush1234 - 21.06.2023 22:15

Hahahah… what bullshit

@imatalkin4358 - 22.06.2023 08:48

Jesus will return soon

@naledilethepa3202 - 26.06.2023 23:13

Unicorns fart rainbows 🌈

@aarcas - 08.07.2023 02:07

Yeah, nah, we're doomed.

@ryebread7224 - 10.07.2023 04:44

I looked up this video excited to see a video that could show some very interesting technological and societal advancements… only to find myself getting depressed about how unlikely this is to happen. The climate change aspect alone just leaves me feeling sad.

@jiheelee3175 - 13.07.2023 20:10

Convertir l'électricité en énergie lumineuse naturelle

@aditsud5354 - 25.07.2023 02:52

There’s no way someone in 1023 could’ve even fathomed ideas such as planes, internet, satellites, artificial intelligence etc. so we don’t know what will happen in 3000

@Handledudeyeadudeok - 26.07.2023 05:52

THIS IS SO SCARY I DONG WANNA LIVE HERE LONG 😮NO I just wanna go to heaven asap no this scary

@Breeze__gaming - 29.07.2023 08:36

In 1000 years we will still be playin gta 5 (gta 6 haven’t released yet)

@jeanloverture4306 - 18.08.2023 00:58

Racist video. Africa, the black race is represented by a few happy, grinning, running kids and abject poverty. Africa is rich in natural resources, a continent that is the envy of the world and the birthplace of humanity. Gimme a break!!

@markrich7693 - 02.09.2023 06:46

I do want Dash lane but it might be hard to sign myself up for it though

@eoachan9304 - 04.09.2023 22:58

This was outdated when posted, as well as following the media/corporate narrative on climate change 5 years ago, let alone in 2023 ;)
To be fair, an decent effort, but you probably need to redo it and do more thorough research. For example, the deliberate lie that a warming climate is always bad is just bunk. If you look at the periods of history of humanity where the climate warmed, you see prosperity increasing and more innovation, as well as more food, while colder periods are not so good. or the misreporting of temperature increases from 1940 to 2023.

Or the myth that the earth is at its warmest ever..NOT ;) There are many periods of much warmer temperatures in geologic history, and some also had fast climate change too. Many weather stations were in outer suburbs or even the country at 1st, then suburban and urban sprawl engulfed these stations, adding the heat island effect. there is a lot more evidence to disprove the Global Climate Doom Tomorrow myth, which is pushed by the media for more clicks and by big business as climate change dogma has spawned a multi trillion dollar industry.

Yes, the climate is gradually warming, and we should be careful, especially on avoiding tipping point events, but things are not quite as bad as we are told ;)

@user-uj9cc5ch5p - 18.09.2023 05:37

There are some truthful prophetic visions for the future. But Earth inhabitants will live in an age much different then we do now. Mr. X

@user-ep3ck5re4o - 10.12.2023 10:51

The way we are going humanity will be extinct

@user-ep3ck5re4o - 10.12.2023 10:55

If you thought we had dickhead humans now - wait for 1000 years 😖😖

@Skylark_Jones - 22.01.2024 17:02

For goodness sake, we could end world hunger **now**, we don't have to wait for the future for that! It's a political choice by the rich and the governments of poorer nations, they could stop these profound and increasing national and global inequalities. But they won't. It's despicable.

@bimini1216 - 05.02.2024 06:13

Prapagandic fear based non factual. Other than the Marxist in the video it's a good piece
