An Architect's Skeleton - Let's Play Subnautica: Below Zero Part 10 [Blind Full Release Gameplay]

An Architect's Skeleton - Let's Play Subnautica: Below Zero Part 10 [Blind Full Release Gameplay]


3 года назад

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Chance Monahan
Chance Monahan - 04.08.2021 21:31

Why, Welonz, why...


Why could you not have just had tiny little baby Squidsharks swimming in your base?


EJ Walder
EJ Walder - 01.08.2021 18:03

YK YOU can click away from the pda when someone is talking ???

Prabhat Pankaj
Prabhat Pankaj - 30.07.2021 18:32

Face reveal! Face reveal!

Yana Petrovs'ka
Yana Petrovs'ka - 30.07.2021 08:18

You missed some PDAs in that wreckage

Old Man Gamer
Old Man Gamer - 30.07.2021 07:42

By the way, the spiral plants you're looking for are much smaller than what you found in the spore cave. The sort of thing you might find in someone's garden.

Derpy Derpster
Derpy Derpster - 30.07.2021 07:09

Best counter for the cryptosuchus is to ram it with the sea truck... They are super frail and it doesn't damage the sea truck much... It's super hilarious you should try it

sonofhades57 - 30.07.2021 05:02

The Ultra High Capacity tank adds 180 seconds to your existing lung capacity of 45 seconds. You can stay under for 225 seconds total. Nearly four minutes of immersion.

Charles Baldwin
Charles Baldwin - 30.07.2021 04:08

To be fair to Alan, I've seen human skeletons plenty of times but I've never seen one randomly lying on the ground presumably where they died and were left because society had collapsed beyond the point of body collection.

Old Man Gamer
Old Man Gamer - 30.07.2021 02:20

That was super lucky finding that last tank fragment. It's hard to locate those things without swimming around with the mineral scanner. I spent a long time searching that area. By the way, the 180 seconds is only what's in the tank. You also have to add the 45 seconds you get for the base time for a total of 225. If you were to carry a second tank, you'd increase your total time underwater to 405 seconds. (6 minutes, 45 seconds)
The history of the mercury 2 are told with PDA logs found in the wreckage, but it's been here quite a while. Also, pay close attention to what your PDA is telling you about the wreckage. It's trying to give you clues.
A couple of little spoilers. You don't need the propulsion cannon for ANY of the Mercury 2 wreckage. It's all accessable without. Just look for another way....
As for the prawn, You can find it on the surface, but there's a second spot and you were pretty close to it when you were in the cave with the spores. (Your seatruck could get there...)
Another tip for the deep fragments: if you carry enough stuff to make a bio reactor, 6 titanium for a multipurpose room, 1 titanium and 1 quartz for a hatch, build a bio reactor, and you've got a local air source. Those floating spores are great fuel. So are the small anemonies. Most biomes have stuff you can feed a bio reactor for air. You can also make a locker to store stuff on site or a fabricator to craft on site to compress your inventory. One idea would be "base in a box" using the quantum locker. Later you can go from bio reactors to nuclear. (which you were also pretty close to) ;^)
If you really want to get cheaty, you could make power transmitters and build outposts for more air along the way.

King Ragnarok
King Ragnarok - 30.07.2021 01:23

But where is Wrex?

Old Man Gamer
Old Man Gamer - 30.07.2021 01:11

tip for inventory compression: Turn the salvage into titanium. Turn the titanium into ingots, Get the reclyclotron to later turn the ingots back into titanium. Or, if you've also got lithium, go one step further and make plasteel ingots. Reclclotron un-crafts stuff. It's like unzipping a file into it's parts that take more room.
edit: lol. You figured that out later in the video.

Heather Wolfer
Heather Wolfer - 30.07.2021 00:11

Glad you found the stern section of the Mercury II but there are some PDAs in there that tell the story of what happened to the ship. There are also ducts that connect to different areas of the ship so there is more there to look at.

Aww, I can't believe you didn't pick up the Squidshark eggs! They are really fun to have in the alien containment. Also, I hope you're not mixing up the Repulsion Cannon with the Propulsion Cannon. The first one is not in this game and the second one won't really help you scan any Leviathans as they are too large to be snared by the cannon. The scary fish has a name that you've encountered before; as I mentioned previously it has a connection with Maida's PRAWN suit.

Was that possibly a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference in the Arrow Ray's entry..."mostly harmless"...?

I'm really enjoying this series! Now, you just have to venture onto the land a bit too and find out what happened with Sam...

Rhi Wright
Rhi Wright - 29.07.2021 23:49

Every time I see a noot fish, I think of Pingu. Noot noot!

etalonbleu - 29.07.2021 23:25

Her sea truck looks like an orange cream popsicle thing now 🍊

Also the spiral plant is white and red

Cildan - 29.07.2021 23:07

You can find all you need currently in the Mercury

Trojan H2
Trojan H2 - 29.07.2021 23:06

You don't need propulsion cannon becos you was there from another side... And I think you can find nuclear power plant for ur base in there... In one of the ships..and some pda..

ELPM - 29.07.2021 22:47

if u did not decided to call the seatruck can u call it the seastuck

Juan V. Herrera
Juan V. Herrera - 29.07.2021 22:34

Damn! First time the notification reaches me in les than ten minutes.

ratty redemption
ratty redemption - 29.07.2021 22:31

thanks welonz.
